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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

If I were you

professional training from them -- calmly tell her that you will need time to absorb and digest. Like to do the training in a OJT format.

know how to speak English -- As long as work is being communicated (in the same way before I got promoted), it will be fine, but do appreciate her accommodation of minor errors.

demand to pay her payroll right away -- if her payroll was miscalculated, it needs to be corrected IMMEDIATELY.

She forced other staff to send text to me saying the business need her -- forward all records to HR.

she forced other staff to work on her schedule when I already made the time sheet for everyone -- nicely but firmly tell her that you are the direct manager here. If she steps over my toes, I have no choices but to report her conducts to HR and recommend her to be transferred.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 想请教各位关于怎么样合法fire 掉人,接手一个生意,前业主雇佣其中一个一直对我出言不逊还鼓动其他人和我作对,请教我怎样让让她走人?我本来想忍让她就算了;但她现在越来越过分,对我很rude。
    • 你是老板,还不你说了算。。。 +4
    • layoff 她的活自己干
      • 我可以找到任何人替代她,但就不知道合不合法layoff人,我的是服务行业
        • 解雇一个人有这么难吗?我被老板解雇可是灰溜溜地低着头默默地走出门的,搞得像是自己做了亏心事一样。
          • 还不是因为咱是新移民好欺负呗。不懂法吃大亏啊。我担心她告我,
            • 说她表现不好,不能胜任teamwork,Emotion control差,很多理由。
            • 就说精简职位好了,公司不都是这样吗。 +1
              • fire 打包回家,layoff得给package吧?
    • 什么行业? +2
      • 服务行业。。。
        • 当我读完全部贴子,猛然发现是2016年的贴子,顿时,想掐你的念头都有了,为什么复习那么久远的贴子呢,翻页了,好吧
    • why does she do so to you?
      • She kicked me off when I want to replaced one absent staff, +1
        saying I didn't get professional training from them.
        She yelled me 3 times saying I don't know how to speak English and demand to pay her payroll right away because of wrong calculation. She forced other staff to send text to me saying the business need her. she forced other staff to work on her schedule when I already made the time sheet for everyone.
        • 她什么种族?
          • 白女
        • 事情到了这样的地步,你没问问自己怎么爬到这个位置上的?貌似你管理得很不给力的说。 +1
        • If I were you +1
          professional training from them -- calmly tell her that you will need time to absorb and digest. Like to do the training in a OJT format.

          know how to speak English -- As long as work is being communicated (in the same way before I got promoted), it will be fine, but do appreciate her accommodation of minor errors.

          demand to pay her payroll right away -- if her payroll was miscalculated, it needs to be corrected IMMEDIATELY.

          She forced other staff to send text to me saying the business need her -- forward all records to HR.

          she forced other staff to work on her schedule when I already made the time sheet for everyone -- nicely but firmly tell her that you are the direct manager here. If she steps over my toes, I have no choices but to report her conducts to HR and recommend her to be transferred.
          • 阅读不仔细。可能有HR 嘛? +1
          • 如果我没有理解错,ta好像是生意的owner
            • 哦,如果是新小业主接盘,随便找个借口就 FIRE 了,还费什么脑子。
              • 我就是对员工太好了,她们觉得我好欺负。没有她们知道的多,一接手就让我涨工资。不听她们的就找事。我很头疼,但是不想惹麻烦让她们告我就没fire她们,现在变本加厉了。请问怎样让她们离开。
                • Review how Regan fired all air traffic controllers.
    • 以前有一个朋友接手一个生意,有一个老员工也是搞搞阵捣乱,那个朋友马上顾了几个part time 员工,新员工上手后就把那个捣乱份子的工作时间逐渐减少,收入减少后他自己辞职找了别处的工作了。
    • 我们公司是直接layoff.给的理由是restruction
    • 发两次warning letter, 如果没有改进就可以合法解雇了。
      • 不要warning,这种人就要一次过开掉,绝不能留时间给她搞事。 +3
      • warning是fire才需要的。layoff不需要warning