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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Becasue the needs and expected needs for each individual are totally different, it is hard to say which insurance policy or investment asset allocation is good until a full examination of one’s financial situation is conducted. It is the same as managing a company as managing one’s financial health. One needs to know about budgeting, savings plan and investment plan implementation and performance evaluation. Also, one needs to understand the mechanism of taxation, implications of business law and family law in terms of one’s pension plans and estate, etc. As long as one understand these complicated stuff, early retirement plans and other plans to pursue one’s personal interest can be initiated.

1. Insurance is designed to hedge risks. We all have exposure to risks, one of which is the loss of income (due to death and disability). That is where life insurance comes from. How much do you need? It depends on your desire of lifestyle of your spouse and kids. You should have enough money to have your surviving family at least keep the same life standard. Term policy is somewhat cheap in contrast with universal life. However, if you believe you can manage your money better than those fund managers, there is no need to buy UL.

2. Investment: this is the trickiest stuff. Because no one knows exactly what would happen in the future, it is hard to persuade any rational individual that the expected return would happen. However, researches have been done on this subject and the modern portfolio management theory shows that one can get relevant return on the basis of the risks she/he would like to undertake. Therefore, it is wise to aim at reasonable return and choose the right investment asset to let the time work for you. No one can beat the market for a long time. Extreme high return might exist for some short period of time, but it requires very astute understanding of investment. One time of earning a big amount of money does not mean anything other than luck. So, be realistic and learn by yourself, or if you do not believe you are much smarter than those fund managers, choose smart fund managers instead of investing by yourself. What you do then is evaluating their performance and firing those that you do not like. You can do that to get rich.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 看了大家很多关于保险和投资的贴,讲一下自己的一些观点和看法,欢迎指正。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Becasue the needs and expected needs for each individual are totally different, it is hard to say which insurance policy or investment asset allocation is good until a full examination of one’s financial situation is conducted. It is the same as managing a company as managing one’s financial health. One needs to know about budgeting, savings plan and investment plan implementation and performance evaluation. Also, one needs to understand the mechanism of taxation, implications of business law and family law in terms of one’s pension plans and estate, etc. As long as one understand these complicated stuff, early retirement plans and other plans to pursue one’s personal interest can be initiated.

    1. Insurance is designed to hedge risks. We all have exposure to risks, one of which is the loss of income (due to death and disability). That is where life insurance comes from. How much do you need? It depends on your desire of lifestyle of your spouse and kids. You should have enough money to have your surviving family at least keep the same life standard. Term policy is somewhat cheap in contrast with universal life. However, if you believe you can manage your money better than those fund managers, there is no need to buy UL.

    2. Investment: this is the trickiest stuff. Because no one knows exactly what would happen in the future, it is hard to persuade any rational individual that the expected return would happen. However, researches have been done on this subject and the modern portfolio management theory shows that one can get relevant return on the basis of the risks she/he would like to undertake. Therefore, it is wise to aim at reasonable return and choose the right investment asset to let the time work for you. No one can beat the market for a long time. Extreme high return might exist for some short period of time, but it requires very astute understanding of investment. One time of earning a big amount of money does not mean anything other than luck. So, be realistic and learn by yourself, or if you do not believe you are much smarter than those fund managers, choose smart fund managers instead of investing by yourself. What you do then is evaluating their performance and firing those that you do not like. You can do that to get rich.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • good stuff.
    • It depends how much $ one has. If less than 50 ground, he 'd better handle himself. Financial advisor/account manager is only need for people have $$$.
    • 有中文版吗?
      • Sorry, 打中文太慢.
    • Buy insurance or not? It depends.
      As for insurance, it is mainly designed for one's family member.
      If you are rich, this is the best way to pass your fortune to your next generation. And if you buy insurance to your kids and grandkids, you may achieve 3 generation's wealth.
      If you have moderate income and a family to support, $1000 year is the max.
      If you are poor and have no family to raise, don't buy insurance.
      • My understanding is, if you have tons of money, no need to buy insurance because your weath can be used to deal with those risks. If no money, it is advisable to buy insurance within your budget.
        • I think your opinion is right.
          Did you hear about Par life of London life? I think it's a good option for poor family. Anyway we need to think about how to handle with our life when we are old(such as older than 65). We need to save for retiring life. Par life permit you to take cash out or take a loan if you want to keep the cash in your par account. Of course you'd better to take it after at least 10 years. Then you can get a good accumulation for whatever yourself or your benificiary. Do you agree?
    • 中肯