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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛-Around 1980, Allen began a twelve-year relationship with actress Mia Farrow, who starred in 13 of his films from 1982 to 1992. They never married or lived together,
-Soon-Yi Previn was the adopted daughter of Farrow and her former husband, composer André Previn.
-Allen and Farrow had never married, Allen was not Soon-Yi's legal stepfather. After his relationship with Mia Farrow ended acrimoniously in 1992, Allen and Soon-Yi continued their relationship and she moved in with Allen. They married on December 23, 1997,and have adopted two daughters.
-Allen and Mia Farrow, though unmarried, jointly adopted two children: Dylan Farrow and Moshe Farrow
-In February 2014, Dylan Farrow alleged that Allen had treated her in a way that made her physically uncomfortable "for as long as [she] could remember", citing occasions when he got in bed with her in his underwear. Allen repeated his denial of the allegation, calling them "untrue and disgraceful", and followed with his own response in The New York Times. Dylan's brother, Moses, currently a family therapist, told People magazine, "Of course Woody did not molest my sister... She loved him and looked forward to seeing him when he would visit." He claimed that their mother had manipulated her children into hating Allen as "a vengeful way to pay him back for falling in love with Soon-Yi.

还有好多细节。搬不动了,有力气自己看去。反正到现在,老头还跟Soon-Yi Previn 是夫妻。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 随口说几句伍迪艾伦。给流木,荡木等等~~ +3
    • 精品解读!
      • 谢谢
    • 我是很喜欢这个老头子的...我也知道打死他也不会支持Trump的。 +1
      • 他也不可能喜欢希拉里。政治压根就不是伍老爷子菜。
        • 多年来头一次endorsed Clinton。和很多人一样,应该不是因为喜欢希拉里,而是太恐怖TRUMP上台的前景了。
          • 所以说我们看武帝,应当遵循毛老人家的原则,取其精华,去其糟粕。欣赏他最拿手的电影作品,摈弃他最无能也无知的总统候选人背书。
    • 好态度。
      • :)
    • 谢谢精湛解说。伍迪艾伦的确是游戏人生的典范。
      • 我很喜欢这个老头
    • 不错,文采风流
      • 谢谢
    • woody allen行走在世界的边缘,从他那里我们该领受的不是启迪,而是训诫 +3
      • Robert De Niro 和 Hugh Grant 都曾经因为召妓被抓,但是我在看他们演的浪漫喜剧时,不会因为污秽的联想而不忍卒"看"。
        • 欣赏是一个消化过程,不是吸收过程,对普罗大众来说食物美味可能就是其存在的意义,但不等同这里面都是有益的,人类的情感总该是建立在理智基础上的可测的发挥,,再者作为演艺界人士,作秀的成分还是占半,没必要专注揣摩 +1
      • 领受到什么,有该和不该么?那说说你得到的训诫吧~
        • 摈弃那些喜剧效果,和颓废的因素,我个人觉得武帝的闪光点基本都隐藏在那些非现实的情节上了
          • 也许是各花入各眼,每人看重的东西不同。看过他的不少作品。从 Annie Hall, Manhattan,到后来的 Blue Jasmine, Magic in the Moonlight, 等等。从来没有觉得颓废。只是喜欢他的幽默,俏皮,以及犀利。
            • 三观不同很难共通,对我来说,你鼓吹的那种非特定或者说集合性的博爱就是颓废 +1
              • 估计来几个高工,会觉得无聊滴受不了,士可杀不可辱:),咿咿捏捏的
                • 呵呵,要热闹那就来个神经病,一定天天回味无穷
    • 自己活痛快了就成 +3
      • 根本就不知道伍迪:),很少看电影,20几年几乎没看过电视,无欣赏名曲名画,没读过哲学书^,并不影响成为one of the “少数人”。是指璞玉般新颖思想,无需理论为之注脚的人,是天生的。
        • 你自视所属的“少数人”是哪些人?举几个例?你肯定是少数人。但此“少数”,非彼“少数”。
          • 书是很有用,对“少数人”与平庸的人都是有益,但一个头脑平庸没有明晰判断独立灵魂的人,书与知识改不了其本质,不一定有独到的领悟与应用。 +2
            • 有明晰判断独立灵魂,对我来说,是每个成年人必需具备的。至少我会这样要求我的孩子。真正的少数人,在我的定义里,是具有创造力和超常勇气的人,go above and beyond的那些人,那些改变世界的人。
              • 后句话对。前一句不完全对,明晰判断与独立灵魂没可能“每个人必须具备”与“要求”小孩得来,很简单,你这个判断就不明晰与“少数人”,可见一斑。
                • so be it
              • 大多数人不过是芸芸众生中的一员
          • 对少数人来讲,无读书也可以有其与众不同的本质,多书与知识更是一点点拨与共鸣就会如虎添翼。
        • 从生活中提炼,跟着感觉走
      • why not :)
        • 当兴趣爱好跟挣钱结合在一起
      • 没觉得这有什么痛快的,除了表达上口舌之欲上,,其实这先生的三观和这里的老夜有些共同点,我这么说大家都应该明白了
        • 口腹之欲,食色性也
    • 和养女乱伦。 +11
      • 啧啧,LZ 说的是 SHINE 的一面,你提 DARK 的一面做什么。
      • 说实话一直不清楚这段丑闻究竟是怎么回事,因为我不关心。本着可能有很多群众关心,刚才去维基查询如下:
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛-Around 1980, Allen began a twelve-year relationship with actress Mia Farrow, who starred in 13 of his films from 1982 to 1992. They never married or lived together,
        -Soon-Yi Previn was the adopted daughter of Farrow and her former husband, composer André Previn.
        -Allen and Farrow had never married, Allen was not Soon-Yi's legal stepfather. After his relationship with Mia Farrow ended acrimoniously in 1992, Allen and Soon-Yi continued their relationship and she moved in with Allen. They married on December 23, 1997,and have adopted two daughters.
        -Allen and Mia Farrow, though unmarried, jointly adopted two children: Dylan Farrow and Moshe Farrow
        -In February 2014, Dylan Farrow alleged that Allen had treated her in a way that made her physically uncomfortable "for as long as [she] could remember", citing occasions when he got in bed with her in his underwear. Allen repeated his denial of the allegation, calling them "untrue and disgraceful", and followed with his own response in The New York Times. Dylan's brother, Moses, currently a family therapist, told People magazine, "Of course Woody did not molest my sister... She loved him and looked forward to seeing him when he would visit." He claimed that their mother had manipulated her children into hating Allen as "a vengeful way to pay him back for falling in love with Soon-Yi.

        还有好多细节。搬不动了,有力气自己看去。反正到现在,老头还跟Soon-Yi Previn 是夫妻。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 假设 SOON-YI 从 1980 年开始和 ALLEN 有接触,生活中是父女关系吧(且不是 LEGAL 上关系)。1997 年 ALLEN 和 SOON-YI 结婚。之前已经从父女关系到了夫妻之实。这个过渡得叫乱伦吧。 +1
          • 他在实践 Lolita 的故事情节?
            • 不知道。同样的事,NORMAL PEOPLE 做了,就是错事,名人做了,算天才之举吧?
              • 是这么回事。。。
                • 如果说是真爱,你特莫别用父女关系的大伞遮着啊。到对象家找对象,还得敲敲门跟老丈人打个招呼吧?
                  • 所以,他们热衷收养养女,省去很多丈母娘家的麻烦。。。lol。
                    • 好么,棋盘好大。
              • 我根本没觉得是天才之举。说实话,我只觉得与我无关。
                • ?咱不是灌水呢吗?和谁有关系?和谁也没关系啊。
          • 常人看是这样。但woody肯定不是常人。老头和小他35岁的妻子这段婚姻已经维系了20年,如果这段关系不work, 我不相信他或者她继续下去。so be it.
            • 乱伦就是乱伦,和老夫少妻没关系,和维持多长时间也没关系,什么人都是这个理儿。 +1
              • does it matter?
                • 不讲道德,只看艺术的时候,不 MATTER。
              • 有些东西没有那么简单,从韩国女对他的态度来说,感觉是她主动的,从社会道德规范来说,他应该拒绝的,但是他就是个不活在规范中的人,从来没参加过奥斯卡颁奖仪式。
                • 嗯,杀人犯找不到替罪羊,也得说自己精神不正常,杀人的时候不是真正的自己。
                  • 啥乱七八糟的,如果真的是乱伦,还不得做监狱?这个养女的问题,很难说是什么。连法律上都不是养女关系。不丹国王在皇后7岁的时候就看上她了,难道算乱伦?
                    • 嘿嘿,钻法律的空子,就以为事实就被抹杀了?杀人犯因为没被抓着,就没杀过人了?
                      • 这事有什么空子可钻?杀人犯可以证明他不在现场。他这个明摆着和养女是有关系的,请问钻的什么空子?
                        • 你看 LZ 的 WIKI 不是反复在说他和她没有 LEGAL CONNECTION 么,ADOPTION 和他没关系么。如果没有 ADOPTION 关系,这是俩路人么。路人甲和路人乙结婚,当然正常了。
                          • 本来就是啊,他和前同居老婆又不住一起。woody是个有底线的人,但是如果他认为没有触犯法律,他就会push这个evelope,他不管名誉扫不扫地的,他的很多电影里都能看出这些性格。
                            • 我也只能醉了。发生了,跟没事人似的,被揪出来了,钻法律的空子,还说本来就是清白的。这叫艺术家,管住自己的 JJ 和暂时的思绪很难么?艺术家的 DARK SIDE 太特莫 DARK 了。
                              • 这事没什么清不清白的,他和前女朋友收养看着长大的孩子结婚了,这个是事实。只是大家看的角度不同,所以对他谴责不谴责完全取决于你的看法,你的条框。
                      • 杀人?wow 你这类比关系好吓人...did woody allen hurt anyone during this relationship with soon-yi, other than his then-partner mia farrow? if no, then it's his own business. 哦,看起来好象伤到某些围观群众了。。。
                        • ?不是和你没关系么?反正和我是没关系。好么,艺术家做也做出来,吃瓜群众反到 HIGH 上了。敢情社会条条框框是要求非艺术家的。
                          • wow这么high啊。你继续,我先退了~~ +1
                          • 其实你说对了。"社会条条框框"从来都是只"要求非艺术家"或草根百姓的。好来坞大腕的故事,在观众身上就是丑行。肯尼迪的浪漫,在平民那里就是淫荡。
                            • 偏偏粉丝们还说:本来就是对的啊。我@#¥%¥#
      • 他的whatever works,对这事做了一点解释。
    • 成功的人, 尤其搞艺术的, 多多少少都有些偏执 ~~~ 他电影里表达的应该就是他自己推崇的三观, 仁者见仁 ~~~
      • 一般人认为,很多艺术家都有些“病态”甚至“变态”。。。惟其如此,他们才能创造出不平庸的作品吧。。。
        • 是的, 昨天和LG 聊天还说了, 估计汪峰再也写不出啥好歌了~~幸福 == 平庸~~
          • 上次听了“满”,挺不错的。。
          • 肉联很丰满。。。“进”可显摆平庸的幸福,“退”可坚守艺术的鬼魅。。。
            • 的确很丰满~~:)
    • 靠铺,喜欢,天才都是Weird 的,因为“不同”!
    • woody allen看人生比别人看的透彻,所以就没那么多顾忌,除了怕一件事-他特别怕死。:)
      • From when he was little...many movies show this fear
      • agree
    • 才华横溢啦~~~由此想起张艺谋在一次采访中说的,"即要执着,又要灵活。"并说到拍红高梁的时候,本来种了一大片高梁地,结果被农民工把大量种子和化肥搬回家藏了起来,最后长出来只有一小块地可以拍摄。。。
      • 即要执着,又要灵活。金句喔。喜欢。谢谢
      • 日本作曲家久石让也表达过类似观点。看来活着成功的艺术家都有相通的灵活性,不灵活的死后才成功 LOL
        • 难就难在不知道什么时候该执着,什么时候该灵活。回想自己就是总在该执着的时候灵活了,该灵活的时候又非常的执拙了~~~
        • 马上想起可怜的凡高 ~~~~
          • 他好象只能执着,没有多少灵活的机会。。。
            • 所以死后才成功呀 lol
              • 现在讲属于"极客"了~
    • 成功的艺术达人,品格低劣的色情狂。 +1
      • 红脖哥来啦~关于“品格低劣的色情狂”评价,除了上面提的soon-yi Previn之外,还有啥别的没有?要不一次过让群众们都了解了解?
        • 不喜欢为老不尊,玩弄女性的老家伙。
          • 哦,那个我头先看WIKI上讲了,结果是法院判定对Woody的“Sex abuse allegations”不成立。
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Sex abuse allegations[edit]

            Allen and Farrow engaged in a heated and emotionally damaging custody battle after they broke up in January 1992, during which time Farrow alleged that he once sexually abused their daughter, which he has denied. In August 1992, Allen visited his children at Farrow's home by mutual arrangement while she went shopping.[161] Dylan, his seven-year-old daughter, later told Mia Farrow that he molested her during that visit.[162] Farrow filed charges with the police.[151] Dylan said that the abuse took place in the attic. In 2014, Dylan's older brother, Moses, denied that abuse in the attic was possible, saying that there were several people present in the house during Allen's entire visit and "no one, not my father or sister, was off in any private spaces".[163]

            The case was dropped in 1993 after a seven-month probe by a police-appointed medical team concluded that Dylan had not been molested.[164] Among the reasons cited for the team's conclusion were the contradictory statements made by Dylan and that her statements had a "rehearsed quality".[164] The judge eventually found that the sex abuse charges were inconclusive.[165] In addition, investigators with the New York Department of Social Services closed their own 14-month investigation after their similar conclusion, namely that: "No credible evidence was found that the child named in this report has been abused or maltreated."[166] Allen was interviewed by 60 Minutes a few months following the allegation, when he described the custody battle, heated exchanges, and the allegations.[167]

            In February 2014, Dylan Farrow repeated the allegation in an open letter published by Nicholas Kristof, one of Farrow's friends,[168] in his New York Times blog. She alleged that Allen had treated her in a way that made her physically uncomfortable "for as long as [she] could remember", citing occasions when he got in bed with her in his underwear.[162] Allen again repeated his denial of the allegation, calling them "untrue and disgraceful", and followed with his own response in The New York Times.[169][170] Dylan's brother, Moses, currently a family therapist, told People magazine, "Of course Woody did not molest my sister... She loved him and looked forward to seeing him when he would visit." He claimed that their mother had manipulated her children into hating Allen as "a vengeful way to pay him back for falling in love with Soon-Yi."[171][172] Dylan denies she was ever coached by her mother and stands by her allegations. Several of Farrow's other children have spoken out in support of Dylan. [171]更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 老兄这么一说还不得先回家砸电视,断cable?好来坞这样的主,明的暗的,没有几百,也有上千。象John Malkovich 和 Pierce Brosnan那样的,实在是珍品中的珍品。
            • Not really and not necessary. I like some of his movies but not him as a person. As well
              I like 荡木 as a devised / knowledgeable individual but not necessity I agree with some of his political views.
            • "The unexamined life is not worh living" :)
      • 刺哥气得脖子都红了~ +1
        • 怎么会,而且也不值得呀。
          • 刺哥就是不够执着,太过灵活~~~