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Thanks. Here comes the examle,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Let's say in sheet3, we have the worksheet,
Name color code notes
product1 white 1200-1403 good quality
product1 white 1200-1404 good quality
product1 white 1200-1405 lower quality
product1 white 1200-1406 acceptable quality
product1 yellow 1200-1403 good quality
product1 yellow 1200-1404 good quality
product1 yellow 1200-1405 lower quality
product1 yellow 1200-1406 acceptable quality
product2 white 1300-2101 good quality
product2 white 1300-2102 lower quality
product2 white 1300-2103 acceptable quality
product2 white 1300-2104 lower quality
product2 yellow 1300-4101 acceptable quality
product2 yellow 1300-4102 good quality
product2 yellow 1300-4103 lower quality
product2 yellow 1300-4104 acceptable quality

I'd like to use these data in sheet1 and sort out the right one from sheet3. For example, I want to check out product2->white->1300-2102 in sheet1.Range("A2:D2"). How can I achieve this goal ? Keep in mind that no one can really remember the code. We go by product, color, and quality.

Thank you all again for your valuable input.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 怎样把Excel中Sheet3中Auto Filter的结果(唯一)自动赋值到Sheet1里Range("A1:H1")?或者怎样在Sheet1里做Sheet3里数据的Auto filter?
    不用auto filter 用VBA也行,关键是怎样把Sheet3里的数据list, sort 出来。先谢了。
    • Can you elaborate a bit more? an example will help us understand the issue.
      • Thanks. Here comes the examle,
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Let's say in sheet3, we have the worksheet,
        Name color code notes
        product1 white 1200-1403 good quality
        product1 white 1200-1404 good quality
        product1 white 1200-1405 lower quality
        product1 white 1200-1406 acceptable quality
        product1 yellow 1200-1403 good quality
        product1 yellow 1200-1404 good quality
        product1 yellow 1200-1405 lower quality
        product1 yellow 1200-1406 acceptable quality
        product2 white 1300-2101 good quality
        product2 white 1300-2102 lower quality
        product2 white 1300-2103 acceptable quality
        product2 white 1300-2104 lower quality
        product2 yellow 1300-4101 acceptable quality
        product2 yellow 1300-4102 good quality
        product2 yellow 1300-4103 lower quality
        product2 yellow 1300-4104 acceptable quality

        I'd like to use these data in sheet1 and sort out the right one from sheet3. For example, I want to check out product2->white->1300-2102 in sheet1.Range("A2:D2"). How can I achieve this goal ? Keep in mind that no one can really remember the code. We go by product, color, and quality.

        Thank you all again for your valuable input.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Try out the following code;
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛In sheet 3, put;
          H1: product name you wish
          J1: color code you wish
          L1: quality level you wish

          Then run the following code.


          Sub PickupCorrectProduct()
          Dim ProductName, ColorCode, QualityLevel As String
          Dim TotalLines As Integer
          Dim i As Integer
          Dim LineNoSheet1 As Integer
          Dim LinesFound As Integer

          LineNoSheet1 = 2
          LinesFound = 0

          ProductName = Trim(Sheet3.Range("H1")) 'get the desired product name
          ColorCode = Trim(Sheet3.Range("J1")) ' get the desired color code
          QualityLevel = Trim(Sheet3.Range("L1")) ' get the desired quality level

          TotalLines = Sheet3.Range("A2").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count 'get the total lines

          If ProductName = "" Then
          MsgBox "Void product name!"
          Exit Sub
          ElseIf ColorCode = "" Then
          MsgBox "Void color code!"
          Exit Sub
          ElseIf ProductName = "" Then
          MsgBox "Void quality level!"
          Exit Sub
          End If

          For i = 2 To TotalLines
          If Sheet3.Cells(i, 1) = ProductName And Sheet3.Cells(i, 2) = ColorCode And Sheet3.Cells(i, 4) = QualityLevel Then
          Sheet1.Cells(i, 1) = Sheet3.Cells(i, 1)
          Sheet1.Cells(i, 2) = Sheet3.Cells(i, 2)
          Sheet1.Cells(i, 3) = Sheet3.Cells(i, 3)
          Sheet1.Cells(i, 4) = Sheet3.Cells(i, 4)
          LineNoSheet1 = LineNoSheet1 + 1
          LinesFound = LinesFound + 1
          End If
          Next i

          Sheet1.Cells(LineNoSheet1, 1) = "Product:"
          Sheet1.Cells(LineNoSheet1, 2) = ProductName
          Sheet1.Cells(LineNoSheet1, 3) = "Color:"
          Sheet1.Cells(LineNoSheet1, 4) = ColorCode
          Sheet1.Cells(LineNoSheet1, 5) = "Quality:"
          Sheet1.Cells(LineNoSheet1, 6) = QualityLevel
          Sheet1.Cells(LineNoSheet1, 7) = "Lines Found:"
          Sheet1.Cells(LineNoSheet1, 8) = LinesFound

          End Sub更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Thank you, Maile. I'm trying on your codes. Will let you know if I figure it out.
            • It works great ! However, I still need something that can list and select. List box, combobox, or whatever.
              I can't ask my boss to input the "product name", "Color", and so on. In case he mis-spells a word...The whole idea is to make the analysis easy.
              • If you can make sure the result will be only 1 row then the rest will be easy. You just copy the second row in sheet3 to sheet1 using part of the code you previously developed.
                • set the auto filters on and let your boss select from the filters. However, the best way is to make a window form for your boss to interact and you use VBA to move data around.
              • That will cost you an arm and a leg.
                It takes a bit time. I will look into it and post here sometime.
                • Great thanks! I'm looking forward to your codes. By the way, do you think using database is better than just Excel? I've no experience on Database at all.