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我找到一些信息给有兴趣的人:1. 6月30 日,多大中国学生组织摘草莓和去尼加拉瀑布。2.7月8日,中华商会在中心岛组织BBQ.....

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1.Dear FCSPC Members and Friends,

The Federation of Chinese Students and Professionals in Canada (FCSPC) is scheduling
a bus tour to Whittamore Farm for strawberry picking in the morning and Niagara Fall
sightseeing in the afternoon on Saturday, June 30, 2001. All FCSPC members and their
family and friends are invited to enjoy a day out in the country alongside the Rouge
River Valley picking one of nature's great taste treats... fresh Ontario strawberries!

At Whittamore Farm, the possible activities offered for family fun include:
v Wagon Rides
v Farm animals
v Pony rides
v Playgrounds
v Straw-mazes
v Straw Jumps
v many other special activities

At Niagara Falls, the free-falling water transforms into a mighty river, flowing
through a majestic river canyon. Everyone age 8-80, will discover the world famous
rapids, stone-walled canyon, and legendary Whirlpool. Accessible by the powerful
jet boats,
this hour of adventure will fascinate and exhilarate !

$12 for FCSPC members, senior over 60 and children under 12;
$15 for non-members;

How to register:
1) Northern part of GTA:
Mr. Charles Jiang 416-918-6768 or 416-446-1567
2) Southern part of GTA:
Elm Street, Dr. Jun Sun 416-892-5898 (please leave message)
Charles Street, Polly Macshane, 416-926-8808
Please call between 10 AM - 9 PM weekly, and 1-5 PM weekend
First-come, first serve, and no refund.

Thank you for you participation.

Weidong Pei
President, FCSPC

2.Hi, Everyone,
Our next event BBQ, on Toronto Islands, is schedualed for July 8, 2001. For details see attachment.
Also be advised that all members are permanent members and no more annual fees. Don't worry about the expiry of your membership.

活动: Barbecue (烧烤)
时间: 2001年7月8日 (星期天) 11:00 a.m. --- 3:00 p.m.
地点: Area 18, 多伦多中心岛—奥林匹克岛 (Toronto Islands -- Olympic Island)
1. 参加者每人需交成本费:成人:$5, 儿童:$2。
2. 打算参加活动的需事先报名,截至日期为7月6日(星期五)。费用可在活动当天缴纳。
3. 去往岛上需乘坐轮渡,来回票价成人$5、两岁以下小孩免费、14岁以下少年$3、19岁以下学生及65岁以上老年人每人$3。需各位自己承担。
4. 请各位于11点钟在Mainland Ferry Terminal 码头集中,该码头位于 Queen’s Quay West 与Bay Street南端交叉处,从Union Station步行10 分钟可到。附近 也有付费停车场。迟到的可直接到我们预定的烧烤场地,即Area 18, Olympic Island, 它位于岛的中部,乘轮渡至Centre Island Ferry Dock 即可。
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