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To whom it may concern,

I am in receipt of your registered letter dated ...

I write to report that I have no information for the referenced individuals since ???? month of ??? year when they moved out then. I have no business nor relationship with them except that I gave them temporary sheltering then out of my kindness only.

I will appreciate if you can remove me, anyone in my household and my residence for future communication regarding this matter.

Thank you for your assistance.
who who who


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 一个朋友出于好心把自家的地址借给一对老人供他们收信用... +1
    • 朋友和楼主什么关系?
      • 一般来说朋友就是邻居,也就是我自己。感觉这个有问题了,合伙起来欺骗政府,除非LZ能提供租房合同。 +1
        • 就是纯粹的好朋友。应为她没有rolia帐号又懒得申请一个就叫我帮忙问问。借地址就是骗政府吗?
          • Why did s/he not provide true address? What's the drive? +1
      • 就是我的好朋友。我这朋友平常太热心,总喜欢帮人忙,尤其碰上孤独无助老人,更是二话不说。我告诉她几次别瞎热心引麻烦或官司上身... sigh
        • ... +3
          To whom it may concern,

          I am in receipt of your registered letter dated ...

          I write to report that I have no information for the referenced individuals since ???? month of ??? year when they moved out then. I have no business nor relationship with them except that I gave them temporary sheltering then out of my kindness only.

          I will appreciate if you can remove me, anyone in my household and my residence for future communication regarding this matter.

          Thank you for your assistance.
          who who who

          • 那平时的来信,为啥你没有退给政府?
            • 我没大明白,“收信用” 是啥意思?
              • for receiving mail
                • revised +1
                  To whom it may concern,

                  I am in receipt of your registered letter dated ...

                  I write to report that I have no information for the referenced individuals since ???? month of ??? year when they moved out then. I have no business nor relationship with them except that I was receiving mails and then transferring these mails to them. They had indicated to me that they were not at their usual place where they would have received mails otherwise.

                  I will appreciate if you can remove me, anyone in my household and my residence for future communication regarding this matter.

                  Thank you for your assistance.
                  who who who
                  • 谢谢谢谢!跟我朋友一样是个热心人。比我朋友更好,帮人不盲目! +1
                    • 实际上我 revised 的信里有逻辑漏洞。这里是 revised revised。LOL。
                      To whom it may concern,

                      I am in receipt of your registered letter dated ...

                      I write to report that I have no information for the referenced individuals since ???? month of ??? year when I last heard from them. I have no business nor relationship with them except that I was receiving mails and then transferring these mails to them. They had indicated to me that they were not at their usual place where they would have received mails otherwise.

                      I will appreciate if you can remove me, anyone in my household and my residence for future communication regarding this matter.

                      Thank you for your assistance.
                      who who who
              • 你这样聪明的人,还问这问题?加拿大养老金必须多数时间住加拿大,他们回了中国去而假装长期住这里。
                • 酱啊。俺聪明不聪明两说,咱脑袋里也想不出这样的事啊。 +1
            • good question. 打电话问了朋友,她说自那对老人回国后,她都没收到属于那对老人的信。她也把这事给忘了,因为这是几年前的事情了。直到有天接到政府的电话,然后就是最近收到挂号信...
              • LOL,XB 加拿大政府工作效率?
          • 傲娇~
          • 谢谢!不好意思疏忽了,以后会注意。非常感谢提供的范本!!
            • ...
              • 感动肉联的好人呀!
          • 不应该说move out,应该说只是提供mailing address直到某年某月,然后就没有联系了。至于当事人用mailing address当residential address,那是当事人的事情。 +1
            • http://www.rolia.net/zh/post.php?f=0&p=10985196
    • 只要你的朋友之前没有提供过类似“他们一直住在我这里”这样的证明,就没有什么事。
      • 那些政府的来信谁收了?谁拆了?
        • 技术问题:养老金能 direct deposit 不?骗政府福利,算 criminal offense 不?谢谢。
          • 能。算。不谢。:) +3
            • 你们两的昵称,可以在一起聊聊素食的问题。 +2
              • 嘿嘿,我家后院蒲公英长得还可以,据说是可以做菜的?
              • 非打起来不可,素食兽饿起来,管你是百草园还是三味书屋,全能给划拉干净了。 +1
          • 骗政府的福利金应该算犯罪吧。只是我朋友只是借出地址会有麻烦吗? +2
        • 这个问题,只要他的“朋友”不追究,和政府是没有关系的。至于别人有没有去骗养老金,只要自己没有提供过什么“证明”,而只是mailing address,自己这里不会有问题的。 +1
          • 谢谢啊!谢谢这鼓舞人心的回复!
          • 说的那样简单,估计不是一个月两个月的事情。大概那两老人还一直报税,领政府的其他补助。 +2
      • 谢谢啊!你的回答应该可以让我朋友放宽些心了!
    • 老人金还是老年房的问题?
    • 在信封上写人搬走了投回邮局 +2
      • 已经晚了,这事应该在没拆开时做 +2
    • Your Friend opened the registered mail from government? +1
      • 这个registered mail 是寄给LZ朋友本人的,政府已经在investigate当中 +1
        • I see. In this case, just tell the full story to the government.
    • 热心不能没有原则 +3