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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛how to adapt ourslef to the life in Canada
(a presentation at LIMC)

hi! everyone:
The topic I want to talk and discuss with you is "how to adapt ourselves to the life in Canada". Maybe I choose a stupid topic as I am more new than all of you.I have no qualifacation to say something in front of you. maybe I should choose a relaxed or interesting topic,at first I tried to say something about China's Great Wall or tell you my hometown's pretty and lovely animal panada.But recently a thing whice happens to me force me to think of this question.
I tell you a true story.you know,I am new comer and come to canada just only one month.I am sure every new immigrator has such experinces.during the early few days,They have to rent house,buy food,buy computer or buy tv.me to.if I want to know canada if I want to improve my english,TV with caption is a good teacher.but I can't afford expensive tv.So ,2 weeks ago, I saw a ads about TV from the newspaper TODAY,Oh,the tv is very cheaper,if you buy a tv,the store will give you a VCR.SO I came to that store (3530 Pharmacy Ave.,Scarborough,ELECTRONIC LIQUIDATORS ltd.)and choose a 19 inch TV. Although it looks not new (the ads does not tell the truth),I thought anyhow they gave me a VCR.VCR is very useful I can record some program.It is OK. When I prepared to pay the TV,the clerk told me no original remote control and an universal remote control is ok! When I was going to have a try,the clerk told me no cable line here. You know my english is very poor and it was very difficult to communite,at the same time I have no experince of buying electionic products in canada. so I paid and brought the tv and vcr back.Before I left the shop,the clerk told me the tv could not be returned and only could exchange within 7 days.( in fact the receipt wrote "no refund,no exchange" . but at that time ,I have no knowledge and I didnot read what the receipt wrote and signed my name).
Trobule is coming! The UNIVERSAL remote control is out of work!Without remote control,I cann't get the caption function. so 3 days later, I carried the tv back to the shop,one clerk checked and told me,they would give me a original remote control,but I had to wait until last saturday! so I have to wait. Last Saturday,I went there again.another clerk received me and the universal remote control is a little ok,it can control the tv power and channel's up and down,but still cannot control the caption function.he said only original control can do it. you know the caption is very important fucntion for english study.
I must use caption,i asked for origianl control,he was very rude,said "no original control,never original control here,we have no way.it is impossible for me to produce a original control.now that you buy it,you must accept the fact."
how should I say,I am very angry .but my english is not good. it is very difficult for me to choose some words to say. my mardina is very fluent,but how can i speak chinese,it is no useful.
you know how sad I was at that time.

I come here just because I want a fair society and I think it should be fair society in Canada.The system here and the law here are perfect and complete.There should be no cheat in store.Alothough I know the economic situation is not good this year and it is very hard for people especialy for new comers to find a job.I come.I know the early life for new comers is very difficult.poor English,poor communication,strange place,strange enovirment,little living knowledge here.But I did not think I could meet such a trouble thing!
I am sure every new comer has such similar experience. we come to canada with various beautiful dreams,but the dream is unreal,At last,it will be broken.so I begin to think how our new immigrators adapt ourselves to the life in Canada. I think it is very important to set up a correct idea for life in Canada. if not,you will feel it is very very hard to live here during the early days.
So I try to give 5 opinions here to discuss with everyone.

The early days here is very tough for new comers.As you are lack of daily life knowledgy and experiences here,and you english is very poor,it very difficult to express youself and very hard to understant what the other say completely. no matter go shopping,apply for telephone,apply for bank account,exchange money,ask way and look for job etc, everything you do you would meet with problems or troubles.How should we do? some person began to hesitated,lost his confidence,some one give up ,and some one even say good bye to canada go back his native country,never come back. Last year, one of my friend came here. during the early days,life was very tough. he sent email to me and told me now he was walking into a long long dark tunnle and did not see any light, and did not know what was the end of the tunnle.but he must continue to go head and believe he would see the brightness someday. He did not lose his confidence,didn't give up his striving for a better job and better life here. and finally this year,just a few days before I came to Canada, he got a wounderful job offer.Now he is working at a big company.

well, I will continue my true story. you know, I was refused by the clerk. but I donot know how to express my feeling just because of my poor english and poor knowledge here. I almost lost confidence and prepare to give up. But facing the poor tv, I think I never give up. I must do my best to try. so I went to shop manager's office and tried to tell him the problem.He told me you do better to look for the guy who sold you tv to solve the problem. So, I found the sellor. He knew what is the problem and promised me to exchange the original remote control later and told me to call him this wensday.I said ok I wlii call you on wednesday but you should give me your name.he wrote his name Romon on the card.The day before yestday it was wendesday,I called this shop and wanted to talk with Romon. What make me very angry is a clerk told me Romon has been fired and he told me they did not addmit the promise Romon make just because he has been fired.Oh my god!what is robber idea! I think I mustn't surrender. I must speak I must do my best to express my idea no matter how poor my english is. I told him word by word although Romon is fired but his promise should be your company's promise, He continued to say it is impossible to give me the original remote control. I said That means I have to make complaint about your services for consumer's rights. I know who guy you are,you must be responsible for what you say. At this time,the guy said don't make complaint about services. I said I donot want to talk with you,I want to talk with your manager. The manager came to answer my call and he told me there are no original remote control now and I hadto wait and he didnot know what day it will come. I told him anyhow I must get the original remote control. he said maybe tommorrow they will ship some tv and asked me to call him tomrrow.
Although this thing has not been solved. I think anyhow I must solve this problem. If you surrend this time,what if a similar thing happen next time.I must continue to do this things.no matter what is the result,Through this incident, I can learn many things and get many experiences. At least I have practiced my poor english.

Every day we all will meet with some new problems,some new troubles. If you don't lose your confidence,never give up your right , never surrend,and do your best to solve the prombles,do your best to overcome the problem,try to get what you should have,I think the troubles will become less and less and your experiences will become richer and richer,your english will become more and more wonduful. and you will look like canadian more and more.

From this incident,I have a strong feeling that English is so important.What is a bad thing if you cannot express youself clearly. you can not get your proper consumers right.To improve our english as soon as possible is very very very important thing. and I think it is first thing we should do..Good english means good job. good english means better life.I can say no english no anything.
Why don't you say hello to every person? why don't you speak english at any place you can say.why don't you telephone every friends who can speak english Thank Canadian govement giving our new comer chance to learn english. Thank sareh our english teacher for teaching us englis and many living knowledgy.Why do not you seize every chances to answer sareh's question or ask her question.Do not be nevers do not be shamesd for our poor grammer and poor pronuncation or chinese english,romania english or vitnamese english or pakstanian english or afghanistani english. Just open our moth to speak english. Open mouth means half of success.

more friends means more information,more friends mean more help.more friends mean more encouragement.I think everyone know the idea. Networking is very important. we all know the fact that about 40~70% jobs are from friends or family.I think I come to linc not only for studying english,but also for making friends. we are all calssmates, at the same time we are all friends, we can help each other,we can encourage each other.

"I need time" that is a Jesus word ,my christan friends tell me that this is Jesus answer for those who ask Jesus why not come to solve all bad troubles on earth.Well,I have no idea about church, you know I come from china mainland,but I think jesus's "I need time" the word is true.
Yestday,Jessie gave us a topic how to cook and in her topic she told us where we could buy most cheap materials in Tornoto? but during the first period you came to toronto,do you know the information?
So ,It is impossible for our new comers to adapt ourselves to enviroment here in a short time. it is impossbile for us to get everything down in no time.It is impossible for us to find a ideal job soon. because indeed most things here are very different to those in our native country.We need time . We need time to improve your english,We need time to learn how to write resume and coverletter. different company has different demand.We need time to solve one after another problems and troubles.. ....We need time to learn everything here. all these things will cost time. maybe in 3 months, maybe in half a year,maybe in one year or more if you do your best,never give up,never lose confidence, try to solve every problem,try to solve every trouble you meet with. I believe we are sure we can go out of the dark tunnel.we are sure we can get what we want.
We are getting into the socialty here,We are getting into the life here. Life will be getting better and better.After all,in Canada,most days are sunshine.

That is what I want to say here. Thank everyone.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 这是我的LINC班一位classmate的一篇presentation讲演稿,其中讲了他在加的真实遭遇,并就"如何适应加拿大新生活"谈了自己的观点.我觉得还是有些道理的.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛how to adapt ourslef to the life in Canada
    (a presentation at LIMC)

    hi! everyone:
    The topic I want to talk and discuss with you is "how to adapt ourselves to the life in Canada". Maybe I choose a stupid topic as I am more new than all of you.I have no qualifacation to say something in front of you. maybe I should choose a relaxed or interesting topic,at first I tried to say something about China's Great Wall or tell you my hometown's pretty and lovely animal panada.But recently a thing whice happens to me force me to think of this question.
    I tell you a true story.you know,I am new comer and come to canada just only one month.I am sure every new immigrator has such experinces.during the early few days,They have to rent house,buy food,buy computer or buy tv.me to.if I want to know canada if I want to improve my english,TV with caption is a good teacher.but I can't afford expensive tv.So ,2 weeks ago, I saw a ads about TV from the newspaper TODAY,Oh,the tv is very cheaper,if you buy a tv,the store will give you a VCR.SO I came to that store (3530 Pharmacy Ave.,Scarborough,ELECTRONIC LIQUIDATORS ltd.)and choose a 19 inch TV. Although it looks not new (the ads does not tell the truth),I thought anyhow they gave me a VCR.VCR is very useful I can record some program.It is OK. When I prepared to pay the TV,the clerk told me no original remote control and an universal remote control is ok! When I was going to have a try,the clerk told me no cable line here. You know my english is very poor and it was very difficult to communite,at the same time I have no experince of buying electionic products in canada. so I paid and brought the tv and vcr back.Before I left the shop,the clerk told me the tv could not be returned and only could exchange within 7 days.( in fact the receipt wrote "no refund,no exchange" . but at that time ,I have no knowledge and I didnot read what the receipt wrote and signed my name).
    Trobule is coming! The UNIVERSAL remote control is out of work!Without remote control,I cann't get the caption function. so 3 days later, I carried the tv back to the shop,one clerk checked and told me,they would give me a original remote control,but I had to wait until last saturday! so I have to wait. Last Saturday,I went there again.another clerk received me and the universal remote control is a little ok,it can control the tv power and channel's up and down,but still cannot control the caption function.he said only original control can do it. you know the caption is very important fucntion for english study.
    I must use caption,i asked for origianl control,he was very rude,said "no original control,never original control here,we have no way.it is impossible for me to produce a original control.now that you buy it,you must accept the fact."
    how should I say,I am very angry .but my english is not good. it is very difficult for me to choose some words to say. my mardina is very fluent,but how can i speak chinese,it is no useful.
    you know how sad I was at that time.

    I come here just because I want a fair society and I think it should be fair society in Canada.The system here and the law here are perfect and complete.There should be no cheat in store.Alothough I know the economic situation is not good this year and it is very hard for people especialy for new comers to find a job.I come.I know the early life for new comers is very difficult.poor English,poor communication,strange place,strange enovirment,little living knowledge here.But I did not think I could meet such a trouble thing!
    I am sure every new comer has such similar experience. we come to canada with various beautiful dreams,but the dream is unreal,At last,it will be broken.so I begin to think how our new immigrators adapt ourselves to the life in Canada. I think it is very important to set up a correct idea for life in Canada. if not,you will feel it is very very hard to live here during the early days.
    So I try to give 5 opinions here to discuss with everyone.

    The early days here is very tough for new comers.As you are lack of daily life knowledgy and experiences here,and you english is very poor,it very difficult to express youself and very hard to understant what the other say completely. no matter go shopping,apply for telephone,apply for bank account,exchange money,ask way and look for job etc, everything you do you would meet with problems or troubles.How should we do? some person began to hesitated,lost his confidence,some one give up ,and some one even say good bye to canada go back his native country,never come back. Last year, one of my friend came here. during the early days,life was very tough. he sent email to me and told me now he was walking into a long long dark tunnle and did not see any light, and did not know what was the end of the tunnle.but he must continue to go head and believe he would see the brightness someday. He did not lose his confidence,didn't give up his striving for a better job and better life here. and finally this year,just a few days before I came to Canada, he got a wounderful job offer.Now he is working at a big company.

    well, I will continue my true story. you know, I was refused by the clerk. but I donot know how to express my feeling just because of my poor english and poor knowledge here. I almost lost confidence and prepare to give up. But facing the poor tv, I think I never give up. I must do my best to try. so I went to shop manager's office and tried to tell him the problem.He told me you do better to look for the guy who sold you tv to solve the problem. So, I found the sellor. He knew what is the problem and promised me to exchange the original remote control later and told me to call him this wensday.I said ok I wlii call you on wednesday but you should give me your name.he wrote his name Romon on the card.The day before yestday it was wendesday,I called this shop and wanted to talk with Romon. What make me very angry is a clerk told me Romon has been fired and he told me they did not addmit the promise Romon make just because he has been fired.Oh my god!what is robber idea! I think I mustn't surrender. I must speak I must do my best to express my idea no matter how poor my english is. I told him word by word although Romon is fired but his promise should be your company's promise, He continued to say it is impossible to give me the original remote control. I said That means I have to make complaint about your services for consumer's rights. I know who guy you are,you must be responsible for what you say. At this time,the guy said don't make complaint about services. I said I donot want to talk with you,I want to talk with your manager. The manager came to answer my call and he told me there are no original remote control now and I hadto wait and he didnot know what day it will come. I told him anyhow I must get the original remote control. he said maybe tommorrow they will ship some tv and asked me to call him tomrrow.
    Although this thing has not been solved. I think anyhow I must solve this problem. If you surrend this time,what if a similar thing happen next time.I must continue to do this things.no matter what is the result,Through this incident, I can learn many things and get many experiences. At least I have practiced my poor english.

    Every day we all will meet with some new problems,some new troubles. If you don't lose your confidence,never give up your right , never surrend,and do your best to solve the prombles,do your best to overcome the problem,try to get what you should have,I think the troubles will become less and less and your experiences will become richer and richer,your english will become more and more wonduful. and you will look like canadian more and more.

    From this incident,I have a strong feeling that English is so important.What is a bad thing if you cannot express youself clearly. you can not get your proper consumers right.To improve our english as soon as possible is very very very important thing. and I think it is first thing we should do..Good english means good job. good english means better life.I can say no english no anything.
    Why don't you say hello to every person? why don't you speak english at any place you can say.why don't you telephone every friends who can speak english Thank Canadian govement giving our new comer chance to learn english. Thank sareh our english teacher for teaching us englis and many living knowledgy.Why do not you seize every chances to answer sareh's question or ask her question.Do not be nevers do not be shamesd for our poor grammer and poor pronuncation or chinese english,romania english or vitnamese english or pakstanian english or afghanistani english. Just open our moth to speak english. Open mouth means half of success.

    more friends means more information,more friends mean more help.more friends mean more encouragement.I think everyone know the idea. Networking is very important. we all know the fact that about 40~70% jobs are from friends or family.I think I come to linc not only for studying english,but also for making friends. we are all calssmates, at the same time we are all friends, we can help each other,we can encourage each other.

    "I need time" that is a Jesus word ,my christan friends tell me that this is Jesus answer for those who ask Jesus why not come to solve all bad troubles on earth.Well,I have no idea about church, you know I come from china mainland,but I think jesus's "I need time" the word is true.
    Yestday,Jessie gave us a topic how to cook and in her topic she told us where we could buy most cheap materials in Tornoto? but during the first period you came to toronto,do you know the information?
    So ,It is impossible for our new comers to adapt ourselves to enviroment here in a short time. it is impossbile for us to get everything down in no time.It is impossible for us to find a ideal job soon. because indeed most things here are very different to those in our native country.We need time . We need time to improve your english,We need time to learn how to write resume and coverletter. different company has different demand.We need time to solve one after another problems and troubles.. ....We need time to learn everything here. all these things will cost time. maybe in 3 months, maybe in half a year,maybe in one year or more if you do your best,never give up,never lose confidence, try to solve every problem,try to solve every trouble you meet with. I believe we are sure we can go out of the dark tunnel.we are sure we can get what we want.
    We are getting into the socialty here,We are getting into the life here. Life will be getting better and better.After all,in Canada,most days are sunshine.

    That is what I want to say here. Thank everyone.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 在加拿大,如遇不公平,一定要坚决斗争。
      • God bless you,all of you
      • 是啊!,他还在斗争,不是为了钱的问题,而是为了争口气!