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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


想买个礼品给国内亲戚,在amazon.com下单,收件人国家选中国后,需要填身份证号,Citizen ID Number: (Learn More),点击 Learn More, 显示:

Citizen ID Number:

Packages will not clear customs without the recipient’s valid 18-character Citizen ID Number. Please note that Purchaser (Order Placer), Payer (Payment Account Owner) and Recipient should be the same individual. We do not use this information for any other purpose other than customs clearance.
Please enter 18 characters for the Citizen ID Number.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请教:想买个礼品给国内亲戚,在亚马逊网站下单,需要填身份证号,但是限定下单、付款和收件人必须是同一人。一定要这么严格吗?如果真这么严,就买不成了。

    想买个礼品给国内亲戚,在amazon.com下单,收件人国家选中国后,需要填身份证号,Citizen ID Number: (Learn More),点击 Learn More, 显示:

    Citizen ID Number:

    Packages will not clear customs without the recipient’s valid 18-character Citizen ID Number. Please note that Purchaser (Order Placer), Payer (Payment Account Owner) and Recipient should be the same individual. We do not use this information for any other purpose other than customs clearance.
    Please enter 18 characters for the Citizen ID Number.


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