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我们公司通过监控软件收集的信息开除了一批人。 这是工会主席给我们的电邮:


“The employer has software installed on all of our work computers that allows them to video tape our computer activity. You do not have to be on 公司 WiFi or in an 公司 office for this software to start video taping; it can work while you are at home or on the road working. Most of the time the software is not activated, but can be by simply "flipping a switch" as the employer put it。
We are told that the software does not have the ability to discriminate between work related information and personal information, meaning that if you are an 职员 and you did, for example, online banking on a work computer, your banking information was likely collected and is now contained in a cloud somewhere in cyberspace.”

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 请问雇主有权力监控你的电脑吗?
    我发现老板在我电脑里安装了监视软件,周五下午还差几分钟下班的时候 我上网逛逛,他居然text 我问我在干什么,我感觉出来他肯定是在监控我的电脑了,只是碍于面子没有直说
    • 大公司一般都有电子设备的使用规章制度,如果你用的是公司的电脑,原则上他们有权知道你用这个电脑所做的一切事情。 +4
      • 小公司来着 只是觉得有些气愤 把人当机器呢
        • 如果你用电脑做的事情没有危害公司利益,他那样做就是吃饱了撑的。 +1
      • 如果你打开银行的网页,监控的人也能看到你帐户上的钱吗?
        • 不知道啊,我猜可以。连你银行密码也知道了。 +1
          • 真的啊?那不丢钱可以起诉公司了?
            • 丢钱事小,丢脸事大,全公司都知道我存款是两位数,太尴尬了。 +2
              • 完了,全公司都知道俺的私房钱了。 +1
                • 全论坛 +1
                  • 你为啥老跟在我后面怼我呢?我和你又不熟。 +2
                    • 以后就熟了。谁不是这样熟的
                      • 熟不起来,话不投机半句多的感觉。
                        • 那你拉黑我得了
    • the short answer is: yes...link is a long answer
      • 可是里面说了不可以的呀 +1
        • companies need to be explicit in telling employees what they’re monitoring...
    • 是你私人电脑吗?公司电脑当然公司有权随时监控。 +1
      • 好吧
    • 有多少人知道自己公司监控的policy在哪里能查到?
      • 公司经常一log in 就蹦出来一个窗口提醒你吧。
        • 我的没有
    • 做贼心虚!其实老板不过是随便问问而已~ +2
    • 如果你说你 5 分钟前已经 clock out 了,雇主这样监控就没啥理。
    • 我们公司通过监控软件收集的信息开除了一批人。 这是工会主席给我们的电邮:

      “The employer has software installed on all of our work computers that allows them to video tape our computer activity. You do not have to be on 公司 WiFi or in an 公司 office for this software to start video taping; it can work while you are at home or on the road working. Most of the time the software is not activated, but can be by simply "flipping a switch" as the employer put it。
      We are told that the software does not have the ability to discriminate between work related information and personal information, meaning that if you are an 职员 and you did, for example, online banking on a work computer, your banking information was likely collected and is now contained in a cloud somewhere in cyberspace.”
      • 这样的公司太暖心了。基本就是让员工自己绝了加班的念头么。更绝了有事没事绝不碰公家电脑的念头。
        • 嗯, WFH也被监控
          • 公私电脑两台,根本就管不着。
    • 想知道对网管和老板的电脑监控POLICY是什么?
      • 看不懂,到底是指政府对单位的电脑监控行为的相关by law呢?还是指单位对员工的相关policy?