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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Martin now also introducing another surety (not sure if this is instead of #MengWanzhou’s husband or additional). The person says he’s known Meng since 2009,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛and was the realtor for her and her husband for both of their Vancouver homes. He’s putting his own home up as surety.

Another two sureties being introduced by defence. A couple that has been in Canada since 90’s. One of them,

an insurance agent, knows #MengWanzhou from previously working at #huawei. Statement says they have confidence Meng will follow bail and will put up $1.4 mil home

And a fourth surety being introduced. A woman,

who knows Meng b/c husband used to work at #Huawei. In Canada for 10 years. Trusts #MengWanzhou to follow bail conditions and willing to put up $6 million home, saying she doesn’t believe Meng would jeopardize her property.

Defence says sometimes best way to know someone is by “speaking to their neighbours”. Introduces another person who’s willing to be #MengWanzhou’s surety,

who lives near Meng. CA citizen since 2003, has known Meng for over 10 years, they’ve taken family trips together. #Huawei

This person also trusts #MengWanzhou to follow bail conditions and willing to give the court $50,000 in cash更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / Martin now also introducing another surety (not sure if this is instead of #MengWanzhou’s husband or additional). The person says he’s known Meng since 2009,
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛and was the realtor for her and her husband for both of their Vancouver homes. He’s putting his own home up as surety.

    Another two sureties being introduced by defence. A couple that has been in Canada since 90’s. One of them,

    an insurance agent, knows #MengWanzhou from previously working at #huawei. Statement says they have confidence Meng will follow bail and will put up $1.4 mil home

    And a fourth surety being introduced. A woman,

    who knows Meng b/c husband used to work at #Huawei. In Canada for 10 years. Trusts #MengWanzhou to follow bail conditions and willing to put up $6 million home, saying she doesn’t believe Meng would jeopardize her property.

    Defence says sometimes best way to know someone is by “speaking to their neighbours”. Introduces another person who’s willing to be #MengWanzhou’s surety,

    who lives near Meng. CA citizen since 2003, has known Meng for over 10 years, they’ve taken family trips together. #Huawei

    This person also trusts #MengWanzhou to follow bail conditions and willing to give the court $50,000 in cash更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Crown starts by saying they ultimately believe #MengWanzhou should not get bail. But if given, if it’s up to defence to come up with and put forward application.
    • Crown makes some counter arguments to some of the defences earlier arguments. Starts with issue of whether #MengWanzhou’s husband should be surety. Argues he shouldn’t,
      says the couples interests align, and any financial loss he would incur if Meng did run, could be compensated.
    • On the new sureties introduced this morning: crown has doubts they can act as ‘jailer in the community’ for #MengWanzhou. Judge again wonders if who the surities are should be left to justice of peace,
      if bail given. Judge says he can maybe set # of surities, not names. #huawei
    • #MengWanzhou’s lawyer now speaking again. Says this is a “matter of principal”, rejects that Meng are her husband’s interest are “too aligned”. Suggests the crowns earlier proposal that $7.5 mil. of her bail be given in cash, can be done.
    • On crowns proposal that if given bail,
      #MengWanzhou be put on house arrest: her lawyer says Meng says she’s been working for 25 yrs and if she were released her goal would be to spend time with family, adding she hasn’t read a book in years, so if she has limited freedom so be it
    • Judge says decision WILL be given today!
      • it's a boy! +1
    • Vancouver time 2pm. The judge will announce his bail decision.
    • Judge goes over the state’s arguments. The main issue for why #MengWanzhou should not be granted bail, according to federal lawyers, is to ensure she attends court (does not flee) - as opposed to protect public or ensure she doesn’t commit crime.
    • Judge now giving some analysis. Mentions the state’s reasons for why #MengWanzhou may not show up to court, if given bail: no meaningful connection to Vancouver, wealth of family, has ordinary life in China
    • Judge says concerns about #MengWanzhou holding multiple passports have been quelled with defence’s offer to give them up,
      if given bail. Judge adds he’s not convinced that Meng’s lack of travel to US since March 2017 necessarily means she knew of investigation into her.
      • By saying so, a bail sounds very likely.
    • Judge says sole question before him is whether there’s the risk of flight. Mentions the security companies brought to the stand yesterday,
      one that would monitor #MengWanzhou 24/7 with security officers and the other, which would monitor ankle bracelet on her
    • 中国抓人的目的根本不在于保不保释,而着眼于放不放人,不放会继续抓人,就这么简单明了。
    • Judge outlines the plans brought forward by the two security companies and the proposed bail conditions the defence brought, which includes her being home from 11p-6a and giving up passports.
    • Judge goes over his previous concerns with #MengWanzhou’s husband being sole surety, as he’s a non resident and 6 month visitor visa holder.
    • Judge grants #MengWanzhou bail for $10 million, $7 million of which must be cash.
    • Judge sets number of sureties to 5, one of whom must be Scott Filer of Lions Gate security company.