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If ATM starts at 2G, and it's the only option I could get........

I would quit from my current job of ATM network engineer from my current company, and join the BCE Labs where you guys ordered 2G ATM. Maybe BCE Labs would be the only service provider in this world to provide 2G ATM(instead of standard DS1/E1,25Mbps,DS3/E3,100Mbps,OC3,OC12,OC48,etc ATM). and Bell Nexxia would give way to BCE Labs for data services offering in BCE.

To you I would shut up my mouth to keep my common sense.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / How fast about your rogers@home, please try the following URL and tell me your speed. Mine is about 52( so slow !!! ) http://www.cable-modem.net/features/oct99/speed.html
    • I use dsl and i reach 79
    • Unbelivable, mine is 296????
      • cable, 21, is it lesser the better?
        • Maybe the speed depends on how many people share it. Where are you living. I am living in a big appartment building, maybe there are more people share the limited bandwidth ?
      • @Work, mine is 104
    • My cable 218~239.
      • I have no idea about why my cable is so slow, but it seems everything is fine. could you please try ping www.yahoo.com. The response time on my computer is around 40 ms. How about you? Thx
    • My DSL is 124
    • 怎么可能,这夜深人静的时候我的才50,动一下鼠标剩了38.哈哈,你们都开心了
    • 我试了3次
      1.With edonkey opening and downloading 16:((
      2.with edonkey openning but no download 11:((((((
      3.close edonkey 60

      • edonkey is not good since it takes upstream bandwidth which u need for ur downloading (weird? but u should know downloading needs feed back control info to server)
        A suggestion is to limit ur upload speed to 10kb in edonkey.
        • OK.I will try:)thx
    • Great! my result is 205
      • Office 598
      • try again...616!!!
    • @Office, 255
    • @office 120
    • ISDN @Office, only 7!!!!!!!! Any body get lower than that??????
      • Did your company pay the bill?
      • Dual ATM backbone, 800 users @work@lunch time 6
        • You work in BELL or other huge communication company?USE ATM??But why only 6???
          • Dual ATM, rented from Bell Labs, 2 Gigs per sec, unarguably the best and fastest available, running a mail server with 30000 users and used as uplink for 800 people in the office, 6
            • Are you talking about ATM?
              What's your actual Dual ATM access and what's your exact size of PVC or SVC whatever? I haven't heard any customer ATM order over 1Gbit, maybe I should apply the job in your company to lease some ATM services from "Bell Labs", but come on Bell Labs is the R&D for Lucent,which might not provide data services at all.
              • don't pick a mountain out of a molehill, I meant BCE Labs, not Bell Labs as in Lucent as in ATT America, and ATM starts at 2G, that's the just about the only option you get, no need to show off your IT bigshot
                • If ATM starts at 2G, and it's the only option I could get........
                  I would quit from my current job of ATM network engineer from my current company, and join the BCE Labs where you guys ordered 2G ATM. Maybe BCE Labs would be the only service provider in this world to provide 2G ATM(instead of standard DS1/E1,25Mbps,DS3/E3,100Mbps,OC3,OC12,OC48,etc ATM). and Bell Nexxia would give way to BCE Labs for data services offering in BCE.

                  To you I would shut up my mouth to keep my common sense.
                  • fine, you are a network something engine something something, obviously a big shot, I have no idea what you are talking about, I told you what I know that's all.
                    • Unerstood. If you really don't know what I am talking about, just forget about BCE Labs,ATT America, 2G ATM, or whatever you don't know. Let somebody who knows those stuff give you some idea if you don't mind
                    • Unerstood.
                      If you really don't know what I am talking about, just forget about BCE Labs,ATT America, 2G ATM, or whatever you don't know. Let somebody who knows those stuff give you some idea if you don't mind
                    • Understood
                      If you really don't know what I am talking about, just forget about BCE Labs,ATT America, 2G ATM, or whatever you don't know. Let somebody who knows those stuff give you some idea if you don't mind
    • 29 adsl, sympito, too slow
    • haha, I got 643 at home. The AT&T cable is not bad!!
    • 100 at work,4 at home。