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请教新房closing前后的事项和时间安排. 多谢!

我的新房预计明年一月上旬交工, 依现在的进度看来应该准时交工没问题. 这是我在加拿大第一次买房, 有很多疑问, 不知道closing时, 冷水, 热水, 电, 煤气,取暖,哪项是builder已经安装好了的? 哪项是要closing之后自己安装的? 大约要留多少天搞定这些东西呢? 我猜想closing前后的事项是这样的, 请大家指教.

1. closing 前几天(不知道几天?)builder通知可以验房, 这时水电是通的吗? 这一步要专业验屋师吗?
2. closing 前几天, 锁定贷款机构, 签贷款协议, 获得支票.
3. closing date当天或之后, 请律师办理手续. 办完手续之后从builder处获得钥匙.
4. 联系安装取暖设施, 如煤气供暖或油供暖. 一周时间够吗? (或者builder已经安装好了, 转移账户from builder 到我头上?)
5. 搬家. ( closing date之后几天呢? 当然越快越好, 但不知多少天能搞定closing 和facility installation)


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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请教新房closing前后的事项和时间安排. 多谢!
    我的新房预计明年一月上旬交工, 依现在的进度看来应该准时交工没问题. 这是我在加拿大第一次买房, 有很多疑问, 不知道closing时, 冷水, 热水, 电, 煤气,取暖,哪项是builder已经安装好了的? 哪项是要closing之后自己安装的? 大约要留多少天搞定这些东西呢? 我猜想closing前后的事项是这样的, 请大家指教.

    1. closing 前几天(不知道几天?)builder通知可以验房, 这时水电是通的吗? 这一步要专业验屋师吗?
    2. closing 前几天, 锁定贷款机构, 签贷款协议, 获得支票.
    3. closing date当天或之后, 请律师办理手续. 办完手续之后从builder处获得钥匙.
    4. 联系安装取暖设施, 如煤气供暖或油供暖. 一周时间够吗? (或者builder已经安装好了, 转移账户from builder 到我头上?)
    5. 搬家. ( closing date之后几天呢? 当然越快越好, 但不知多少天能搞定closing 和facility installation)

    • 想知道closing时, 冷水, 热水, 电, 煤气,取暖,哪项是builder已经安装好了的? 哪项是要closing之后自己安装的? 大约要留多少天搞定这些东西?
      • You have plenty time to arrange those.
        1. All utilities will be installed/hooked up by builder.
        2. Start talking to your lawyer and insurance company 1-2 months before closing to find out exactly what you need.
        3. Do furniture / appliance shopping from now on, you will have more idea about pricing and exactly what you like/need?
        4. Most of people move in right after closing. Myself prepared 2 weeks before moving in. It's totally up to you.

        Hope all above will help! Good luck!
        • Thanks for the info, it's very helpful.
      • Make sure you have read the purchase agreement thoroughly. It tells you what the builder will do for you.
      • APPLIANCE呢,先自己做RESEARCH,看看自己喜欢的是哪个牌子的哪个型号的,读读CONSUMER REPORT看性能比较,找小DEALER寻价,找大DEALER来MATCH价格,:D