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From the driving instruction book(Ontario), If the kid is in his/her parents' car, the parents should provide car seat; if the kid is in other's car, the owner does't need to be responsible for that.

When I took my son in taxi or other(who lived in Canada 20+ years)'s car before we had a car, I just held him. But new immigrants are more serious about that because we don't know the rules clearly and are afraid of against the rules. Sometimes we're too careful, for example, I heard from a friend that you should apply for a license even if you drink beer in your backyard. Then I asked the lawyer about that, he said it's no problem if you drink in your backyard, but it's illegal to drink in front yard. One of my colleague even complained about his neighbourhood and said someone drink beer in the street.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请问载四五岁的小孩子需要特别的汽车座吗?
    • I noticed that Rollor has a special seat for his 4 year old son.
    • 如果小孩子的耳朵中间的位置比后坐靠背的最顶部低就需要。法律规定是体重23公斤以下都需要。最高罚款¥500。
      • 有一问题,朋友没车,朋友带她小孩(婴儿)坐我车,我没小孩座位,算不算违章?我觉得应该算,可要是这样怎么办?
        • 买个婴儿座位
        • 我想这算是违章的,前两天才上了驾校,按小孩重量的不同,就需要不同的椅子.这也是为小孩的安全好.如果需要,今晚去把那个具体规定抄来给你.
          • 不用了不用了,也不是老和朋友出去,我犯不着特意买给婴儿座位吧?谢楼上两位!!
        • 当然算违章, 警察可不管孩子是不是你的. 你的朋友可以买个car seat, 每次坐你的车的时候带上就行了.
          • OK!THKS!~~
        • 让他买,不然就别让他带着孩子。
        • From the driving instruction book(Ontario), If the kid is in his/her parents' car, the parents should provide car seat; if the kid is in other's car, the owner does't need to be responsible for that.
          When I took my son in taxi or other(who lived in Canada 20+ years)'s car before we had a car, I just held him. But new immigrants are more serious about that because we don't know the rules clearly and are afraid of against the rules. Sometimes we're too careful, for example, I heard from a friend that you should apply for a license even if you drink beer in your backyard. Then I asked the lawyer about that, he said it's no problem if you drink in your backyard, but it's illegal to drink in front yard. One of my colleague even complained about his neighbourhood and said someone drink beer in the street.
    • 9公斤以下是一种需面向后面放置的SEAT, 9-18公斤是一种需面向前面放置的SEAT.18公斤以上可以用安全带,但如果小孩太小,安全带系在了他的脖子的位置上就需要另外一种SEAT.