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It’s the worst possible scenario: a broken window found in a house in the Finch and Highway 404 area, a little girl missing, and the fear of an abduction. Extra police have been called in and a door-to-door search is underway, after a 9-year-old child was discovered missing just after 8:30am Monday morning.

A smashed window on Whitehorn Crescent was the first major clue. But it’s not clear whether police have anything else to go on. They’ve set up a temporary command post on the scene, and are scouring the neighbourhood for any signs or clues.

They haven’t released the name of the missing child, but will only confirm her parents have been located. Authorities confirm they’re treating the case as a possible abduction.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 恐怖啊,邻居家9岁的孩子被绑架,现在满街的警察,记者,空中飞机盘旋,
    • Where?
    • where?where??
      • 一会从电视里就知道了。我来加第一次看到这么多警察叔叔。
    • our chinese family?
      • yes,我的老乡。
        • gosh.
        • so the parents were not at home at that time?
    • 我只看到新闻的后半. where?
      • .
        It’s the worst possible scenario: a broken window found in a house in the Finch and Highway 404 area, a little girl missing, and the fear of an abduction. Extra police have been called in and a door-to-door search is underway, after a 9-year-old child was discovered missing just after 8:30am Monday morning.

        A smashed window on Whitehorn Crescent was the first major clue. But it’s not clear whether police have anything else to go on. They’ve set up a temporary command post on the scene, and are scouring the neighbourhood for any signs or clues.

        They haven’t released the name of the missing child, but will only confirm her parents have been located. Authorities confirm they’re treating the case as a possible abduction.
    • 讲一下吗,是哪里,新闻没有了。
    • cp24.com
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It’s the worst possible scenario: a broken window found in a house in the Finch and Highway 404 area, a little girl missing, and the fear of an abduction. Extra police have been called in and a door-to-door search is underway, after the nine-year-old's absence was discovered just after 8:30am Monday morning.

      A smashed window on Whitehorn Crescent was the first major clue. But it’s not clear whether police have anything else to go on. The parents of Cecilia Zang-Dong entered her bedroom Monday morning, but couldn’t find her. Then they saw the smashed glass, and immediately called authorities.

      There are reports all her clothing has been accounted for, meaning she vanished in whatever she wore to bed the night before.

      Cecilia is described as:

      70 lbs.,
      Shoulder length brown hair,
      Brown eyes,
      Good teeth.

      Police have set up a temporary command post on the scene, and are scouring the neighbourhood for any signs or clues of the grade 4 student, who attends Seneca Hill Public School. They won't say much, other than they’re treating the case as a possible abduction.

      October 20, 2003更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 放这个台上的这段录像,有声音没图象,我是WMP 7.10,应该装什么插件么。还是应该直接升级到9.0? 记得谁说过升级不好
    • 真是让人心痛,这么小的孩子,他的精神该要受到多大的创伤,天杀的歹徒,干吗要伤害孩子,唉,有钱的一个坏处。
      • I think it is nothing about 有钱的.
        • ?,猜错了?
        • 非财即色(情),很俗啊
          • 那你就是脱.........脱..........脱............脱......................................俗了?
            • 没有
              • 握下手,同志!
          • 玩笑一下,其实做个俗人有什么不好呢?
    • Police launch search for missing girl, 9
      Police launch search for missing girl, 9


      A 9-year-old North York girl has gone missing and police have set up a command post to conduct a door-to-door search in the Finch Ave.-Highway 404 area, Toronto police said this morning.
      Cecilia Vang-Dong, an Asian girl who stands 4-foot-11 and weighs 70 pounds, was last seen at her home at 33 Whitehorn Cres. at 8:27 this morning.

      She has brpwn eyes and shoulder-length straight black hair with blonde highlights.

      She is a Grade 4 student at Seneca Hill Public School.

      Police wouldn't confirm reports that there was a broken window at the girl's home.
    • 破窗而入,还是白天,太可怕了
      • 是不是半夜偷走的啊?早上才发现。
        • 又不是偷头兔子,动静能小了?
          • :P:P:P:P:P
          • 恩,要是偷妖精就好了。
            • 妖精睡觉的时候比猪猪猪还重,你不知道啊?HOHO~~
              • 一块一块偷。
        • 这家家长怎么了, 家里窗子被打破了都听不到
          • You probably have't lived at a 2 story house
            • What do you mean? I really think there is some problem with her parents, 8:30 is not the time the parent's goto her room to wake her up
              • review the facts again --> "ast seen at her home at 33 Whitehorn Cres. at 8:27 this morning"
                • Students should go to shool around 8:30, so if you have a child, you won't wake him/her up at 8:27
                  • Do you read? "last seen at 8:27AM". Tell us what "last seen" means.
                    • Her distraught parents discovered her missing around 8:30am Monday, when they entered her Whitehorn Crescent bedroom in the Finch-404 area.
                      • so sad about her and her parents. toronto should do something about these sexual affenders.
                        • Nobody said it was sex offender...
                          • foul play evidence found in bedroom and the case is turn to Sex Crimes Unit
                            • Please correct me if I'm wrong, " Unfair or treacherous action, especially when involving violence." is the official definition of "Foul play", does it mean something else?
                              • I don't know, my peer said it means very sensitive evidence found could be voilent or sexual assualt.
                      • I know... it sounds like "entering for the first time of the day", but it really could and should be that her parents saw her earlier at the house, and were reentering her room when they found her missing...
                        • if you know how close her home to her school, you will know why.
                          • Well, unless schools start at 9:30AM, what time does your school start?
                            • I will ask my daughter to get up at 8:10am.
                              • does your daughter go to that school? scary...
                                • If I have a kid. : )
                                  • Ooops...
          • 毫无根据地指责她的家长。几点叫孩子起床,能不能听到玻璃破了的声音。。。别人都在为小女孩揪心,替她家长难过,而你确暗示她家长有失职。
        • :P:P:P
        • 老眼昏花嘛
          • 你看看你,就说了一句话就把能得罪的都得罪了一遍。
      • 如果房子有报警系统,这种时候就起大作用了。
        • 有的报警系统只要把电话线切断就失效了。 有的只管破门而入的。 一切保安系统都有漏洞。
        • 要看什么报警系统了。一般的系统,是主人出门的时候才启动的,也就是说,如果房子里有人,而门窗被开启的话,系统不会报警。
          • Did you smell it?
        • 觉得还是有条大狗的好
    • let's pray
      • and prey.
      • 我们能作什么??
      • together.
      • Let's all pray for the girl.
      • Let's prey. And tell verybody we know.
        • O_O ??
          • PRAY
    • The school used to be No. 1 in Toronto (not sure about it now), the houses there price anywhere btw 400K to over a half a million. Hopefully this has nothing to do with
      the increased numbers of government shelter and expanding college there. There're.. noticeably more blacks and students there according to the residences there.
    • 关注,看来买房考虑社区的做法也有弊病
    • 太可怕了,愿上帝保佑她
    • 有照片连接就好了,贴出来,大家都留个印象,可以帮留意一下。
      • on www.thestar.com they have.
        • 真可怜, 这么可爱的一个小女孩....天杀的, 哪个没PY的家伙干的?!
      • 照片
    • 不管怎么样,上帝保佑小姑娘没事啊!!!
      • 刚才走过去看了一眼。好多警察,记者!
        • 动静那么大,罪犯会不会狗急跳墙啊!!!
          • I don't know. But I hope not.
            • 偶觉得她家大人应该快想想有没有得罪什么人,要不然不会针对这种小小孩子的啊。
    • 希望不要出现第二个holly上次那个可怜的小姑娘。让我们大家睁大双眼,在自己附近多多留意一下吧。
    • 很可爱的小女孩呀,让我们为她祈祷吧,希望她平安
      • 对小姑娘已不抱希望,只祈祷她父母及华人不涉案。
    • See theStar
    • God bless her.
    • 很多rolian住那一带的,都提高警惕吧,也做做能做的事
    • God bless her. Let's prey for her.
    • things getting worse, sign, what the kidnaper will do? did her family got any call or sth from the kidnaper? It want money or what? toronto is turning to a horrible city,
    • i doubt her parents were at home, they must leave such a little girl at home only by herself, and the kidnaper must have pay attention to that for a while, so do not leave children alone.
      • 会不会是针对大人的。半夜将人劫走, 说明蓄谋已久啦。
        • guess so, hope nothing too bad happen to the little girl, hate those crap only can hurt children, garbage
      • 法律规定: 小孩4岁以上不能和大人住在一个房间里,必须有自己的房间。
        • i was not talking about room, i doubt only thin girl in the whole house, seems like that, otherwise how come they only found thin at 8:30???
    • 不会吧,我们孩子晚上哼哼两声我们都能听到,这都把孩子抢走了都不知道?
      • 这个时候别责备家长拉, 现在那妈妈心大概都碎了。 这孩子必定十分乖巧懂事,所以家长从来没有担心过。 真难受。 要是坏蛋是为了求财孩子有命在, 要是那种BT, 这孩子现在不定多无助
        • 估计罪犯早有预谋,希望不是中国人干的。
          • 有预谋一般是财吧? 那还好点。
          • 我估计,十有八九是自己人干的!
    • Some smell here --- "And late Monday came a new revelation - there was a basement apartment in the home. And all the people who live there have been questioned. " from CP24
    • 如果从来没有进过这个房子,怎么知道孩子睡在哪?又怎么能在没有任何动静的情况 下偷走一个孩子?家里的父母好好的想一想。不要被伤心给击晕了头。
      • 出租给很多家,能不乱吗?
        • 住那儿很好租给SENECA的学生的,不出租的可能性狠小。
      • cecilia 和我女儿夏令营在一起,
        她是一个聪明又懂事的女孩, 家庭非常和睦幸福, 今天下午看到新闻报道,不敢相信自己的眼睛,女儿很喜欢cecilia,直催我打电话给她妈妈,我很想打,可不知道说什么,难受.....
        • 电视上好象说家长已经让警方安排到别的地方去了, 家里做CSI。
    • 希望小女孩平安。多可爱的笑容啊。
    • 现在已过夜里12点了,电视上amber alert又看了几遍。希望明天一早能看到小姑娘平安的消息。
      • 为她祈祷,请安全回家吧.
    • I know the criminal
      • 這種事情,開不得玩笑.
      • Please call the police.
      • 我想他的意思是 猜 吧
      • 很有道理。多伦多的警察似乎很笨,调动那么多人翻垃圾,不如这样:
        调查所有曾经的租户,做过装修的等等,他们自己绝不是罪犯,但70%罪犯是他们不太熟的熟人。有可能是自己人干的,是想要赎金,调查所有的机票持有者,及这两天购票的,这哥们有一定的水平,知道怎么弄走一大活人,而没大动静,但这个哥们必定不知道这个什么almer.. alert系统,不知道严重性。