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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 匆匆草就组织了一封给MP的信,因为自由车队的紧急呼吁,parliament 要在48小时后投票,给自己的MP打电话,发邮件,施加最大压力阻止通过,目前大概有7,8票的差距❗️信写的匆忙,只能将就用,大家可加可减可改,尽快发出去❗️ 谢🙏 +10

    Extreme concerns about invoking Emergency Act

    Dear Mr. 🦓🐆🐘,

    I am writing to express my extreme concerns about
    invoking the Emergencies Act by Trudeau government.

    Please vote against it!

    Here below you can find UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
    17 September 2020

    15. A “peaceful” assembly stands in contradistinction to one characterized by widespread and serious violence. The terms “peaceful” and “non-violent” are thus used interchangeably in this context. The right of peaceful assembly may, by definition, not be exercised using violence. “Violence” in the context of article 21 typically entails the use by participants of physical force against others that is likely to result in injury or death, or serious damage to property.14 Mere pushing and shoving or disruption of vehicular or pedestrian movement or daily activities do not amount to “violence”.

    The federal government hasn’t met the necessary threshold to enact emergency legislation, and cautioned against its repeated use. It seriously threatens our democracy and our civil liberties.

    Protests can be messy, but it’s worth to remember these are not only protected activities in a democratic country but also crucial to our well-being as a society.

    The Ottawa protests certainly pose a nuisance but have been largely peaceful and non-life-threatening. Absent violence or property damage, the Ottawa protesting cannot constitute a national emergency.
    Protesters ’ daily activities are exposed to the world online 24/7. We all know clearly what is really happening in Ottawa.

    PM has not made any effort to sit down with the truckers who are peacefully demonstrating to find possible solutions.

    Instead his decision is to invoke the emergency act — for the first time in Canada’s history —which dangerously escalates and inflames the situation .
    Evidence of a completely failure of leadership!

    Even China state -affiliated media ( governed by a dictionary government) express it’s opinion on social media about Trudeau’s action!

    Chen Weihua (陈卫华)

    China state-affiliated media
    Hong Kong cannot invoke National Security Law against violent petrol-bomb-throwing mobs but Canada’s Trudeau can invoke Emergency Powers to crack down on peaceful pro-freedom protesters. What’s the logic?

    We are at a very historic moment in our history to see this act being invoked for the first time against peaceful demonstration and civil disobedience,

    Your willingness to take action against the Emergency Act will demonstrate your solid support for Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    Thank you for your commitment.
    I look forward to receiving a response from you.



    • +1 我就写了2句, +3
      还都是抄的 ZT you have one final opportunity to do the right thing, or be remembered as traitors and tyrants for the rest of time.please publicly oppose these emergency measures and vote against 'Justin Trudeau‘s declaration of emergency'.
      • 长短皆宜👍 +2
      • 这个好,我打算用 +3
        • 谢谢。开始我觉得有些象威胁,又读了一遍,觉得没有人身威胁,只是反映了事实,只是告诉他‘如果支持紧急状态的话,这辈子的名誉算完了’,而且确实放映了我和很多人的真实想法。就没改,直接发了 :-) +1
    • 我没有足够的时间去写信,抱歉了。
      • 可以copy/paste? 这不难吧😉 +2
        • 时间 时间 时间。
          • Are you kidding me? +1
    • 你这个信里的陈的推特链接需要简化,保留问号之前的部分,其余的部分都是无用的而且不必要地泄露了一些隐私 +1
      • 你可以改,我已经发出去了,推特链接为什么会泄漏隐私? 推特上的发言不都是公开的吗?这点不明白🤔
        • 一大堆,比如rolia的链接什么的 +2
    • 太长了,他们不会看的
      • 已发了, 看到Please vote against it! 就行了。 +1
      • 看到了标题就行 +4
    • 这是我的 +7

      Please vote against invoking Emergency Act

      Hi Mrs. Salma Zahid,

      I'm a citizen in your riding.

      You, a Canada MP , have one final opportunity to do the right thing, or be remembered as the Traitor of Canada, along with Justin Trudeau. Please publicly oppose these emergency measures and vote against 'Justin Trudeau‘s declaration of emergency'.

      Yours Patriot,

      X xx

      • 精练👍 +2
      • +1 +1
      • 很好👍这样的信有清晰的 argument 即可。proof 他那儿早就有了,正反两方面的 proof 都有,完全看他愿意采纳,按自己的良知和智慧去采纳 +2
    • 这里有个图片版,字数不多,敲一遍也不花时间: +2


    • 刚email了15个senator。累s了 +5
      • 棒棒棒👍👍👍糖 🍬 +2
        • emailed to 15 senator as well! +4
          • 28个了。明天把剩下的发完 +3
            • 我好象发了338个,就是不知道发成功了没有🙄 +4
    • 还可以给all premiers发信,要求给联邦施压,end 疫苗强制,allow人们back to work。不要支持紧急法。他们的email 地址: +2
      John Horgan – Chair Premier of British Columbia PO Box 9041 Station Provincial Government Victoria BC  V8W 9E1 premier@gov.bc.ca https://news.gov.bc.ca/office-of-the-premier Doug Ford Premier of Ontario Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto ON  M7A 1A1 premier@ontario.ca www.ontario.ca/page/premier
    • 我找过我们这里的mp, +1
      • 说明大多数人还是很重视疫情的,所以对一小撮卡车司机无视疫情的行为肯定不会认同的。发些垃圾邮件没啥用的。 +2
        • 我是说他们以疫情为借口,不接受任何异议,政府机构都是个壳,没有人的。昨天,多伦多市长已经宣布开始解封,人员陆续回办公室上班 +2
      • 要见到MP本人不太现实,但是发邮件还是可以的。我倒是跟我区的Liberal MP通过电话,只给10分钟,而且态度不好。还是发邮件吧 +1
        • 我没有想见她,只是觉得至少能和工作人员谈,结果人(指任何人)都见不到 +1
      • 身体力行,棒棒哒👍👍👍 +1
    • 唯恐天下不乱