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有地方drop, 要收钱 ,

Free loose compost is available for pickup at Disco, Ingram, Victoria Park and Commissioners Drop-Off Depots on Saturdays between 7 a.m. and noon from April 16 to October 8, 2022 (limit of one cubic metre per vehicle, approximately one car trunkful). Please bring a shovel and container. Important notes: A safe motorized vehicle is required […]

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请问大家一个生活问题,家里大扫除,杂七杂八装了一个黑色垃圾袋,犯愁应该把它仍到哪里去?
    • 才一个? +1
      • 一大袋
    • 按类分好,分别扔到绿、蓝、黑三个垃圾桶里即可......
      • 在万锦没有黑桶
    • 有地方drop, 要收钱 , +1
      Free loose compost is available for pickup at Disco, Ingram, Victoria Park and Commissioners Drop-Off Depots on Saturdays between 7 a.m. and noon from April 16 to October 8, 2022 (limit of one cubic metre per vehicle, approximately one car trunkful). Please bring a shovel and container. Important notes: A safe motorized vehicle is required […]
      • 谢谢提示 +1
    • 这个问题是不是有什么玄机?不是应该每隔一周会上门收垃圾黑袋子么?
      • 收黑袋是哪个城市? 我拉过去扔朋友家门口外加一箱啤酒,这个方法好哈哈
        • Richmond Hill收黑袋子
    • markham不收黑袋,其他地方好像收, +1
    • 把它倒一个透明的袋子里。 +1
      • 谢谢。
    • 好奇你们那里每一周或两周不收垃圾吗
      • 不收黑袋
    • 去Canadian tire 买sticker拴在黑垃圾袋封口处,然后等扔垃圾那一天放出去,city就会收走。


      • 谢谢,学到了
    • 先报上你的city。同样约克区各城市都不一样:Markham垃圾收透明袋,而Vanghan的收黑袋。Markham的好像透明袋不限数量,而Vanghan的每次限3个,多出的可以到社区中心去买付费的sticker,贴在上面就可以收。 +1