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No longer need ArriveCan? There's a reason.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / No longer need ArriveCan? There's a reason. +5


    • It's a pretty racist comment. +3
      • Racist? Which words are related to "race"?
        • Chinada +3
          • 这是典型的种族主义写的帖子吧
            • 最近看了版主的发言,先是觉得政府内部promote diversity的部门无用,现在又传播有种族主义的帖子,我为Rolia堪忧啊。 +3
              • 原谅老大吧,他一直在肉联非常勤奋的练习英语,希望他能进步 +1
                • 这是能告官吗?确实卫生官是个华人,让人误会加拿大抄了中国作业
                  • 可以告,种族歧视最容易赢
                    • 那就快去吧
                      • 我不需要钱,还是你去吧
                        • 哦,钱多
                          • 有可能得上千万,车哥去吧,发财的机会稍瞬即逝
              • If something prohibits questions or debate, it must be evil. +5
                • 老大在加拿大碰见过evil的事没有? +1
            • I understand that they feel that Trudeau abuses citizens' human rights and drags Canada closer to China, a Communist country. +8
              • 把土豆的错划归到了中国身上,然后呢,大家一起来反华
                • 中国应该骄傲,被当成了一个标杆,一个榜样。 顺便问一句,那个会变红码绿码的APP叫什么名字?
                  • 翻译成英文我知道,叫ArriveC。你们的土豆最近一直在研究中国的东西,下次你们还选他 +2
          • China is not a race. In China there are many races. +2
            • 好吧,如果你觉得用Chinada不是racist的话我也无话可说。Chinese is a race, period. +2
              • 是政治俚语,台湾人不受影响。中国人是否正在形成一个特异的种族,的确值得忧虑。中国人对核酸的依赖性,清零洁癖,过于相信国产疫苗,一边倒的偏向俄爹,正在进入基因。和海外华人逐渐分歧增大。 +1
              • Han is a race. Chinese is not. +4
                • Ppl refer to anti-Chinese racism or even anti-Asian racism. They don't refer to anti-hanist racism. Seriously you need to connect to the real world. +3
                  • The far-left swamp is not the world. They are not against racism, in fact they themselves are racist and facist. They are simply trying to label anything they disagree with as "racist". I don't play with their talking points. +4
                    • You can express your view freely just don't try to label a particular race as it has nothing to do with that race. When you do that it is racism. +4
    • 唯一的答案:除痘必须走人! +15
    • check in 不是在airline的机器上,怎么会有这些问题?
      • Good question! I used check-in machine before. Such questions are obviously newly added. +4
        • 是说这些本来应该在海关问的问题,或是现在在海关取消的关于疫苗的问题,转移到check in的时候…… 而这个转移是被计划好的? 但是人们可以选择不回答一些敏感问题么?
    • Take Down The Canada government’ +1