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30 years tampons, The Big Bang Theory

American Sitcom featuring Sheldon Cooper, Leonard Hofstadter, Penny, Howard Wolowitz, Raj Koothrappali, Bernadette Rostenkowski, and Amy Farrah Fowlerthe big...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 因为一直以来都用厕纸存货,今天去买厕纸,24个/包的厕纸竟然卖到了$17.99/包。这个涨价幅度得是多少啊? +2
    • 买自动马桶盖。啥年代了在家里还用手纸。 +1
      • 只是好奇,停电的时候咋办呢? +1
        • 家里有发电机 +1
          • 嗯,发电机功率有限,必须有所取舍,没厕纸的人家厕所是最最重要的,要保证每个厕所都连发电机哦 +2
          • 上到一半停电了怎么办? +1
      • 喔喔喔…… +1
      • 满屁股的水咋整干的?(烘干可是啥味都吹的满屋都是) +1
        • 好有画面感 +1
        • you can flush the toilet first then air dry. +1
      • 想知道水洗和纸擦哪个更环保 +3
        • Cleanse with water is more hygienic and better for health. If I'm at home, I would do a quick shower right after. +1
          • 不擦,倒立洗? +1
    • 啊哈,倒是没在意,日用品都是拿瑞细特去报销 +1
    • 你说囤厕纸,想起n年前第一次买房,看一个房子,地下室储藏室里堆满了厕纸,感觉能用10年,当时那个震惊,怎么也想不明白为啥要囤那么多 +1
      • 缺乏安全感 +1
      • 你现在明白啦,涨价啦,先见之明。 +1
        • 有20年的先见也是不容易,不知她们囤的那些能挺到现在不 +1
          • 潮湿发霉了吧 +1
            • 就说呢吧,不知咋想的 +1
      • 30 years tampons, The Big Bang Theory +1
        American Sitcom featuring Sheldon Cooper, Leonard Hofstadter, Penny, Howard Wolowitz, Raj Koothrappali, Bernadette Rostenkowski, and Amy Farrah Fowlerthe big...
        • 这个好玩
    • 水洗不卫生,潮湿会发霉长细菌,大家都知道的。除非立即擦干。用啥擦?
      • 洗完澡用啥檫?