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Gigliola Cinqueti - Que tiempo tan feliz

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 夜深人静,来一段夜半歌声:
    Gigliola Cinqueti - Que tiempo tan feliz
    • 请问,唱的是什么?
      • 这首歌的西班牙语版本:
        Mary Hopkin Those were the days lyrics
        In the name of Fair Use and Creativity I uploaded this video only for Educational Purpose, that is Learning English with Music and synchronised Subtitled Kar...
    • 来首新些的,林肯公园的in the end
      In the end - Linkin Park (with lyrics)
      In the end.. legendary song.I wrote out the lyrics for you guys, so please Subscribe and Comment.Thanks. ^_^
      • 两手空空,两脚僵直,两眼抹黑,两头不沾。时间太害“人”。莫如猪狗
        • “I try so hard and got so far, in the end, it even doesn’t matter.” 咱们老男人真实的无奈 +1
          • 无奈尚且事小,因为只是不适难受而已。被女老少们拍砖才是老男人痛心疾首,如丧考妣的大痛心