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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

please check my scripts

One evening in the countryside, my friends and I went to the fields to catch some field mice and grasshoppers. We lit a bonfire and set up a grill over it to start roasting these small creatures.

We skewered the field mice and grasshoppers onto bamboo sticks and turned them gently until they turned golden brown. We chatted and laughed, enjoying the delicious taste of roasted field mice and grasshoppers.

Next to the bonfire, it was dark except for the light of the flames illuminating our faces and a small area around us. The distant sounds of frogs and insects echoed in the night sky, making the scene even more interesting.

We spent a happy night telling stories and jokes, while eating roasted field mice and grasshoppers. This scene may be primitive, but it is filled with childhood happiness and memories.


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  • 枫下拾英 / 人生足迹 / 小时候打野食的乐趣:土窑烤地瓜 +3
    • 文笔真好
    • 太小儿科了,烤田鼠靠蚱蜢比这好玩多了
      • 烤蜂窝呢?
        • 这个也有过,一手拿着烤蜂窝,一手抠出蜂蛹来吃,就像拿着向日葵吃瓜子似的,高蛋白的高级小吃啊!
      • 嗯,小板凳坐等您的烤田鼠蚱蜢,未烤先香啊.....
        • please check my scripts +1

          One evening in the countryside, my friends and I went to the fields to catch some field mice and grasshoppers. We lit a bonfire and set up a grill over it to start roasting these small creatures.

          We skewered the field mice and grasshoppers onto bamboo sticks and turned them gently until they turned golden brown. We chatted and laughed, enjoying the delicious taste of roasted field mice and grasshoppers.

          Next to the bonfire, it was dark except for the light of the flames illuminating our faces and a small area around us. The distant sounds of frogs and insects echoed in the night sky, making the scene even more interesting.

          We spent a happy night telling stories and jokes, while eating roasted field mice and grasshoppers. This scene may be primitive, but it is filled with childhood happiness and memories.


          • 急就章啊?英文了得哦!
            • 玩玩而已
              • 厉害啊,突然想起脱口秀里张踩铃说的段子:“功夫俺不会,但可以陪你玩玩儿”,哈哈哈......
                • 我可以认为你这是夸奖么?
                  • 夸你厉害了还这么谦虚....“玩玩而已”
                    • &*——*%
    • 南北方野地烤地瓜的技术标准看来差不多嘛。 +1
      • 呵呵,有专利之争么?搵食的技术是全球交流共享的!
    • 偷的鲁迅社戏煮罗汉豆的意境:)
      • 呵呵,茴香豆俺熟,罗汉豆貌似没咋听说呢......
        • 闰土那篇没读过?记得是中学课文,哦你比我大:)
          • 闰土那是《故乡》里的,记得是看瓜吃瓜,呵呵......
    • 小时候都捣蛋啊
      • 回头看咋能叫捣蛋呢?俺曾给娃提过,说那就是俺们小学时的project,也是team work哦,娃羡慕得不得了:“哇,这么牙咪的project!我们现在想做都木得.....”
        • 暑假带回去team work偷西瓜
          • 嗯,哪怕偷瓜未遂,被瓜农追杀后逃脱,那也是满满的人生体验project!写出来独一无二,老师敢不给全班最高分才怪呢.....
    • 我记得1973到1976这几年,我们那到红薯季,每户必须买一定比例紅薯,就是广东叫地瓜。性急的在蜂窝煤炉上用火钳架着烤,十几分钟就好。不急的把红薯塞底下炉灰里,一小时后可吃 +2
      • 俺们南方也一样,有段时间的口粮(大米)里必须搭配一定量的番薯,也是收粮票的.....
    • 很小的时候和小朋友在农田里捉迷藏时我们会摘蚕豆和豌豆吃。大了后去学校的路上会带生山芋和同学挖个坑捡了干树枝烤山芋,然后盖上土,浇上小辫灭火去烟。到了放学回家路上挖出来,算是补个中饭。 +1
      • “浇上小辫....”,估计渗到豆里味道更香?
    • 我们小时候的野食是炭烧泥包麻雀。 +1
      • 胶泥相当于现在的锡箔纸,烤出来带有泥土的香味不?那泥不会粘在麻雀皮肉上吧?
        • 麻雀是带毛一起包在泥里,烤熟以后,泥会把大部分的毛粘下来,剩下的毛用手撸撸,撒点儿盐…你知道的。
          • 哦,俺还以为拔了毛才烤呢
    • 11,上 PP 了。哪个是楼主?
      • 你猜猜
    • 小时候乐趣真多。
      • 你现在弄的“电脑烤箱”也蛮经典的嘛!
    • 隔着屏幕都能闻到地瓜香!要是能偷到一只鸡就完美了,可以做一版正宗的黄七公叫花鸡。 +1
      • 红七公变成了黄七公?叫花鸡来了!


        • 这是你做的吗?😍
          • 偷鸡献美......反正美食体验都是从偷开始的,呵呵...... +1
    • 太麻烦。我们小时候,是直接拣一堆枯枝烂叶烧,红薯就埋在枯枝烂叶下面。火烧完了,红薯也熟了。高级点,拿两块红砖围一下再烧 +1
      • 这种简单的烧法,地瓜熟和香的程度估计不如打土窑出来,热气是朝上走的,埋在下面反而获得的热量少.....
    • 小时候冬天去奶奶家,最爱吃的就是烤地瓜了,就是做饭的时候扔烧的大锅底的下面
      • 去温哥华玩时经过一小店,俺还特意拍下这张照片:

        • 烤得皮肉剥离是最好吃的,这个像腌酸菜的,😂
          • 不是完全分离,应该是烤得裂了些缝,缝里透着外焦内白的薯肉,有股香气从裂缝内冒出......
    • 点个赞 野外烤地瓜🍠我在行 我干过👍😂
      • 俺信,这种活对能拆修车的你,连小菜都算不上.....
        • 我们简单粗暴 用芦苇杆生火 直接扔进去 烤了之后剥掉黑乎乎的壳 😂
          • 吃完,手黑嘴黑,个个都成了黑须公.....