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Casablanca (1942) - Turner Classic Movies

I fell in love with you watching CasablancaBack row of the drive in showIn the flickerin' lightPopcorn and cokes beneath the starsBecame champange and caviarMakin' love on a long hot summer night

I thought you fell in loveWith me watching CasablancaHoldin' hands 'neath the paddle fansIn Rick's candle lit cafeHidin' the shadows from the spiesMoroccan moonlight in your eyesMakin' magic at the moviesIn my own Cheverolet

Ooh, a kiss is still a kiss in CasablancaBut a kiss is not a kiss without your sighOoh, please come back to me in CasablancaI love you more and more each day as time goes by

I guess there are many broken hearts in CasablancaYou know l've never really been there, so l don't knowI guess our love story will never be seenOn the big white silver screenBut it hurts just as badWhen I had to watch you go

Ooh, a kiss is still a kiss in CasablancaBut a kiss is not a kiss without your sighOoh, please come back to me in CasablancaI love you more and more each day as time goes by

Ooh, a kiss is still a kiss in CasablancaBut a kiss is not a kiss without your sighOoh, please come back to me in CasablancaI love you more and more each day as time goes byI love you more and more each day as time goes byOoh, I love you more and more each day as time goes by

Ooh, a kiss is still a kiss in CasablancaBut a kiss is not a kiss without your sighOh, please come back to me in CasablancaI love you more and more each day as time goes by

A kiss is still a kiss in CasablancaBut a kiss is not a kiss without your sighOh, please come back to me in CasablancaOh, I love you more and more each day as time goes by

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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / 啊~Casablanca~ +11
    • 沙发!师爷的嗓子好浑厚!妥妥的低音炮👍👍👍
      • 😄赶紧帮我想一个“玉”的下场,没法圆下去了
        • 谢谢师爷令人享受的精彩演绎! +1
          • right here and right now😄
    • 👍👍👍好家伙,这嗓音真的是浑厚,自带低音大音响
      • 坐等风过哥周末精品
        • 好,我也来首新唱的 +1
    • 今天师爷展示了全音域的能力,太厉害了,怎么没走专业唱歌的路?
      • 侃爷见笑了😄
        • 你的嗓子应该是自小受过专门训练的,你对音阶的掌握在全音域都很准确,高音共鸣总是做到很充分,即使在这首低音歌里也没有沉闷的感觉,仍然有很充分的层次感,这不是业余歌手能把握得好的。
          • 我都晕了,我连歌词还没熟透😳
            • 原来半熟是最厉害,就如生米粥治胃痛,醉拳所向无敌。我好像有点开窍了😀 +1
    • 师爷厉害了。,👍👍👍
      • 多谢宝玉哥~ +1
    • 第一次记住听这首歌的确切时间,是刚来不久,在先生的车里,我们一起去湖边公园野餐...
      • 哇,浪漫的回忆啊👍
    • 不得了!
      • 出现错码🚨😄
    • 师爷當年是不是學校裏的文藝骨幹,或校園十大歌手之類的。 +1
      • 做骨干思想工作的😄 +1
    • 南京路上泡美眉,靠你叻
      • 桃浦,桃浦去伐? +1
    • 你是不是边唱边舞来着?😄 +1
      • 😝一只手拼命在空中无力地挥舞着~~
    • 师爷英文标准吗?
      • 《英汉大字典》+《如何查字典》走遍天下
    • 非常喜欢的歌啊。师爷一如既往地轻松驾驭。
      • 雅罗总明鉴👍 +1
    • 师爷周身刀,把把利!咋就低调了这么多年呢?
      • 所谓的六边形战士
        • “六边形” 第一时间想到的是螺母!
          • 潜意识,要深挖潜意识啊😀
      • 看来赶紧得收敛了
        • 收个啥?横溢的才华收起来孤芳自赏么?还是恣意人生,做个斜杠师爷吧!哈哈.....
          • 👍看兄/网络语大师😄
    • 刚才正突然想到Casablanca里面的两句歌词,这就看见师爷的帖子,也太巧了。好听👍 +1
      • 恰恰是被欧老板与菁这一段凄美的故事打动,相信这故事打动了许多读者,曾经的花前月下卿卿我我,为了学业,为了不羁理想,终究被迫抛掉这份爱,是切肤之痛 +1
    • 磁性厚实的嗓子+超正的英文发音=好听x2 👍👍
      • 谢谢,祝小艾周末愉快~~
    • 听着歌,仿佛经典黑白片再浮现
      • 谢谢大版~~Happy Monday
    • 👍👍👍
      • 豹哥早
    • 我要點歌。。right here waiting for you +1
      • 先生,还要果盘酒水吗?😄
        • 你是小姐姐?
          • 如烟,马上就到~^_^
            • 您老的職業?
              • 为尊贵的客户提供全方位优质的服务
    • 听师爷这风格,下一首应该是 Hotel California 了,坐等...... +1
      • 加州旅店装修中…^_^
    • 👍
      • 谢fan fan
    • 师爷随意露一小手儿就震了!音色深沉宽厚,语感绝佳,立了!
      • 谢大爷夸奖😄
    • 师爷越来越厉害了,原来这么能唱,早几年怎么没听你唱呢~~:)很喜欢的歌,深情磁性,舒展流畅,好听好味道,赞!
      • 😄多谢风华~以前一直都在家和孩子们唱儿歌啊😄