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你这投资不亏死才怪,一点都不neutral,央行25号的官方是这样说的However, Governing Council is concerned that progress towards price stability is slow and inflationary risks have increased, and is prepared to raise the policy rate further if needed.

The Bank of Canada today held its target for the overnight rate at 5%, with the Bank Rate at 5¼% and the deposit rate at 5%.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 加拿大央行说Rates may fall before inflation hits 2%。
    • 央行终于开始慌了,不再嘴硬了?将降息提上日程了?来再呱唧呱唧🎉。这比大伙的预料还要快呀。重新审视一下,可能是衰退程度和步伐超出了他们的预期。lol +2
    • 必须的。 +1
      • 这个惊吓不轻啊,房盼盼们要颤抖了。 +3
    • 你们这是也够可以的,Carolyn明明还说"inflation wouldn’t hit 2 per cent until the second half of 2025." cut 25bps也是cut,按现在货币政策以及资本市场收益率曲线结构来看,这个cut的轨迹极其缓慢 +11
      • 只能缓慢, 太快降息会引起通胀反弹, 到时候更难控制。会在高位盘横的 +5
        • 那可未必,降息后起码贷款通胀会大降,房租也会降,工资增长服务通胀都会稳定下降。
      • 之前的口径可是“ prepared to raise the policy rate further if needed”,这个变化惊不惊喜?意不意外?lol +1
        • 意外个屁,交易上看2023-10-27 : 12:00:00pm,直到2024年9月,资本市场才price 25bps的降息,屁用都没 +6
          • 祝你早入锁定GIC。呵呵。远离房市。 +2
            • 你这投资不亏死才怪,一点都不neutral,央行25号的官方是这样说的However, Governing Council is concerned that progress towards price stability is slow and inflationary risks have increased, and is prepared to raise the policy rate further if needed. +1
              The Bank of Canada today held its target for the overnight rate at 5%, with the Bank Rate at 5¼% and the deposit rate at 5%.
              • 快买GIC,不买就言不由衷啊。
          • 再给你个惊喜,国债利率又暴跌了,双顶已成,再不锁,GIC利率就要下调了,过来这个村没这个店。lol +1


    • 央行的几位大佬2022年给自己发了$3.5M的奖金,然后说通胀太厉害了,需要加息。 +1

    • 从来就没人说5%的隔夜利率要保持到通胀回落到2%,不符合常识啊。常识是保持2-2.1%的实际利率是最理想的。所以2025年通胀回到2%,央行降息到4%,已经是最好的结果了。问题来了,两年后,4%的大环境下,房价应该在哪? +1
      • 房盼盼是没说保持5%,房盼盼都是喊加息加到通胀回落到2%的。喊出超过10%的隔夜利率的为数也不少。都不讲常识的,自相矛盾才正常。 +1
        • 房吵吵的一停止加息,或者一开始降息房价就飙升的脚本也是不讲常识的。今年春天冲进去的那一批已经用真金白银交了学费。 +1
          • 春天没飙吗?跟现在比春天的利率不错啊,不买现在估计买不到了。人家毕竟真金白银证明自己,哪像房盼盼天天自相矛盾。。 +1