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联邦比BC狠吧?一年内买卖房屋(包括楼花)增值直接按business income计个人所得税收入,而不是capital gain了


Personal income tax: What's new for 2023 - Canada.ca

Property flipping

Starting January 1, 2023, any gain from the disposition of a housing unit (including a rental property) located in Canada, or a right to acquire a housing unit located in Canada, that you owned or held for less than 365 consecutive days before its disposition is deemed to be business income and not a capital gain, unless the property was already considered inventory or the disposition occurred due to, or in anticipation of certain life events. For more information about flipped property and life-event exceptions, see Residential Property Flipping Rule or Schedule 3, Capital Gains (or Losses).


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 联邦比BC狠吧?一年内买卖房屋(包括楼花)增值直接按business income计个人所得税收入,而不是capital gain了


    Personal income tax: What's new for 2023 - Canada.ca

    Property flipping

    Starting January 1, 2023, any gain from the disposition of a housing unit (including a rental property) located in Canada, or a right to acquire a housing unit located in Canada, that you owned or held for less than 365 consecutive days before its disposition is deemed to be business income and not a capital gain, unless the property was already considered inventory or the disposition occurred due to, or in anticipation of certain life events. For more information about flipped property and life-event exceptions, see Residential Property Flipping Rule or Schedule 3, Capital Gains (or Losses).

    • 房产买进到卖出不满365天,如果赚了钱,不能享有capital gain 50%可税之优惠,而是100%可税。如果亏了钱,那就亏了,也不能享有capital loss。你地明白? +1
      • 这么总要的信息,为什么这么没人提呢? +1
        • 这两年弄house flipping 有人能挣到钱吗?
          • 多的很,你看看多少旧房在翻建就知道了,没钱挣这些人都傻吗?
    • 要炒糊了的节奏?
    • 一年太短,最好两年 +1
      • 没有最狠,只有更狠! L OL
    • 一般短炒的都是经纪,人民大众投资房地产都是买了就留着到退休才卖,这里买卖房子费用和税都太高了,短炒不值得折腾。 +2
    • 很好的政策,支持 +2
    • 这是常识,早就有了,不新鲜。
    • 被认定炒房历来就是这样的
    • 😂太宽松了 其实炒股也可以算商业收入 只要一年交易超过多少次 就不符合tsfa账户免税条件了 😂
    • 都实行了几年了,你才知道啊。我觉得这样挺好,炒房过热不利于发展 +1
    • 这是旧闻。。。至少很多年了,主要打击炒楼花的。。。现在炒楼花都hold1年卖,就没问题。。。