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Biden wants team to "move Heaven and Earth" to reopen Port of Baltimore #shorts
#news #baltimore #bridgecollapse
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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 【英译中】Move heaven and earth +1
    • 把天堂搬到地上。
      • 砸烂公检法?
    • 愚公移山,👍女娲补天 +4
      • 女娲的法力比愚公要高 +1
    • 改天换地,大干快上
      • 盘古再现
    • 不谢。Chatgpt说
      "Moving heaven and earth" is an idiomatic expression meaning to do everything possible, exhaust all efforts, or make extreme sacrifices to accomplish something. It implies going to great lengths or overcoming significant obstacles to achieve a goal.
      • 就是不管不顾了
        Biden wants team to "move Heaven and Earth" to reopen Port of Baltimore #shorts
        #news #baltimore #bridgecollapse
    • 用尽洪荒之力 +1
      • 这个形象到位👍
    • 撼天动地
    • 侬想组啥?搞恐怖活动吗😱