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Amazing China in 1917 in color [AI enhanced and colorized] 老外拍的视频,用最新的AI汇总起来,很原始的风貌,主要是北京的各种生活场景,非常生动,像一幅清明上河图,表现了当时中国相对体面的一面

Amazing China in 1917 in color [AI enhanced and colorized]
This is splendedly enhanced and colorized footage from two fragments of Benjamin Brodsky’s ten-reel film documentary, showing Peking in the 1910s. It is high...

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  • 枫下拾英 / 历史 / Amazing China in 1917 in color [AI enhanced and colorized] 老外拍的视频,用最新的AI汇总起来,很原始的风貌,主要是北京的各种生活场景,非常生动,像一幅清明上河图,表现了当时中国相对体面的一面 +1
    Amazing China in 1917 in color [AI enhanced and colorized]
    This is splendedly enhanced and colorized footage from two fragments of Benjamin Brodsky’s ten-reel film documentary, showing Peking in the 1910s. It is high...
    • 中国的1917年,是光怪陆离,波诡云谲,风云激荡的一年,每个月都有很多大事发生,这一年的素材,够拍几十部电影。1月1日——上海《新青年》杂志发表胡适《文学改良刍议》。12月31日督军团北方十督通电反对恢复旧国会,主张临时参议会代行国会职权。 +1