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正好看到nyt这些,原文的网址放最后:As an architect of the Oct. 7 attacks, Mr. Sinwar masterminded a strategy that he knew would provoke a ferocious Israeli response. But in Hamas’s calculus, the deaths of many Palestinian civilians — who do not have access to Hamas’s subterranean tunnels — were the necessary cost of upending the status quo with Israel.

American and Israeli intelligence agencies have spent months assessing Mr. Sinwar’s motivations, according to people briefed on the intelligence. Analysts in both the United States and Israel believe that Mr. Sinwar is primarily motivated by a desire to take revenge on Israel and weaken it. The well-being of the Palestinian people or the establishment of a Palestinian state, the intelligence analysts say, appears to be secondary.

They believe that Mr. Sinwar has timed the release of videos of some Israeli hostages in order to spur public outrage at Mr. Netanyahu during crucial phases of the cease-fire talks.

If Mr. Netanyahu has been accused of dragging out the fighting for personal benefit, so, too, has his archenemy, Mr. Sinwar.

Israeli and U.S. intelligence officers say that Mr. Sinwar’s strategy is to keep the war going for as long as it takes to shred Israel’s international reputation and to damage its relationship with its primary ally, the United States. As Israel faced intense pressure to avoid launching an operation in Rafah, Hamas fired rockets last Sunday from Rafah toward a nearby border crossing, killing four Israeli soldiers.

Hamas and its allies deny that either Mr. Sinwar or the movement is trying to leverage further Palestinian suffering.

“Hamas’s strategy is to stop the war right now,” said Ahmed Yousef, a Hamas veteran based in Rafah. “To stop the genocide and the killing of the Palestinian people.”

While the outside leadership has at times been more willing to compromise, Mr. Sinwar is less ready to concede ground to the Israeli negotiators, in part, because he knows that he is likely to be killed whether or not the war ends, the official said.

Even if negotiators seal a cease-fire deal, Israel is likely to pursue Mr. Sinwar for the rest of his life, the official said.

Hamas members have projected an image of unity, downplaying Mr. Sinwar’s personal role in decision-making and maintaining that Hamas’s elected leadership collectively determines the movement’s trajectory.

Some say that if Mr. Sinwar has played a bigger role during this war, it is mostly because of his position: As the leader of Hamas in Gaza, Mr. Sinwar has greater say, though not the final call, according to Mousa Abu Marzouk, a senior Hamas official based in Qatar.

Still, there is something unusual about Mr. Sinwar’s force of personality, according to Mr. al-Awawdeh, his friend from prison. Other leaders might not have instigated the Oct. 7 attack, preferring to focus on technocratic matters of governance, Mr. al-Awawdeh said.

“If someone else had been in his position, things might have gone in a calmer way,” he said.

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 以色列干不过哈马斯,人家可以不把自己的同胞当回事,看看“被犹太资本控制的”nyt咋说
    • Never Trust what NYT tells us. NYT = Fake News manufacturer.
      • 意思是,凡是纽约时报说的都是假的,所以哈马斯很在乎自己的同胞,对吗,老家?还有,纽约时报经常批评党国,所以那些批评都是有问题的,党国很好,法治人权民主都远胜美帝,对吧? +2
        • 你需要慢慢理解我说的话。也许你没有经历过纽约时报掀起的大风大浪,不能理解纽约时报为什么大部分时间是正确的,小部分时间是错误的。就是这些小部分时间的错误,就能够扭转舆论方向! +1
          • 撒謊者貝浩圖的故事
            • 大纪元什么都不让我看。 +2
              • test
                相傳從前有一個遠近聞名的撒謊者,名叫貝浩圖。貝浩圖有兩個夥伴。一天,他興致勃勃地給兩個夥伴講起了自己的經歷—— 你們可知道,我從八歲起便開始說謊,現在已養成一年說一次謊的習慣。之所以說謊,完全是爲了對付那些奴隸販子。
          • 我认为, +1
    • 高调支持以色列,肯定不符合美国现在的战略利益,美国的意思是要低调,你狂轰滥炸根本没用,死的都是喽啰不说,还给一帮傻缺烙下口实。我给你情报,你先断了他们的财路,再一个个斩首,还省事儿。我集中精力对付俄杂先。
      • 我读书少的可怜。我看到的东西,我经历的事情,可能你没有经历,因此对美国主流媒体始终抱着一丝幻想,理解。川普总统被NYT打压,郭文贵先生被NYT打压,马斯克被NYT打压。
        • “从来就没有什么救世主,也不靠神仙皇帝。。。全靠我们自己!” 从小唱到大,应该早就入脑入魂啦! +1
          • 倒背如流的水平。
        • 七哥就是救世主,七哥就是新时代的伟大领袖,凡是七哥说的都是对的,😄 +1
          • 别的不说,起外号的水平,七哥说是第二,全世界没人敢称是第一。 +1
            • 七哥是新时代的红太阳嘛,七哥也是幸运的,到了北美,韭菜还这么绿油油的等他收割(精神上的) +1
              • 海外韭菜,没被收割已久,野地里疯长,典型的人傻钱多,国内出来的镰刀不收割,上对不起镰刀,下对不起韭菜。 +1
                • 起码是伟大祖国的镰刀,自己家镰刀,总比被川普那个美帝镰刀收割了强,哈哈 +1
    • Israel doesn't want to kill a single Palestine civilian. Israel is doing all the best to avoid killing civilians! The blood of every person's dying is on the hands of Hamas! +5
      • 鳄鱼眼泪也没有这么假