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美国公益慈善机构America First Legal宣布:我们刚刚起诉了亚利桑那州马里科帕县,指控该县拒绝在选举前将非法移民从选民名单中删除。马里科帕县官员公然违抗州法律要求从选民名单中清除不合格选民的规定——因此我们起诉了他们。

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit against the Maricopa County Recorder on behalf of Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona and Yvonne Cahill, a registered voter and naturalized citizen, for failing to take action to remove foreign citizens from their voter rolls. On July 17, AFL sent letters on behalf of […]

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 美国公益慈善机构America First Legal宣布:我们刚刚起诉了亚利桑那州马里科帕县,指控该县拒绝在选举前将非法移民从选民名单中删除。马里科帕县官员公然违抗州法律要求从选民名单中清除不合格选民的规定——因此我们起诉了他们。 +6
    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit against the Maricopa County Recorder on behalf of Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona and Yvonne Cahill, a registered voter and naturalized citizen, for failing to take action to remove foreign citizens from their voter rolls. On July 17, AFL sent letters on behalf of […]
    • 这个县也一直都是臭名昭著的作弊大户,从2020到2022都是,希望诉讼得胜! 就剩几个月了,不知道来不来得及。 +3
      • 他们知道自己作弊,也知道你知道他们作弊,但他们还是去作弊,直到他们实在无法作弊。同时左媒洗地,宣传选举公正。他们就是又做婊子、又立牌坊。 +3
        • 这些渣滓就应该让他们把牢底坐穿才对。 +4