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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 川普Butler PA 拉力现场人山人海 +19


    • 你在现场拍的照片?
      • +10
    • 应该有不少Canadian去的,有没有看见啊? +3
      • 现场各个州的车牌都有 +5
        • 大Party啊! +3
          • 关键是,都是私家车。没有大巴士。哈哈哈 +14
            • 只有没人气的哈里斯才需要从别地儿拉货充脸哈哈哈 +10
              • 排长队 +7


                • 哈哈,老家要是还没到的话,还能进得去吗 +3
                  • 不知道他在不在 +1
    • 这时候,以前魔怔的人就不魔怔了,不叫着“视频,原始视频”了
    • 赞楼主,我要早些知道肯定去。以前要老家提醒我的,可惜他只惦记着七哥。。。。 +6
      • 现场人情绪不错。不少年轻人。 +9
      • 他早就把七哥忘了,现在只想着川大,以及刀郎 +1
      • 我看你没有参加讨论,以为你改变主意了,就没有提醒你。我向你道歉吧,真心的。我知道我们的政治观念基本一致。
      • 说明你没有认真看帖呀,坛子里是说过的,马斯克要参加的帖子也有呢。怪自己吧嘿嘿。
    • 我看FoxNews已经把摄影机架好候着直播了一会儿了 +5
      • JD is here +4
        • JD讲得非常有力! +7
    • 这次的地点还是上次那个吗?安保力量感觉如何? +3
      • 目前还可以 +5


        • 狙击手好像是女的呀 +1
          • 对。离我50米吧 +2
            • 现在是播放的录影带吗 +1
              • 是的。5点才出来。 +1
                • Fox 忽然断了
                  • 又好了,吓我一跳 +1
                    • 天气越来越好。三点半的时候,川普的飞机直接从头顶飞过。。哈哈 +4
                      • 哈哈哈真的么,能认出来呀?
                        • 能。很低。上面的字都看的清楚。
                          • 应该在半空中抛下一大堆帽子,哈哈哈 +1
                      • 场子还挺大的 +1


                        • 这场面,起码5万人
                          • 这是一小时前发的,现在人应该更多 +1
                        • 旗子是这样过来的?
                        • 这两个女阻击手就在这两个白色屋顶中间的集装箱上面。 +1
                          • 那还行,你的位置比我猜测的靠前,嘿嘿
                          • 你从1点站到现在啦?还有俩小时
                            • 对。原地没动。再往前走不动了。人山人海。 +1
                              • 感觉快结束了,1个半小时
                      • 看起来是这个
    • 川爷先见了Corey的家人 +1
    • 川爷的X账号已有280万在线观看 +1
    • Steve 这位好像就是上次RNC讲故事的川爷的朋友,儿子去世了所以和川爷一起联手反芬太尼的那位 +1
      • 现在是Eric. 估计一会儿是elon +2
        • Eric给大伙儿算了一笔账~他的口音有点奇怪哈哈 +2
          • Laura是川普的儿媳,是RNC的co-chair,专注于反作弊。她再次向潜在作弊者发出警告,告诉他们,在这次大选中作弊有严重后果,不值得去做。 +4
            • 作弊违法。要坐牢要遣返 +5
              • 这次要是能上台,那些人估计会被清算 +1
              • 会被追溯并用法律最大量刑伺候! +4
                • 这样才有威慑作用,能够让以后的选举安全、公正。 +6
            • 嗯呢,已经培训了20万名志愿者监督选举! +2
      • 现在镜头在JD身上 +1
        • 现场短片Fox看不到,川爷x账号有哈哈 +1
    • 川爷出场啦 +2
      • Lee Greenwood状态不太行啊,走音有点严重了
      • 大伙儿的热情太厉害啦
      • Ave Maria 为Corey的牺牲默哀 +1
        • 唱得太好了!
        • 默哀 +2


        • 虽然只有一段,但太好听了 +1
      • JD被表扬了嘿嘿 +1
      • We are going to frack frack frack~ 川爷的meme估计又要出来了。 +2
      • 现场是有人有什么事了吗,晕倒了吗还是怎么了
        • 对。正在处理。川普说没关系。现场开始唱歌 +2
          • God bless Trump!
        • 大家开始唱国歌了 +2
        • 下面的人高喊" we love you Trump",另一个角落喊“God bless Trump” +2
      • We will Fight!Fight!Fight! +1
      • Elon?哈哈猜对了
        • 哈哈哈他是跳出来的 +1
        • Fight,Fight,Fight,Vote,Vote,Vote! +1
      • 川爷居然不知道什么是Star Link 哈哈哈 +1
        • 川普这次赢了。 +4
          • 必须赢的,没得商量:) +4
      • 川爷赞Elon的办事效率,电话还没打完StarLink就安排好了。 +1
      • 又夸JD哈哈
      • 川爷的眼神真好啊,从台上面就能认出人来
      • 川爷嘲笑哈里斯必须用提词器哈哈 +1
        • 天黑了
          • 看到了,没有阳光了。
      • 在说飓风的事情。$750刀vs几十亿外援 +2
      • 边境安全,这一关是哈里斯的命门。 +2
      • 加州的作弊手段:禁止查看voterID +2
      • 教育将回到各州,中国排名前5,美国居然40多。 +1
      • 重回能源独立及掌控。2000万美国人交不起电费,能源价格一年内将减半。 +1
      • 制造业将回归并复兴,税收将从21%减至15% +1

      • 保持美元作为国际储备货币。 +1
      • 让变形运动员不得参加女性运动。 +2
      • 复兴美国梦。必须把哈里斯投下去。 +3
      • We will win win win~! +3
      • 搓澡舞~
      • 和歌唱家拥抱~
      • 今夜无人入睡!歌剧《图兰朵》的经典唱段! +1
        • 这首歌的结尾就是 I will win~! +3
        • 这个是英文版带歌词,能帮助理解。
      • 太好听了 哈利路亚~! +1
        • 实力派的歌唱家 +1
        • USA! USA!! USA!!! +2
        • Hallelujah- Leonard Cohen 视频从1:50开始

          Now I've heard there was a secret chordThat David played, and it pleased the LordBut you don't really care for music, do you?It goes like this, the fourth, the fifthThe minor falls, the major liftsThe baffled king composing Hallelujah

          Hallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujah

          Your faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew youShe tied you to a kitchen chairShe broke your throne, and she cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

          Hallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujah

          You say I took the name in vainI don't even know the nameBut if I did, well, really, what's it to you?There's a blaze of light in every wordIt doesn't matter which you heardThe holy or the broken Hallelujah

          Hallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujah

          I did my best, it wasn't muchI couldn't feel, so I tried to touchI've told the truth, I didn't come to fool youAnd even though it all went wrongI'll stand before the Lord of SongWith nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah

          Hallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujah

          Hallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujah

          Hallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujah

          Hallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujah

        • 感觉歌曲第四段是川爷对过去这三年半发生的一切的心声,听着都要哭出来。 +1
      • 这首叫什么?第一次听!很雄壮。
        • 哈利路亚
          • 不是,它的下一首
        • America the beautiful - Alexander Courage / Katherine Bates / Samuel Ward

          O beautiful for spacious skies,
          For amber waves of grain,
          For purple mountain majesties
          Above the fruited plain!
          America! America!
          God shed his grace on thee
          And crown thy good with brotherhood
          From sea to shining sea!

          O beautiful for pilgrim feet
          Whose stern, impassioned stress
          A thoroughfare for freedom beat
          Across the wilderness!
          America! America!
          God mend thine every flaw,
          Confirm thy soul in self-control,
          Thy liberty in law!

          O beautiful for heroes proved
          In liberating strife,
          Who more than self their country loved
          And mercy more than life!
          America! America!
          May God thy gold refine
          Till all success be nobleness
          And every gain divine!

          O beautiful for patriot dream
          That sees beyond the years
          Thine alabaster cities gleam
          Undimmed by human tears!
          America! America!
          God shed his grace on thee
          And crown thy good with brotherhood
          From sea to shining sea!

      • 这首也没听过,也超好听!
        • How Great Thou Art -Stuart Keene Hine +2

          Oh Lord, my GodWhen I, in awesome wonderConsider all the worlds Thy hands have madeI see the stars, I hear the rolling thunderThy power throughout the universe displayed

          Then sings my soul, my Savior God to TheeHow great Thou art, how great Thou artThen sings my soul, my Savior God to TheeHow great Thou art, how great Thou art

          And when I think that God, His Son not sparingSent Him to die, I scarce can take it inThat on the cross, my burden gladly bearingHe bled and died to take away my sin

          Then sings my soul, my Savior God to TheeHow great Thou art, how great Thou artThen sings my soul, my Savior God to TheeHow great Thou art, how great Thou art

          When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamationAnd take me home, what joy shall fill my heartThen I shall bow, in humble adorationAnd then proclaim, my God, how great Thou art

          Then sings my soul, my Savior God to TheeHow great Thou art, how great Thou artThen sings my soul, my Savior God to TheeHow great Thou art, how great Thou artHow great Thou art, how great Thou art

          • 太好听了,真享受。谢谢 +2
            • 不客气,你有没有到现场呀?嘿嘿
        • 是的,超好听,美极了。 +2
      • God Bless America,这是上次肉脸网友告诉的歌名。 +1
        • Songwriters: Irving Berlin +1

          God bless America, land that I loveStand beside her and guide herThrough the night with the light from above

          From the mountains to the prairiesTo the oceans white with foamGod bless America, my home sweet home

          God bless America, land that I loveStand beside her and guide herThrough the night with the light from above

          From the mountains to the prairiesTo the oceans white with foamGod bless America, my home sweet home

          From the mountains to the prairiesTo the oceans white with foamGod bless America, my home sweet homeGod bless America, my home sweet home

      • 超棒的男高音 Christopher Macchio +2
        Lyric Tenor | Actor | Firm believer in the unifying power of beautiful music.. FOLLOW ME on INSTAGRAM https://t.co/RtiJ6kT8pd
        • Great Voice +1
    • 你还在现场吗?今天晚上开回多伦多?
      • 不回多伦多。