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Just watched a news from CityTV. 2:00PM a couple and a baby with a stroller, try to cross HWY401 in Scarborough. OMG! It's said they just landed two weeks ago, from CHINA! sorry I cannot type Chinese now, but

I have to say:
1, Are they parents? Are they high-educated 'technology' immigrant from Great China? Even an idiot from anywhere of the world, would not try to cross a 100km/h, 14 lane high way. My God!
2, In these two weeks, since they came here, who take care of them? all by themselves? no community? except those called new-immigrant- jie-dao-zhan. Who had taken care of us when we came here? Who will take care of new comers from China?
3, Could we do something, to save our brothers and sisters and children when they need some direction, some help? and stop those people who keep on blaming us.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / Just watched a news from CityTV. 2:00PM a couple and a baby with a stroller, try to cross HWY401 in Scarborough. OMG! It's said they just landed two weeks ago, from CHINA! sorry I cannot type Chinese now, but
    I have to say:
    1, Are they parents? Are they high-educated 'technology' immigrant from Great China? Even an idiot from anywhere of the world, would not try to cross a 100km/h, 14 lane high way. My God!
    2, In these two weeks, since they came here, who take care of them? all by themselves? no community? except those called new-immigrant- jie-dao-zhan. Who had taken care of us when we came here? Who will take care of new comers from China?
    3, Could we do something, to save our brothers and sisters and children when they need some direction, some help? and stop those people who keep on blaming us.
    • 风四弟,你先别急,把话说清楚,大人小孩怎么样了,尚没事吧?
      • 偶也看得一头雾水。
        • 应该是没事的,国内几乎每一条高速新开的时候都有人徒步横穿-----不少丧命车轮底下。现在这HIGH-EDUCATED一词还是少用的好,那个杀人犯也是大学生,看看他的绝命书,唉
      • 还好没事。//Scarborough town centre那边的路真的很乱,是很容易迷路,可能不小心就走上高速的ramp了。他们可能就住在附近,不想也不需要搭TTC回家。:(
        • OH.MY GOD!
        • 苹果,我有报税问题要问你,是在这里问,还是去税缸?
          • 老革命也有新问题?去税缸吧。太复杂的要猪主席给你解决了。
        • @@环境的变迁对物种生存确实关系重大,差点成了自然选择法则的牺牲品。尽快熟悉新环境掌握新规则,去掉新移民前的新字谈何容易~~~
          • 人家不是才来2星期吗?偶来了2年还分不清东西南北呢。:(
            • 是刚来2天!不是2个星期。终于看到了电视新闻的重播。他们住在Sheppard & McCowan附近。没事就好。
              • 是昨天来的,可能是去办SIN啊什么的,可惜没人帮。我是给shock了,记错了。
        • oh, my god, un-believable, 真万幸!
        • 谢谢pingle的链接,真是吓人。说的对,我们"老"移民该为他们做些什么。
      • 电视上放了,是给一辆拖车和巡逻警察带下来的。
    • 到让俺想起来刚来的时候都不知道怎么下bus:-(
      • 我都来两年了, 也就是最近才知道还有另一种bus是要推一下门才开的 :PPP 什么high-educated都没用,大学没教过怎么开bus门:)
    • 一家人没事就好, 初来乍到总有迷糊的时候, 老弟你言重了
    • 让我想起那个好像叫<上帝也疯狂>的电影...hoho
    • 人生地不熟,难免一时晕头。受过高等教育但缺乏某些常识的不是什么新鲜事,宽容点。没事就好。
    • 电视台的也真是,拍那么长时间也不去接一下人。要真出了事。。。。
      • it's not from camera man, it's the highway camera, otherwise you wont see the report
    • 我原本还计划夏天骑自行车上404走ramp来着,唉。。。// 估计那两口子心里还在大骂,多伦多的鸟人怎么开车都这么猛,硬是不让人过马路。。。
      • 骑自行车可以吧?记得俺们一个老教授骑车越野是就是走高速的ramp。
        • 真的啊?看来我应该仔细拜读一下教授的大作。:P
          • 他是那么吹的,俺也不知道有关规定呀。8过,自行车不是等同于一辆汽车吗?
    • 无知者无畏! 无知者无畏! 无知者无畏!..........., 看来, 我们太缺乏生存本能的教育了.
      • 估计他们老家那里没高速,不知道这是怎么回事。不过国内有高速的也教育不够,有人会跳过护栏穿行高速
      • 和教育没关系,刚来新的地方人人都一样,平安没事就是幸福。
    • 这回老外是不是都以为中国没有highway了啊!回想起来若干年前,在电视里看见的记忆犹新的一个画面,在北京三环,两个外地民工翻越护栏过马路,结果一个人被飞驰的起床撞得飞了起来... 国内这种教育受的还少吗?居然在这里还犯这种错误,唉....
      • 我觉得可能是迷路了无意中顺着辅路走上去了。再一个,这里的高速看起来并不像国内的高速——国内的高速都是全封闭,每个入口都有收费站的。如果不知道的话,401看起来只是另一条更宽的马路吧。
        • 迷路可以理解-----不过走那么远不可思议,看着不对劲原路折回应该是正常哦,还带着老婆孩儿,还有一堆东西,一直往前走,真恐怖
    • 说也奇怪,怎么这种事爱发生在中国人身上