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记者说:“她最大的希望是能听你喊她一声‘妈’。”“这是绝对不可能的。”罗丹会很坚决地说,作为母亲,首先是不能抛弃自己的孩子。本报记者 刘宇 孙鹏

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 留美博士一封家书与母绝情 农妇怒告上庭(ZT)- (那个博士吃饱了撑的突发奇想,给他妈写了那封信?)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛留美博士一封家书与母绝情 农妇怒告上庭(组图)








    法院传票将在近日发出,袁和梅呆在家里,等候着地球另一面传来消息。罗丹会究竟会如何应对此事,本报随后将揭开谜底。(来源: 成都商报 记者 刘宇 摄影报道)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 书读越多越反动。。。。。。不是我说的。:-)
      • 说这话的人每天都读满床的书
        • 书又不是被子,硬梆梆。。。。。:-)
        • 纠正一下是半床书,
    • 一面之词,大家激动什么?
      • 这件事情合理的解释之一:
    • 是哦,这封信前面一定还有很多故事
    • I dislike anyone who does not respect his/her own mother.
    • I have such simular experience, yet mine is critical and arguable. Could any gentlemen and ladies give me any suggestion?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛My Dad is a doctor. Mum is a teacher. I was their second son. They have a daughter. Before Dad got married with Mum, he ever loved another woman. Because of the Chinese Culture Revolution, he was forced to abandon her and married my Mum.
      He worked and studied very hard, and achieved a certain scusses in medical field when I was 4 yrs old. But probably it was his idea, Mum and Dad performed a play in front of me and sister. Mum cried and complained him, ' You always only take care of your job, but push all homework to me!.... I want to divoice with you!' When I was a child, I couldnt tell their trick. And then parents asked their daughter to raise an question to me,' if they were divoiced, who you would like to choose to live with?' I though, Mum is week and poor than Dad, I should go with her. Then I answered, I followed with Mum.

      After that, Dad treated me unfairly and rudely. He beated me always on my head, legs... since I was 4 years old till teens. He didnt give me any gifts, money. My clothes, shoes are all used from his daughters. Untill I grew up, it was Mum who purchased living stuffs for me. After high school graduation, I only took 2 years colleges. And probably it was my Mum who support me on that. Yet his daughter enjoied another totally different life. She could ask me to anything for her. She could get lots of gifts from relatives, his friends. She enjoied 5 years medical university in China and 2 years study abroad.
      Since I was child till I grown up as an adult, they never give me mercy. I must save each pennies at home. I was not allowed to use phone for more than 5 minutes, I was not allowed to take a bath over 15 minutes. Yet I undertook lots of homework for them. I never feel warmth and true heart feeling at home. I was very upset in that passtime.

      Therefore, I feel I must leave them! I must find my heaven!

      3 years ago, I succeed in immigration to here. And before I leave, I scucceed win a girl's affection. 1 year ago, I married her and applied her to here. We, young couples, start my new life in Canada. And I want to abandon my used name, as if the dad has being 'abandoned' me since 25 yrs ago.

      They begin scared. They say harsh words upon us to wife's parents. Actually they only give me a little money for our marriage. They begin to beg me come back their home. Though I try hard to clear my any memory about them, but every Spring Festival, they call me one time. And some vacations, they call me some times. I cut those calls as I receive the phone and heard their voice.
      Once, I heard my Mum's voice. It was from an old woman. The voice was low, and week. The voice was sad, and guilty. The voice sounds regretful and pitty. She was my ever mum.
      I remeber once a upon a time, I told her that her husband sleep with his old love when I saw this scene in through tape at my 18 years old, and her daughter was in university. She cired sadly. But she didnt try to suicide. I wandered, since her husband cheat her affection for such long time, why she could accept this fact!? I wandered, when I tried to ask the dad for explaination, why she stoped my mouth! I was an adult, and did I have the right to know your reason, didnt I?????!!!!!

      I prefer to grow up in a poor family, but with love from each other. I appreciate my wife's famlily. She is poor also. What we have is only no more than $20,000. And her parents, younger brother are living in a small town in China. She is a nice and sweet girl like most of people, not like me. I am suppressed, lack of confidence, although I performanced well in programming in China, and have a certain skill in oral english. But thoughout my unhappy time in China, I am lack of confidence, and feel frustrated easily....

      Every time when I receive Mum's call, I feel mainly angry, yet coming with a little bit hesitation. Sometimes I dream of parents. Part of the dreams are with anger. Part of them are with tears. Part of them are with pitty on mum.

      But I decide to abandom them, especially the dad and his daughter. And in order to punished his daughter, I leave mum for her. They are living in US. She has enough money to rasise the parents.

      Will my decesion be wrong? Will my decesion make me feeling guilty in the future? Will my offspring think me guilty?

      Any ladies and gentlemen has your individual comment, please?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • I wrote in english and it is too long to read. Let me say it briefly : My parents treat me unmercy since I was a child, may I abandom them?
        • 清官难断家务事,DD啊,这种事情,别人挺难帮你选择的,凡事一要对得起自己的良心,二要常怀仁人感激之心,有时候原谅也是一种幸福。
          • Thank you for your reply. Did you read my long paragraph? If without suffering the dad's squeeze, maybe I can finish bachelor degree in China, and pursue master degree abroad, and better future.
            If Sb. had destroy your future, and abuse your personal character, could you forgive him, while he doesnt intend to say sorry at all.
            • 抱歉我肯定是无法理解你内心的感受的,每个人都有自己的故事。我只觉得你母亲可能个性柔弱,但没有什么过错,你应该积极的想,你现在的生活中有一个让你觉得幸福的小妻子,这是值得你一辈子骄傲的事情,家人也不能和你过一辈子,何必
              • Thank you for your concern again. What I are mostly angry with him and his daughter is, he not only support me in fund, but also stop me continuing bachelor degree in china.
                In that period, although I live with them, except that I dont need to pay for the rent fee, I pay everything for mysefl. It is reasonable though. Anyone have meet or experience such family like tme? Anyone see such selfish dad? His daughter is prepared well for him. She is taught lots of tricks by her father, and she will apply these tricks on him untill he die! That will be most happy thing for me.
                • 小弟弟你现在心理充满了仇恨啊。 父母亲情是人生之俱来, 硬要违抗, 一辈子苦的其实是你自己。
                • 通过你短短的帖子,我的感觉是你的内心充满了仇恨,而且是对你的血亲们(当然血亲不一定是至爱),这是一件蛮可怕的事情,你现在已经有家,可能也有子女,试想一下如果你的亲人之间只有恨没有爱是一件多么可怕的事情?我建议你还是多
                  • I will try to forget them. I love wife's parents instead. I love her brother. I play pc games with him when I was in China. But the former sister never
                    play with me. Never. She never love me one time. I can feel that. I am a quite mercy person and quite reasonable man. I treat my friends fairly. I prefer I pay more than I attrive from friend. Because I feel even fell my friends, whatever old or new, treat me fairly than the former family. I dont know why the former family treat me so mint. I just want to remove all memory just like delete some bulk data from harddrive.
                    I feel quite happy along with my wife. She loves me so. She feel happy when I am happy. She feel sad when I am sad. She is the one I have been longer for since I was 4 years old.
        • 我以小人之心注意到你称你姐姐是你父亲的女儿或者“他的女儿”,那可是你亲的同父同母的姐姐啊,我猜想也许你的父亲做了许多伤你心的事情,也许你的姐姐也是,但是如果他们后悔愿意对你说抱歉,你至少也应该给他们一个开口的机会是吧?
          • No. They never try to say sorry. They only want me to take care of my mum. And pobably the dad would join his love( in US also). They are
            continuing try to fool me instead of say sorry to me.
        • I understand you. My suggestion: Stop any contact with your parent! You are living in bad memory and better do not recall it.
          Change you phone line if you don't want to talk with your parents. Have your own life. Have kids. When you have own children, you would feel love between you and your kids. After a while, your heart would be soft. And you could contact with your parent later when you have peaceful mind.
      • 读到结尾,想着也许长故事背后还有很多复杂的原委,同情你小时候的经历。不过如果我是你,
        • Totally agree!!!
        • 明智的选择
        • I will. Thank you.
      • 我觉得你应该多和你太太谈谈,她最了解你,才可以给你真正的建议。造成你今天的心理,你也有过错,单单看你称呼你姐姐为他的女儿就让人有点心寒。没有一个家庭可以做到真正公平地对子女的,你做人的原则不应该因为别人对你的态度而改变。
        • Thank you very much.
      • 一声叹息。。。如果你不原谅他们,可能你自己一辈子也无法解脱。
        • Sincerely thanks for BayGirl, Ningxing0809, Expert3, Gwen73, Sofia and Charleslike! Many thanks for the scoiety giving me these opions.
          I will seriously and critically think it over by about 2 or 3 years, and then give them a call. Time can do so much for it.
          You all indicate that the bottom of a heart of a normal humanbeing is green, soft, and with mercy. Every normal person own a very kind heart, that is for his/her love and who loves him/her. Only when he/she must face the outside enviroment, or in a negative background, might his/her heart twised, mutation.
          What I should do for myself is keep my heart peaceful, and dont bring any negative whenever I had a child, and dont bring bad influnce to her, whom I love. For further purpose, it is depend on them, I couldnt care too much.
          Thanks for everyone! I will copy your opion into my harddisk. thanks again!
      • 令人伤心的经历,为人父母者当引此为戒。同情你的遭遇,同意你的做法。在新地方,换个新名字,做个新人。
        • thank you.
      • 一个心中充满仇恨的人。
        • No. Most of time, especially leaving them, I am a quite good boy, and gentleman.
      • 很同情你的经历,并不是所有的人都和父母有缘分,你是其中比较幸运的人了,能在自己的生活中找到从前失去的亲情和爱情,
    • 我对把小孩子遗弃给别人的父母,无论什么借口,历来无法有同情之心!
      • me 2me 2, 再说一般寡妇再嫁, 不带孩子, 尤其是不带儿子, 就是和夫家断绝一切关系的意思。
        • 9494,不要就是不要了,有些东西不要了是收不回来的。
        • 9494,而且她凭什么突然要儿子每个月付2000的赡养费?!!
      • But I think if she had another choice, the mother would never give up her baby. We only know oneside story.
        • she had the choice, no new marriage if the new husband donot want the baby
          • It is only our guess. How about if she thought the baby would have a better life living with his uncle? Anyway, it's a tragedy for both of them.
    • 重庆农妇状告留美博士儿追踪:叫声“妈”?永远不可能!(ZT)



      记者说:“她最大的希望是能听你喊她一声‘妈’。”“这是绝对不可能的。”罗丹会很坚决地说,作为母亲,首先是不能抛弃自己的孩子。本报记者 刘宇 孙鹏
      • 一篇网友评论(ZT)
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛一个受过高等教育的青年,竟然无知到不认亲生母亲的可耻地步,这真正是教育的失败,人性的丧失!
        有良心的重庆人站出来,揭露这种无耻的小人,向美国发贴子,让全美国人知道这个禽兽不如的东西的真面目,让他在中国人、美国人和所有具有良知的人的唾沫海洋里沉没。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 太偏颇了,寡妇嫁人很正常,但是为了嫁人就把儿子送给伯父家就是不对。
        • 而且这个娘上来就要38年都没去看过一眼的儿子付2000/月的赡养费,太离谱了:(
          • 呵,没看前面的文章,不过要说38年不见,出来要赡养费,嘿嘿------中国农民有觉悟的时候:该觉悟的地方觉悟,不该觉悟的地方就说自己是农民,情非得已,ETC。
            • 这个老太太会满街发传单,会一面告状要钱一面说:只想让他叫声妈。。。觉悟很高啊
          • 2000/月的赡养费给真正养育他的养父母,还差不多。又有多少人给养育自己长大的父母2000/月。
        • 这里面猜测的太多,而且都是一边倒的猜测,就是每种猜测的可能有50%,最后是那样结果的可能有多少?再嫁跟抛弃孩子的必然性能有多少?
    • 新浪一个回帖
      我和这个博士是一个村里的。我不认识他,但听说过他小时候的故事。听人说过,这个孩 子小时候很可怜啊,他那个妈把他送了几次人,都没送掉。这孩子天生就和常人不一样, 每次都哭得死去活来,总让人送回来。为此不知挨了他娘多少打。听说四岁送人前没过过 一天好日子,村人都说其母无比狠毒。后来,这孩子的大伯知道了,给接过去了。听说大 伯家条件也不好,小孩多,仍然把他抚养成人。那个母亲从前看他是负担,送人后从未想 起过儿子,现在听说儿子发达了,突然想起认亲,哎,世上还有这样的人
      • 另一留言
        • 如果真是这样的话,让那博士给村里愿意作证的人一笔钱,都不要给这个狠心的“妈”一分钱,生而不养的人最恶心了。
          • 9494,真没见过那么恶心的女人,还会发传单:((((
    • ■儿子不认母伯父另有说法
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛  ■儿子不认母伯父另有说法
        为了孩子的前途,1966 年他将小丹会接到在万县东门口的岳父家中寄养;1967 年春,通过忠县及长春有关部门的审核,将小丹会的户口转到自己户口上,关系就明确为“次子”,之后小丹会便随自己在长春生活。“公安机关都承认了我和孩子的(父子)关系,只不过我就少了一张和袁和梅的抱养书,但这怎么能说不是收养关系呢?”
        1973 年,罗继汪全家回到了巫山县,那时候弟弟罗继流所在煤矿的同事还专程来看望了小丹会,从那时候起,小丹会就知道了自己的身世,而孩子却并没有表现出太多的异常,继续着他在学习上的名列前茅;1978 年罗继汪一家又来万县定居,当时袁和梅与后夫所生的儿子来万县看病,还在自己家住了一些日子,尽管这样,袁和梅也没有一句口信或者是一件礼物问候丹会;1980 年,丹会考上了上海交通大学,这个好消息立即在弟弟罗继流所在煤矿传为佳话,煤矿方面甚至还专门给丹会买了重庆到上海的船票。
        “丹会每搬一次家,我都会给袁和梅说他的地址和电话,也劝过丹会给他生母写信或是寄照片,但他已经成人,他怎么做完全自己做主了!”罗继汪说,这么多年来,袁和梅有很多机会能见到儿子,可她却根本没有这样做,却说成是“不知道儿子在哪儿”。而在2000 年,袁和梅印制了很多传单在罗继汪万县的生活范围内发放,把罗继汪说成一个“阻拦母子见面”的罪魁祸首。对此,罗继汪表示将保留控告袁和梅侵犯自己名誉和编造事实的权利。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net