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Thanks for sharing those with us ....

Thanks for sharing those with us. I do not have intention to move to Japan. Rather I have interests to understand other nations' cultures especially Canada's and Japan's.

Due to the success of Japan's economics during 60's and 70's, Many US and Canada's universities offer some courses such as "How to do business in Japan" and "Japanese Culture and language" etc. to help American and Canadian learn the strength of Japan and share the successful experience from them. Therefore many people around world have strong interests to learn and understand Japan. And today they are trying to understand China.

I believe that 2-D, dedication and discipline, made Japan quite unique if you could agree with me. Please execue me using English.
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  • 枫下拾英 / 人生足迹 / 加国印象系列之 迁往加拿大
    • 很久没有看到这么充满"乡土气息"的加国印象系列了, 希望你能继续写. 我认识的从日本来的朋友们, 最后都选择了留在这里, 他们说: 从宏观和长远看, 这里比日本好. 如果你们能住1年以上, 希望你们也有相似的结论.
      • 谢谢鼓励。
        • Can you please tell us Japan?
          • ok。谢谢关注。我也很想把这几年在日本的所见所感写一写。不过要给我时间。
            • Are you getting used to Canada's lift style yet ? If you have time please tell us the difference between Japan and Canada especially the culture of both nations. Hope you enjoy the beautiful summer in Canada.
              • 谢谢你的关心,现在已经没有刚来时的急躁。适应了语言不便、没有车的日子,这里的日子也就不那么难熬了。你对日本很感兴趣,是不是打算去那里?
                • Thanks for sharing those with us ....
                  Thanks for sharing those with us. I do not have intention to move to Japan. Rather I have interests to understand other nations' cultures especially Canada's and Japan's.

                  Due to the success of Japan's economics during 60's and 70's, Many US and Canada's universities offer some courses such as "How to do business in Japan" and "Japanese Culture and language" etc. to help American and Canadian learn the strength of Japan and share the successful experience from them. Therefore many people around world have strong interests to learn and understand Japan. And today they are trying to understand China.

                  I believe that 2-D, dedication and discipline, made Japan quite unique if you could agree with me. Please execue me using English.
    • 感觉到你的迷惘 但支持一下你的文章
    • 我在日本国立大学毕业后在日本大学就职. 再然后 一年前从日本来加拿大做postdoc. 一直到现在, 对比加拿大与日本, 除政治上日本不好, 其他我感觉我更加喜欢日本. 来到加拿大. 我感到
      好象没有前途. 科研受经费限制厉害. 自由研究也不如日本. 重功利性.
      发很多GARBAGE PAPER. 也不如日本的实用.
      • 我们来加2个月,不过已有同感。我不知到想念日本好还是想念中国。不过我们还是准备postdoc结束后回国。
        • 假如让我打LABOUR工, 我会马上回国的. 博士毕业来加拿大打长期的LABOUR工是真正的不可理解.
          • 我们现在正为高昂的车辆保险发愁,第三方保就要350,你加入哪家保险公司?便宜不?
            • 这个也太夸张了,
              • 是真的,现在车在车库里停了1个月了,没上保险,没有牌子,只能在车库里转转熟悉熟悉方向盘。谁能给介绍个价格低的保险公司,谢谢。
                • :O 加入cpac问问monex吧,据说第一次还是他的门槛低些.
                  • 怎么加入?有没有电话什么的?
                    • CPAC and Monnex见连接.多问几家保险公司先,据说monnex对第一次保险的还是最便宜的.
                      • 谢谢连接.
      • 为什么不留在日本?
        • "private reason" -- standard answer :)
    • 我在日本住了十年,对日本可说是很了解的。来加4年,现在喜欢加拿大。
      • Glad to hear you like Canada. Let's assume that you have freedom to choose either nation to stay; which one are you going to choose? And why?
        • why can't you make a decision upon your own need?