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Wrong, appeal is very useful! Apply to MPAC first(if within deadline); if you have enough reason, they will lower the value(cut $16,000 for us this year). For a new house, it's better to pay attension to

the labours who sold their house around the time MPAC use for determine the value(Jun 30, 2003). 'Cause the new houses will be valued by their real price, while for the old houses, the MPAC will make the price much lower than the sale price; in such a case, you should find out what other similar houses's values are. Usually MPAC will make adjustment if you have reason. If they don't, file a formal appeal($50), you'll win (provided you have for sure reason). I never heard of anybody who lose(a few friends/neighbers did it).

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 刚收到MPAC评估单,评估价值比我买的价格高了近25%,我才搬进来一年啊。准备去APPEAL了,有谁有相关经验吗,要交50元,不会反而多亏了50吧
    • 怎么刚收到啊?我们是年初收到的,你要在4月30日之前file complaint with MPAC,要求他们重新评估。还有一个deadline,是file complaint with ARB,这个是要交50块钱的.

      我把我们的从135,000 降到了114,000. 现在正在等50块钱的退款。
      • 是新房,收到的是OMITTED NOTICE,只含房子的价值部分,最初给的是评估只是地的价值。RFR的Deadline是12月31日。ARB的DEADLINE是9月30日。应该怎么个顺序申请好呢?RFR不花钱但是怕误了ARB。
        • 2004年12月31日还是2005年12月31日?如果你file complaint with ARB,但最后没有上庭(hearing),就和MPAC达成了一致意见,50元应该可以退给你的。


          我们是四月底交的50元,hearing 定在6月30日。所以,还是有时间跟mpac打交道的。
    • #1297080
      • 请问你这个官司是和MPAC的RFR还是和ARB的appeal啊?
    • 你们说的是房子吗?我也刚收到,涨了30%,气!听说上述没用。
      • Wrong, appeal is very useful! Apply to MPAC first(if within deadline); if you have enough reason, they will lower the value(cut $16,000 for us this year). For a new house, it's better to pay attension to
        the labours who sold their house around the time MPAC use for determine the value(Jun 30, 2003). 'Cause the new houses will be valued by their real price, while for the old houses, the MPAC will make the price much lower than the sale price; in such a case, you should find out what other similar houses's values are. Usually MPAC will make adjustment if you have reason. If they don't, file a formal appeal($50), you'll win (provided you have for sure reason). I never heard of anybody who lose(a few friends/neighbers did it).
        • 谢谢回答,我们这一条街道都是涨这个比例,另外左右两个邻居刚卖房,价格类似(估价加3-4万),你们觉得还有戏上述吗?一旦上述,他们会来实地看吗?谢谢
          • 枫下园米:有没有MPAC的人最近到你们家上门要求看房评估的。前两天来一个位,我们不在家,给我们留了言,还不知道该怎麽处理?
            • 没有碰到呀。。
          • For old house, not sure. For us, the selling price of similar ones is much lower than the mpac value and so nothing to argue here. mpac has very limited staff, they'll pay you a visit every many many many years.
        • 忘了说,我的房是20年的旧房.
      • 有用的。我们今年初收到的评估是135,000, 跟mpac complaint,降到了120,000,我们接着又file complaint with ARB,然后MPAC打电话给我们,最后降到我们2002年买房时的价格。现在正等ARB money refund。
        • 你当时写的理由都有什么啊?是否需要比较一下邻居们的评估值呢?
          • 我当时是写得周围房子的估值,因为周围的估值都很低,只有9万多。你可以在mpac的网站上查,要注册的,免费可以查十二个。
    • 你们一说我心里没底了,我的房评估才100K左右,我买的新房,他们会不会搞错了,到时让我补交税?
      • 我最初的也只是120K,最初收到的只含地的价值,不包括房子的价值,以后要补的
        • 你说的补是什么意思,一但定了房价,我要把前2年的都补回来吗?
          • 对,会再给你通知,告诉你需要补多少。新房有时候2-3年后才告诉你,那一下子要补两三年的。