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今天我先写了一封信,后来又打了电话把帐号取消了,下午他们回信了,但是不愿意退钱. 该如何继续?谢谢(重贴,上贴不全)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我写的信里是这样要求的,我的英语不是很好,有错误的地方多包涵:

I applied my sympatico dial up account from June.11 and I faxed my
application form 2 times. But till now, I have never got any messages about whether my account is available.
Before July.12 , I was always waiting for your notice mail about when I can use my account and I have tried to dial up with my account for serveral time, but never succeeded. For a long time waiting, I thought you might not pass my application and had to change to apply other ISP.

I never used this dial up service and nobody told me whether I can
use this service. If I did not check my bank account statement today,
maybe I will still not know that. I think it is a mistake to me to pay
the fee for the service of the last monthes. I hope you will take care
of my case and give me a reply.

This is in response to your request for compensation in regards to the
recent challenges that you have encountered.

We would like to confirm that your Bell Sympatico account will be
cancelled on the final day of your billing period, September 11th 2001
at 11:59:59.

It is unfortunate that you have decided to cancel your account, however,
we would sincerely like to thank you for your patience and support
during your membership with Bell Sympatico.

After a thorough investigation, we have determined that we are unable to
process a credit for the amount requested. As we bill our members
inadvance, you have access to your account until September 12th 2001.

We trust that the above information has fully answered your question.
Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to
contact us.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请大家帮忙看一下,我有没有可能要回这钱
    我前几个月申请过bell 的拨号上网服务,但是他们一直没有消息,也没通知我
    • 不管怎样,至少要打电话把服务停掉,否则下个月还要收费.
    • 如果是对方从未通知你有关上网的帐号、设置等信息,你当然无法上网。给BELL打电话,钱肯定可以回来。不过,一次电话可能不够。
      • 今天我先写了一封信,后来又打了电话把帐号取消了,下午他们回信了,但是不愿意退钱. 该如何继续?谢谢

        I applied my sympatico dial up account from June.11 and I faxed my
        application form 2 times. But till now,
        I have never got any messages about whether my account is available.
        Before July.12 , I was always waiting for your
        notice mail about when I can use my account and I have tried to dial
        up with my account for serveral time, but
        never succeeded. For a long time waiting, I thought you might not pass
        my application and had to change to apply other ISP.

        I never used this dial up service and nobody told me whether I can
        use this service. If I didn\
        • keep trying
          Why they don\
        • did you ever get a userid and password from them?
          • yes,I got uis and passwd when I applied the service.Before I can use them I must fax my application form to bell and wait they to open this account.
            • if you have UserID and pwd, that means you have been activated. Did you ever tried to log on and successed?
              • Bell 的拨号服务如果不是用信用卡去申请的话,UID,PASSWd不会生效,必须等你把你的个人信息及银行帐号附在申请表上传真给bell以后,过5个工作日才有可能可以使用 生效.
        • 上BELL的网站,发电子邮件给他的上司。要找很多很多次。我的一个 300 $的CHECK ,BELL 硬说没收到,找了半年,电话传真无数次,才最终解决。要有耐心和恒心。钱是你的不论多少,一定要要回来!!!
      • 今天我先写了一封信,后来又打了电话把帐号取消了,下午他们回信了,但是不愿意退钱. 该如何继续?谢谢(重贴,上贴不全)
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我写的信里是这样要求的,我的英语不是很好,有错误的地方多包涵:

        I applied my sympatico dial up account from June.11 and I faxed my
        application form 2 times. But till now, I have never got any messages about whether my account is available.
        Before July.12 , I was always waiting for your notice mail about when I can use my account and I have tried to dial up with my account for serveral time, but never succeeded. For a long time waiting, I thought you might not pass my application and had to change to apply other ISP.

        I never used this dial up service and nobody told me whether I can
        use this service. If I did not check my bank account statement today,
        maybe I will still not know that. I think it is a mistake to me to pay
        the fee for the service of the last monthes. I hope you will take care
        of my case and give me a reply.

        This is in response to your request for compensation in regards to the
        recent challenges that you have encountered.

        We would like to confirm that your Bell Sympatico account will be
        cancelled on the final day of your billing period, September 11th 2001
        at 11:59:59.

        It is unfortunate that you have decided to cancel your account, however,
        we would sincerely like to thank you for your patience and support
        during your membership with Bell Sympatico.

        After a thorough investigation, we have determined that we are unable to
        process a credit for the amount requested. As we bill our members
        inadvance, you have access to your account until September 12th 2001.

        We trust that the above information has fully answered your question.
        Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to
        contact us.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • NEVER say it\
        • 为什么写信,这样的信来回几个月也扯不清.打个电话过去,成就成,不成就当花钱买教训拉. 另外,你如何得到你的用户名和密码的?
          • 帐号和密码是申请的时候给的,但是如果不用信用卡的话,不会生效,必须fax申请表等bell处理后才会开通
            • 如果BELL应给你CONFIRMATION,那应该是给你打电话呢,还是发传真?有没有书面的依据证明你有理呢?
              • 我现在没有发现有地方说bell要发什么样的confirmation,但是按理不可能不 通知啊,不然怎么知道开通了.
                • 打个电话吧,说你一直没有收到确认.一开始就跟他说你英文不好,请他慢慢说.反正你也不用它的服务了,练英语的好机会,别浪费
        • too bad, you have admitted it is your mistake!!
        • 别让Bell蒙混过关。不过老兄的英语似乎阻碍了你明确有力的表达你的情况与要求。
          • 是,因为我英语不好,所以担心在打电话的时候很难讲清楚,才写的mail,结果还是表达有问题. 不过我会继续跟bell交涉下去
            • BELL也应有中文服务啊?
              • BELL中文服务电话:手提1-888-884-8333住宅1-800-715-1888商业1-888-272-1888(我打过第二个电话)
                • sympatico服务只有英文服务,1-800-715-1888中文服务中心不管理sympatico的事务.
        • 找个英语好的人帮你打电话。
    • 谢谢大家,如果要不回来就当是个教训吧....