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Come in.Have a look.If some of names are incorrect,please correct them.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛: 护肤 skin care:
: 洗面奶 facial cleanser/face wash (Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)
: 爽肤水 toner/astringent(紧肤水 firming lotion,柔肤水
: toner/smoothing toner) facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist
: 护肤霜 moisturizers and creams(保湿 moisturizer,隔离?,防
: 晒 sun screen/sun block,美白whitening,露 lotion,霜 cream,日霜
: day cream,晚霜 night cream)
: 眼霜 eye gel
: 面膜 facial mask/masque
: 眼膜 eye mask
: 磨砂膏 facial scrub
: 去黑头 (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining?
: 去死皮 Exfoliating Scrub
: 润肤露(身体) body lotion/moisturizer
: 护手霜 hand lotion/moisturizer
: 沐浴露 body wash
: 彩妆 cosmetics:
: 遮瑕膏 concealer
: 粉底 foundation (compact,stick)
: 粉饼 pressed powder(散粉 loose powder,闪粉 shimmering
: powder/glitter
: 眉粉 brow powder?, (眉笔)brow pencil
: 眼线液(眼线笔)liquid eye liner, eye liner
: 眼影 eye shadow
: 睫毛膏 mascara
: 唇线笔 lip liner
: 唇膏 lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick
: ,盒装 lip color/lip gloss?)
: 唇彩 lip gloss/lip color
: 腮红 blush
: 卸装水 makeup remover
: 卸装乳 makeup removing lotion
: 帖在身上的小亮片 body art
: 指甲 manicure/pedicure:
: 指甲油-去甲油 nail polish, nail polish remover
: 发 hair products/accessories:
: 洗发水 shampoo
: 护发素 hair conditioner
: 锔油膏 conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment
: 摩丝 mousse
: 发胶 styling gel
: 染发 hair color
: 冷烫水 perm/perming formula
: 卷发器 rollers/perm rollers
: 工具 cosmetic applicators/accessories:
: 粉刷 cosmetic brush, face brush
: 粉扑 powder puffs
: 海绵扑 sponge puffs
: 眉刷 brow brush
: 睫毛夹 lash curler
: 眼影刷 eye shadow brush/shadow applicator
: 口红刷 lip brush
: 胭脂扫 blush brush
: 转笔刀 pencil sharpener
: 电动剃毛器 electric shaver-for women
: 电动睫毛卷 electric lash curler?
: 电动眉刀 ?
: 描眉卡 ? brow template?
: 纸巾 facial tissue
: 吸油纸 oil-Absorbing Sheets
: 化装棉 cotton pads
: 棉签 Q-tips
: 化装包 cosmetic bag

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE bbs.mit.edu.[FROM: gelt.tcom.purdu]

讨论区更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请问“Lotion" 是什么?LP英语不好问我,但我也搞不清这些化装品,请这里那位女士帮我答疑。谢谢。
    别人送给我LP一瓶“Lotion", 我查字典,lotion有两种意思,洗液和护肤液,我想如果是洗液,大概象洗面奶,洗澡洗脸时用,而护肤液则应该是护肤的奶液,是洗完澡再用的,LP英语不好问我,但我也搞不清这些化装品,请这里那位女士帮我答疑。谢谢。
      • Come in.Have a look.If some of names are incorrect,please correct them.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛: 护肤 skin care:
        : 洗面奶 facial cleanser/face wash (Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)
        : 爽肤水 toner/astringent(紧肤水 firming lotion,柔肤水
        : toner/smoothing toner) facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist
        : 护肤霜 moisturizers and creams(保湿 moisturizer,隔离?,防
        : 晒 sun screen/sun block,美白whitening,露 lotion,霜 cream,日霜
        : day cream,晚霜 night cream)
        : 眼霜 eye gel
        : 面膜 facial mask/masque
        : 眼膜 eye mask
        : 磨砂膏 facial scrub
        : 去黑头 (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining?
        : 去死皮 Exfoliating Scrub
        : 润肤露(身体) body lotion/moisturizer
        : 护手霜 hand lotion/moisturizer
        : 沐浴露 body wash
        : 彩妆 cosmetics:
        : 遮瑕膏 concealer
        : 粉底 foundation (compact,stick)
        : 粉饼 pressed powder(散粉 loose powder,闪粉 shimmering
        : powder/glitter
        : 眉粉 brow powder?, (眉笔)brow pencil
        : 眼线液(眼线笔)liquid eye liner, eye liner
        : 眼影 eye shadow
        : 睫毛膏 mascara
        : 唇线笔 lip liner
        : 唇膏 lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick
        : ,盒装 lip color/lip gloss?)
        : 唇彩 lip gloss/lip color
        : 腮红 blush
        : 卸装水 makeup remover
        : 卸装乳 makeup removing lotion
        : 帖在身上的小亮片 body art
        : 指甲 manicure/pedicure:
        : 指甲油-去甲油 nail polish, nail polish remover
        : 发 hair products/accessories:
        : 洗发水 shampoo
        : 护发素 hair conditioner
        : 锔油膏 conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment
        : 摩丝 mousse
        : 发胶 styling gel
        : 染发 hair color
        : 冷烫水 perm/perming formula
        : 卷发器 rollers/perm rollers
        : 工具 cosmetic applicators/accessories:
        : 粉刷 cosmetic brush, face brush
        : 粉扑 powder puffs
        : 海绵扑 sponge puffs
        : 眉刷 brow brush
        : 睫毛夹 lash curler
        : 眼影刷 eye shadow brush/shadow applicator
        : 口红刷 lip brush
        : 胭脂扫 blush brush
        : 转笔刀 pencil sharpener
        : 电动剃毛器 electric shaver-for women
        : 电动睫毛卷 electric lash curler?
        : 电动眉刀 ?
        : 描眉卡 ? brow template?
        : 纸巾 facial tissue
        : 吸油纸 oil-Absorbing Sheets
        : 化装棉 cotton pads
        : 棉签 Q-tips
        : 化装包 cosmetic bag

        ※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE bbs.mit.edu.[FROM: gelt.tcom.purdu]

        讨论区更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 在多伦多,Lotion = 雪花膏 = 护肤霜。洗澡液是 Liquid Soap,或 Body Wash。
      • 霜is cream. Lotion can be called Lu4.
      • 洗澡液can also be called _shower gel_ or _foam bath_, depending if you are taking a shower or a bath. Some shower gel can be used for both shower and bath though, according to the direction on the bottle.
    • 你说的都没错。具体你的那瓶LOTION是干什么用的,再仔细看使用说明。瓶子上应该不止LOTION一个词吧。
      • right. like clinique's clarifying lotion, in fact it's just toner.
        • What is toner ?
          • TONER: 爽肤水,洗完脸以后用 主要作用是: 清楚残留的清洁品 调节皮肤酸碱度 收紧毛孔,保持水分. 大多数的TONER还有滋润的成分;大至分为两种: SOOTHING/REFRESH/SOFT:(柔软型) ASTRINGMENT(收敛型) :
            • Sorry,It should be "Astringent" .
              • xixi, professional explaination:)
    • 问多一个简单但不会的问题,去指甲油的东西英文怎么讲呢?谢谢
      • Nail Enamel Remover
      • Nail Polish Remover. You are welcome.
    • You'd better give us the full name next time, hehe.
    • 我也有问题要问呀,这里有卖润唇膏吗?英语怎么说?谢了。
      • 润唇膏: lip balm .It's sold in drugmart.