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It looks true on the surface, not true in fact

If you are just a programmer or somebody doing trivial work, of course nobody cares about your degree, where you went to school , as long as you can have the work done. However, if you are at the stage looking for a higher position for your career after all these years hard working, your academic backgroud plays a very important role here. Did you see anybody who only had a chinese degree working as a manager or above in North America? All chinese who play important roles in my company have degrees here, either in Canada or US. So if you just want to find a job to support your family, don't waste your time going to school, on the other hand, if you are ambitious enough to make a really good career out of your life, go for a top school in US or Canada.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 朋友:欢迎你来到多市,希望你马上去读书.我是来了两年的移民,诚心的劝你
    • 读什么书?master?bachlor?college?技校?
      • 要都讀書也不行,誰掙錢?
    • 对啊,具体一些嘛!!
    • why? Is it easier to get a better job after graduating ?
    • 那要看你多大岁数了,年轻一点还是可以考虑读书的,如果30左右的,能工作还是工作吧,要不就读PhD, 读Master跟一帮白孩子在一起,觉得自己真老。
      • 想想以后几十年哪,是否趁现在这当儿读书划算些?
        • Hi, Bluegirl, are you in Toronto now?Whne did u come here?
          • Yes,I am here. I've stayed here for almost 3 months. I am taking a parttime job in Price chopper and a evening LINC class.
    • 但我听到很多北美的人说工作经历是最重要的,而且还说这是东方人和本地人的一个观念上的典型区别,为什么这样说?我想你应该有一定的感受才这样说吧。说来听听。
      • It looks true on the surface, not true in fact
        If you are just a programmer or somebody doing trivial work, of course nobody cares about your degree, where you went to school , as long as you can have the work done. However, if you are at the stage looking for a higher position for your career after all these years hard working, your academic backgroud plays a very important role here. Did you see anybody who only had a chinese degree working as a manager or above in North America? All chinese who play important roles in my company have degrees here, either in Canada or US. So if you just want to find a job to support your family, don't waste your time going to school, on the other hand, if you are ambitious enough to make a really good career out of your life, go for a top school in US or Canada.
      • 那些是老了。读不了书,但是又心里没底,发慌发急了,自我安慰用的。可怜不董事的人听了给误导。问题是你没北美学历,英文不入流。如何拿到大公司的工作经验,除了少数幸运者。没有北美学历,你这辈子发展有限。