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解决方法, From Microsoft

The difficulty that you have described may be due to a firewall. Please remember that if you or your contact is behind a firewall, you cannot have voice conversation or send files. You can only do this with contacts behind the same firewall as you are.

The appropriate ports must be opened in a firewall for file transfer and voice or phone-based chat sessions to work. File transfer uses 6891-6900, and voice uses 6901. Messenger still uses port 1863 to talk to the servers.

Note: For example, port 6901 needs to be opened for both TCP and UDP connections. Opening port 6891 for outgoing TCP only enables file transfer in one (incoming) direction. More ports need to be opened than just 6901 for voice packets to be successfully carried over the network. For more information, please see the Guide for Network Administrators section in the online Messenger Help file.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 紧急呼救!如何用msn和国内通话?
    我用cable 上网,一根线,一个cable router 和另外4台电脑共享,其他都一切正常,但当用msn和国内通话的时候,总是无法连接上。试过yahoo messenger 可以。 msn, net meeting 就不行。怎么回事?
    • I have got the same problem like yours. It is because of firewall of your router.
      • How do you deal with it?
        • I have not found a way out yet.. So I just switch to yahoo messenger. The voice quality is better than MSN
    • 如果没特殊设置,只有与cable连的那台(应该是你们的proxy server)才能用netmeeting或msn与人通话,你可以试一下找个支持视频会议的WWW网站与人通话。
      • 对对,我也试了多次,有什么办法嘛?
        • 好象是要进行什么设置的,你去看未明空间站的internet版吧,那有讨论过!
          • 老大:在什么地方啊?
            • 网站的地址多少,多谢。
              • bbs.mit.edu啊,看看吧
                • thank you !!!!!
                  • you are welcome
                    • 呵呵,好人啊。
    • 我也有同样的问题,但是用NETMEETING偶尔也能正常通话,大部分时候都听不见对方的声音。真是奇怪,是不是不能解决?
    • 我记得MSN只接受北美的电话号码。NETMEETING也打不到DESK PHONE上吧。
      • 你过错意思了,他们不是打电话啊,netmeeting是一个视频会议系统,可以进行通话及能看到对方,如果对方有摄像头之类的。只收上网费,不收电话费(因为没打啊,当然如果是拔号上网的就只收市话费罗)
        • 我知道NETMEETING,它是PC TO PC的,麋鹿需要的好象是PC TO PHONE的方法。MSN就可以。NETMEETING玩玩还可以,有事情要联络非得急死不行。
          • 我现在是连pc to pc 也不行。
            • 我也用HOME,用MSN向美国打很正常。我是一个人用。反正和共享肯定无关。不过你要是在公司用,可能是网管把这两个协议在火墙上封了。问一声。
          • pc to phone 要 money的,你们是怎么交费?用信用卡买么?哪儿买? pc to pc 效果一般,但不知pc to phone如何?
    • Just use Yahoo messenger or OICQ, it is much easier and also acceptable quality.
    • 用Netmeeting应该是可以的,前提是双方不同时使用proxy,由使用proxy的一端直接呼叫对方IP即可
    • 我用v2和国内通话,还可以,好的时候没有岩石。有兴趣可以试试。 http://www.v2tech.com
    • 如果你是用内部的WORKSTATION和外界通话,只能CALL OUT ,不可以被CALL IN,因为WS的IP对外来说是假IP。依此推论,可得知在WS上单用MSN MESSENGER或是ICQ本身的通话功能是无效的,只能通过它们来启动NETMEETING去CALL 对方的IP。
    • 你的问题什么?是不是你们有内部网?在内部网上的计算机是通过代理服务起连接到Internet吗?如果是这样的话,必须将http代理转换成socks代理,然后才能连接MSN----代理-----Internet..不知道你是不是这样的情况??仅仅供你参考。。
    • 那为什么我经常只能说话,而听不到对方的声音。我也是共享CABLE上网。请问有谁知道如何解决这个问题吗?急!!
      • 我帮你往上顶一下。
    • 解决方法, From Microsoft
      The difficulty that you have described may be due to a firewall. Please remember that if you or your contact is behind a firewall, you cannot have voice conversation or send files. You can only do this with contacts behind the same firewall as you are.

      The appropriate ports must be opened in a firewall for file transfer and voice or phone-based chat sessions to work. File transfer uses 6891-6900, and voice uses 6901. Messenger still uses port 1863 to talk to the servers.

      Note: For example, port 6901 needs to be opened for both TCP and UDP connections. Opening port 6891 for outgoing TCP only enables file transfer in one (incoming) direction. More ports need to be opened than just 6901 for voice packets to be successfully carried over the network. For more information, please see the Guide for Network Administrators section in the online Messenger Help file.