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Thanks for your guys' criticism

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I was a idealist before. I thought all people in the world are basically equal. But after I get more and more experience in the life and contact more and more people from different countries , I become a little bit "prejudiced". I already found I agree to Hitler to certain degree! HaHa, I was shocked by myself too.
But there is a difference between America and Geman, Japan. American absorb most excellent people in the world. It is a melt pot that combinds all kinds culture togather successfully. That means the goverment of States represents a large group of people from different cultures! Japan or German is almost consist of solo-nationality. So it is easy for them to go extrem.
I want to emphasis we are human being in this planet first! After that, we are divided in different nationalities. As human being , we are not only equal but also have to respect the basic human rights or basic common value or being a human being. Do not let your own culture or religious over power the basic issues. If your culture or religious is not good enough to mojority, then I cann't see any reason for thire existence! There are so many civilizations disappeard in the thousands of human history. Why it cann't happen today! Of course, people are attached to thire own culture or religious and they have their own judgement about what is good or not. But do not fool yourself . See, in this world, people in which country have better life and enjor most haman rights, The people of America! Most people in the earth try to move to which country , The America! No matter how hard you try to defend for yourself, you just can not deny the facts. So I believe America is more qualified to be the leader of the world than any countries else.
Personally, I do not think chinese culture is a good one. It do make me feel sick about it . And I do not think it contributs too much to the human civilization. If it is not good enouth and either do not do anything about it. I do not regret let chinese culture vanish in this world!
Histroy is consist of big events. Can't be judged be individual experience. In one history event, maybe there are a lot of civilian losing homes or lifes. But you can not judge that history event is positive or nagitive in human history just only according to that fact.
Keep all kinds of resources for good people and good purposes. Limit the resources to bad people, otherwise, the bad people are going to ruin it and abuse it and couse worse result to this world. Want to show the mercy to them? Let good people enjoy the nature and social resources to support them! But who is bad or good, who is right or wrong. I am not very sure. I guess America is right and good enought.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 庆幸,我们身处加拿大(原创)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛点进来看的朋友,别以为我又在为我一向支持的加拿大平等婚姻法叫好庆贺,这当然是我们所有中国人,应该庆贺自己身处加拿大的理由之一。

























    所以,我想提醒这个坛子上加拿大保守党的拥护者,考察保守党的政纲,和历史记载,所言所行,假使现在是个保守党政府的话,加拿大反恐怖主义的处境,又会怎么样呢?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 结论别下的这么早 #477824@9
      • 怎么忘了说东突,藏独,台独,FLG,GCD这些组织?看不出谁对加拿大不利,GCD倒是最有可能。爱尔兰共和军也列出来,笑话。人家想我们受袭击,咒我们,你也起哄?新人,缺锻炼!
    • 左派桌子。
      • 进一步试探一下你的政治立场,G8,全球化你什么看法?
        • Live 8 音乐会挺好看。
          • 你支持live8的背后的意义?
            • 别往沟里带我哈,我现在不谈政治,专心做饮食男。
              • 你这么说,这live8够失败的。还有U2,起码对国人是失败的。
                • 为什么失败?U2又怎么了?
                • U2 的歌好听,难道就证明他们的政治观点一定正确吗?
    • 桌子,写得不错,不敢说百分百同意,支持一下。克里靖还是有眼光的,加拿大和美国关系已经很近很近了,不能太近。保守党上台,加拿大可以改称51st state了。
      • Disagreement!
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛If a civilization is far behind the time. It cann't avoid the fate to be destroied by other kind of civilization. This is the nature of the evolution. I haven't too much positive attitude about Arab world. Their culture, religious,value etc. do not let me feel easy. I am quite familiar to Muslin people. I lived in a district of a chinese city concentrating with Muslin people. I also do business with them in Canada. Once a while, you can meet a couple of good Muslin. But generally, they are not friendly and honest. They are very sneaky and tricky! To be honest, I do not feel sorry for them if their civilization being vanished.
        America is the most powerful and advanced country in the world. Their social system is the most successful system in the world. There is the reason for them to be the richest country in the world. I do not know why they cann't be the leader of the world. Simple like that, history tells us, the people are going to have fairly good life if their goverment follow America. Japan, south Koren, Tai Wang etc.
        I do not care about the goverment or even the so-called country. The name of a country is changable. So is the map. Only one thing can prove this country or this goverment is good enough that is -the majority of people can have a fairly good life. They have enough food and clothing, have equal chance to go to school , can enjoy the basic human rights. Of couse, America is not a perfect country. Following it does not mean 100% right. Same reason, against it does not mean you are right. If Canadian or Chinese people can have better life. Why not become one of a state of America? What is wrong with it?
        Strong beat up weak. Rich beat up poor. Knowlodgable beat up illiterature. If you happen to have three of them-weak , poor or illiterature. YOU DIE AND ACCEPT IT!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • "Strong beat up weak. Rich beat up poor. Knowlodgable beat up illiterature. YOU DIE AND ACCEPT IT!", wowowo, this idea is so popular in oversea Chinese community
          • 表面上谴责恐怖主义,实际上幸灾乐祸的人也不少。
        • 道地的法西斯观点。德国人不喜欢犹太人,日本人不喜欢中国人,就杀。你不喜欢阿拉伯人,就觉得他们该死。我恨这种种族优越分子。我觉得加拿大最好的就是一个包容和平等的社会。
          • Thanks for your guys' criticism
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I was a idealist before. I thought all people in the world are basically equal. But after I get more and more experience in the life and contact more and more people from different countries , I become a little bit "prejudiced". I already found I agree to Hitler to certain degree! HaHa, I was shocked by myself too.
            But there is a difference between America and Geman, Japan. American absorb most excellent people in the world. It is a melt pot that combinds all kinds culture togather successfully. That means the goverment of States represents a large group of people from different cultures! Japan or German is almost consist of solo-nationality. So it is easy for them to go extrem.
            I want to emphasis we are human being in this planet first! After that, we are divided in different nationalities. As human being , we are not only equal but also have to respect the basic human rights or basic common value or being a human being. Do not let your own culture or religious over power the basic issues. If your culture or religious is not good enough to mojority, then I cann't see any reason for thire existence! There are so many civilizations disappeard in the thousands of human history. Why it cann't happen today! Of course, people are attached to thire own culture or religious and they have their own judgement about what is good or not. But do not fool yourself . See, in this world, people in which country have better life and enjor most haman rights, The people of America! Most people in the earth try to move to which country , The America! No matter how hard you try to defend for yourself, you just can not deny the facts. So I believe America is more qualified to be the leader of the world than any countries else.
            Personally, I do not think chinese culture is a good one. It do make me feel sick about it . And I do not think it contributs too much to the human civilization. If it is not good enouth and either do not do anything about it. I do not regret let chinese culture vanish in this world!
            Histroy is consist of big events. Can't be judged be individual experience. In one history event, maybe there are a lot of civilian losing homes or lifes. But you can not judge that history event is positive or nagitive in human history just only according to that fact.
            Keep all kinds of resources for good people and good purposes. Limit the resources to bad people, otherwise, the bad people are going to ruin it and abuse it and couse worse result to this world. Want to show the mercy to them? Let good people enjoy the nature and social resources to support them! But who is bad or good, who is right or wrong. I am not very sure. I guess America is right and good enought.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 说实话,我为你的坦诚吃惊,应该说感到震惊。你说美国的社会制度是世界上最好的社会制度,你说中国文化应该消失,你甚至是无条件的说中国文化应该消失。那么是不是中国这个国家都应该消失呢?
            • totally idiot!You do NOT have a sense about anything like Culture/Cvilization.
          • Haha, Is it that horrible if a country dissappear on the map?
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It is not neccessary to start a war of arms to let a country or culture dissappear. It can be weapen or a foreigh culture invading. If Chinese culture can adjust itself to 21centry, try hard to learn good things from others, does not repeat the same histroy mistake of their own or other nation's mistakes. I do not think there is big chance for chinese culture to disappear in the world.
            Before we fool ourself. We always think our country is great. our culture is great too. In fact, they are not. But we fall into "sleep". we even did not realize how stupid we are, how nerrow minded we are, how poor we are and how ignorance we are until we have open door policy.
            A cell of a body will die. A people cann't avoid the fate to die. A company can be closed. The sociaty can collapse. Even the earth will disappear one day. So I am not surprise to see a culture or country gone. This is the rule of the sociaty. You are not healthy enough, you die early. You are healthy enough, you die later. Chinese culture may be merged with other cultures, maybe digested by other cultures or on opposite direction. Then a new country or new culture emerges with new name or new form. But who cares. I said the map, the name of a country are changable. I have got only one bottom line---most of the people can have the basic human rights.
            Honestly, china has too long unhealthy history. chinese culture is too old and too sick. It need some fresh air and sunshine. It needs fresh blood. But I am afraid some social characteristic of China becomes genetic problem . China will not become a healthy country unless it have to have surgery. I also afraid even the surgery cann't save China. So what else you can expect? offcouse death. One nation or one culture is not health enouth plus lack of capability to repair by itself. It will be fired from this earth. No mercy! Not only chinese culture, othe culture same.
            America is not perfect. Ofcouse the Americam goverment will try its best to protect their people, their benefits, to grabe more resources from others for them own. I can not see other countries'goverment will not do the same thing if they have the same chance. They just haven't the chance.
            If the positive factor of a culture is overweight the nagtive factor. It survives. Otherwise, goes to the hell!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 我肯定你的部分观点: 美国是强大的, 除了武装侵略外还有文化侵略。美国的文化根基同纳粹有什么两样。但你别忘了, 风水轮流转。如果中国是美国的敌人, 中国绝不会被美国消灭。 没有敌人的日子是很痛苦的。
    • 恐怖主义者嗜血成性,滥杀无辜.目的就是要以他们的极端伊斯兰教义一统天下. 和布什的想法没啥本质差别. 在他们眼里加拿大人,美国人,英国人是兄弟,都是他们的敌人.不要自做多情地以为他们会对加拿大手软.
      • Make sense! 加拿大人,美国人,英国人本质上就是一丘之貉。昨天早上一上班,就收到公司发来的email,通告大家公司在伦敦的employee都平安无事,言语之间充满了同情和悲哀。加拿大人是不会脱开和英美关系的。
      • Think independently plz
        Have you ever thought about why it happened in London, not in Toronto?
      • 伊斯兰教义统治天下, 什么时候人家说这个了?
    • 同意,支持!
    • 这篇不错。
    • 好,坚决支持桌子MM!!!!
    • 尊重你在着坛子里的形象,但以你的能力来讨论政治问题,有点过份。
      • 你在评论别人能力的时候, 先露两手给大家看看。
    • Selective arguments are misleading people.
    • 楼上2位就别在这儿装深沉了。倒要请教,讨论政治问题需要什么样的能力?又如何影响形象了?老百姓发2句议论,怎么就会misleading?倒是想,leading的了吗?尽可以拿出您的高论,---如果你有的话。
    • 左派最大的问题就是偏激,理想主义,还有就是喜欢抢占道德制高点,看起来好像很高调,可是缺乏冷静思考问题的习惯。连保守党是“新纳粹”都说得慷慨激昂的人,思考问题会是冷静的吗?
      • :-)
      • the second time I saw you use the same way to discuss, jump to the conclusion (a hat), but no reasons.
      • 保守党难道不是新纳粹吗?
      • What do you expect from feministic extremist?
    • 设想一下如果身处瑞士、北欧呢?是否更该幸甚么?
      • the news report said next possible one is Denmark
        • oh really? hehe,thanks for your notice.
    • 加拿大,也许是法语的原因,和法国是一丘之貉,目光短浅。就像当年的法国,战前绥靖,开战立即投降,战后有开始冒充老大。不信,走着瞧。
      • 怎么说在加拿大说英语的也比说法语的多吧?
        • 克里靖, Martin and most of the important minister from Qecbec. Liberal is based in Montreal
          • Martin is from Windsor.
    • 加拿大不是出兵阿富汗了吗?好像这次袭击者首先提到的就是阿富汗。不过就象我老板说的笑话:加拿大之所以不被袭击,是因为太多袭击者或者他们的亲戚在这里了,他们怎么会袭击自己人呢?
    • 我看桌子MM可以正式上任恐怖分子的发言人了。:D
      • 呵呵
      • 不管你用了多少个嘻皮笑脸的符号:D,就凭你这句耸人听闻的结论,给我的这顶高帽子,我可以控告你诬蔑和诽谤。
        • Go ahead.
        • faint @@#$%^&*()
      • 扯淡。拉登在美国大选以前不是还弄了盘录象希望布什当选么。
    • 加拿大人有点那个什么了, 就是有点不要脸的意思, 自己做为恐怖分子的安身避难之地而庆幸不会被恐怖袭击...........别忘了恐怖集团之间没准哪天也打起来, 全世界不得安宁, 加拿大能好得了?
      • (#2387215)
      • do you know what is the terroist anyway?
        ppl never thinks
    • 其实我觉得加拿大没有参战是因为老头子个人意气, 而且这跟选什么政党关系也不大, 英国工党算是英国的左派党吧
    • 加拿大是al-qaeda 报复名单里的第五名,紧排在美英西意之后。如果没有被袭击的话,也是考虑留一个进攻美国的后门而已。
    • 关于恐怖主义的是非问题,一句话,一个巴掌不响。所以你的五十大板打得好。
      • [转帖]Terrorists behind Tamil fundraising
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Terrorists behind Tamil fundraising group, RCMP says

        Seeking charity status: 'Front' controlled by Tamil Tigers, expert testified in 1999

        A Tamil organization that has asked Prime Minister Paul Martin for charity status in Canada so it can raise money for tsunami victims is a "front organization" for Sri Lanka's deadly Tamil Tigers, according to an RCMP expert.

        During testimony at a refugee hearing, Fred Bowen, then an RCMP sergeant and Tamil Tigers expert, said "a lot" of the money raised by the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) in Canada was sent to the guerrilla group.

        The TRO, he added, "is controlled by the Tigers." The Tamil Tigers is an armed separatist faction responsible for conscripting child soldiers, killing two world leaders and carrying out more suicide bombings than any other terrorist group.

        The testimony of the police officer, who has investigated crimes in Canada's Tamil community since 1991, was made in 1999 and released yesterday by the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) following a request by the National Post.

        On Monday, Tamil MPs in Sri Lanka asked Mr. Martin to grant temporary charity status to the TRO in Canada. The Prime Minister, who was touring the tsunami-ravaged island, said the decision was up to government officials and made no promises on the matter.

        The TRO has long been accused of sending money to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, or LTTE -- a charge the group denies. It says the money it collects finances humanitarian work in Tiger-controlled parts of Sri Lanka.

        But concerns about the TRO's links to the Tamil Tigers have led federal regulators to repeatedly refuse to grant the group charity status, which would allow its donors to deduct their contributions from their income tax.
        In 2001, after hearing testimony from the RCMP, a two-person panel of the IRB ruled there was "reliable evidence from three sources that affirm or strongly suggest" that funds collected by the TRO had been diverted to pay for weapons.

        "The TRO is the rehabilitation wing of the LTTE; the funds it collects are used for both rehabilitation and weapons procurement. It is part of the LTTE modus operandi to siphon off funds that are intended for rehabilitation programs in Sri Lanka," it said.

        There is no evidence that recent tsunami aid has been used to buy arms, but when asked during his testimony to explain how the Tamil Tigers raised money in Canada, Sgt. Bowen said it used a series of front organizations and specifically named the TRO.

        "They're all umbrella organizations I believe controlled by the Tigers," the RCMP officer said.

        "So TRO is controlled by the Tigers," he was asked.

        "That's my understanding."

        The veteran Mountie has been investigating crime in the Tamil community for more than a decade and served on the Toronto Police Service Tamil Task Force. He has also lectured extensively on Tamil extremist groups, gangs and crime.

        He testified that his information came from his contacts with current and former members of the LTTE in Canada as well as Tamil community members who oppose the Tigers, but he would not name his informants.

        He also said that coded information about the TRO was found on a laptop computer seized during a police search at the home of Muralitharan Nadarajah, an alleged LTTE activist who is being deported from Canada.

        The Tamil Tigers also raise money by smuggling migrants to Canada, he testified. One smuggler alone had brought "thousands" of Tamils illegally to Canada over the previous 15 years, he said.

        "The smugglers only operate with the blessing of the Tigers. There's several of the smugglers I know in Toronto, one has bragged that he's given over $7-million to the cause for the Tigers."

        The Post revealed this week that a migrant smuggling ring run by the Tamil Tigers, which tried to bring suspected members of the armed group to Toronto through Mexico and California, had been shut down following a joint U.S.-Canadian investigation.

        National Post January 19, 2005更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 50余个恐怖组织齐聚加拿大 据情报官员分析,包括“基地”在内,至少有50多个恐怖组织聚集在加拿大。   本·拉丹曾称加拿大是应该被打击的五个基督教国家之一。据“基地”组织称,另外4个国家是美国、英国、西班牙和澳大利亚。

      • 著名的恐怖主义分子: 基地 ,拉登,奥姆真理教 ,日本赤军 ,爱尔兰共和军(注意,只有其中一小部分作恐怖活动), 泰米尔猛虎组织 。 (来源: 维基百科,自由的百科全书)
      • [转帖]Liberals and deadly Tigers.--Your editorial (Don't Play With Tigers, Jan. 13) rightly criticizes MP Jim Karygiannis for pandering to the Tamil Tigers and their front organizations. It is
        puzzling why some Liberals turn a blind eye to a group that is noted for its suicide bombings, forcible recruitment of children as soldiers, arms trafficking and the assassination of Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi.

        When I was a member of the Immigration and Refugee Board, I dealt with hundreds of refugee claims by Sri Lankan Tamils. Most had been victimized by the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. The fast-track asylum process allowed innumerable Tigers to obtain Canadian citizenship and to use Canada as a safe base for their operations, including drug trafficking and credit-card fraud.

        They also extort money from Canadian Tamils, as they do in Sri Lanka, to support the Tiger cause.

        If Mr. Karygiannis believes the Tigers in Canada are representative of the more than 200,000 Canadians of Tamil origin, he is guilty of unforgivable ignorance.

        William Bauer, Hensall, Ont.

        National Post
        January 15, 2005
    • two naive,two simple.