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十月一号以后室温要在22度以上, 本猪在外地念书时有一天房子19度, 房东被罚款5500块

I lived in a house that was designed to rent out to students, the landlord always had the heat on barely 22C, one day I couldn't take it no more, and I jack the heat up to like 27c, they got pissed and drove in from toronto (landlords don't live in the 19 room house themselves) shut the heat off for the weekend, I was freezing my butt off so I took a picture of the themostate that showed 19C in the house and mailed it to the house tribunal of ontario, landlord got a registered letter in the mail which contain a ticket for $5500, teach them not to fuck with me...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 我想问一下多伦多有没有规定什么时候必须开暖气?和房东SHARE一HOUSE,现在还没有开暖气,确实觉得有些冷,房东家有老人有孩子,他们自己比较节省.而且平时关系也不错,不好意思开口,特向各位请教.
    • 十月一号以后室温要在22度以上, 本猪在外地念书时有一天房子19度, 房东被罚款5500块
      I lived in a house that was designed to rent out to students, the landlord always had the heat on barely 22C, one day I couldn't take it no more, and I jack the heat up to like 27c, they got pissed and drove in from toronto (landlords don't live in the 19 room house themselves) shut the heat off for the weekend, I was freezing my butt off so I took a picture of the themostate that showed 19C in the house and mailed it to the house tribunal of ontario, landlord got a registered letter in the mail which contain a ticket for $5500, teach them not to fuck with me...
      • 噫,全英文的。。。翻译官再来帮忙。。。西西
    • 法律是有规定的...
      你上网查一下,我记不清了,ONTARIO好像是10-6月间,房主要保证温度在17度还是19度之上.你要是不爽,可以去政府投诉, 专门有人会上门的.不过他们多半会让你先和房东讲...
      • 多谢各位!现在温度大概是多少度呀?反正我觉得屋外屋内差不多,只好盖被子看电视.我得回去盖被子了!!
        • 你这样不行,一定要开口说。法律规定室内温度在21度。如果屋里现在还不开暖气的话,一定很冷!马上去说!!
      • 还有一个问题,如果现在房东要求加房租,我该怎么办?多谢各位!
        • Move out!