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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Yes, but I thought I told you guys above. HSBC is easy to join and hard to leave. When you tranfer MGT to another bank. They will find excuses easily to charge you.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛About 80% Chinese were be trapped by them. (Estimation).
For example, the tranfer day is accurate date. When the day is coming, they can fax to wrong place or ......, may be that day is holiday.... ~O~, good excuses!!!!!!!! So they will tell you they can't switch your MGT to the bank. Then, what will happen to your MTG account? you have to make another date to swith. But during the time between the new MTG and the date your term of HSBS, you have to pay them the interest for HSBS.
What rate???? At least 7%. And they can play the game again and again.
What a shame!!!! I feel sick for HSBC.
Never , never get your MGT from them. The lower rate will cost you more and more.
So, you have no choice. The best way to avoid the trap is getting MTG from them forever, if you like. May be you can do that way.

BYe-bye, night mare.HSBC.
They'll lose Chinese market in Toronto.
Let's us get together to again them.

(They charged me more than 2000$. (Except discharge fee). I also have knew a lot of Chinese met that problem. )更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 谈一谈我这次switch mtg的经历,仅供大家参考!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我的mtg这个月25日到期,从hsbc转到bmo。昨天我的broker 给我签贷款文件的时候,我才发现了几个问题:
    1。我原来以为bmo会absorb所有switch mtg 中发生的费用,例如:legal fee, discharge fee, appraisal fee etc. 但是,实际上也是有上限的。例如:discharge fee 只给200,多出部分就要本人出。我的broker 解释是一般银行的discharge fee都是200,所以。。。,但是hsbc贵一点,要225。所以剩下的25就打入到我们的贷款额当中。我倒不是计较25,但是还是有了一点意外。所以提醒大家以后要问清楚到底有没有费用absorb的上限,做到心中有数。另外,有的broker可能会自己掏钱帮你把余下的费用absorb。
    2。银行discharge的过程。我原以为我需要把最后的一期mtg payment给了之后,剩下的余额就转到bmo。但是我发现habc在收到你的discharge request之后,就会stop further payment,也就是不在扣你的帐户上的钱了,但是利息照算。也就是目前贷款余额+从出discharge stmt 之日起到transfer-out date之间的利息+其他费用=transfer out的金额。这就引发了一个问题:如果新的贷款率高于旧的贷款率,那么实际上你亏了,因为你不能按照低的贷款率供款,减少本金;同时由于新贷款额包括旧贷款引发出来的部分利息,而这部分利息在新银行又要继续计算利息,等于利滚利。相反,如果新利率低于旧利率,你就赚了。而我的case是第一种。因为我是bi-weekly pymt, 所以剩下的两期供款都停掉了。所以我的经验是,在提出discharge之前,要搞清楚银行是怎样运作的,并不是越早提出discharge request 越好。要搞清楚1。银行如何计算discharge amount,2:新贷款率比旧贷款高还是低。当然,如果是pay off,我想就不存在这个问题了。
    3。每家银行的规定都不同,而broker也不是清楚每一家的运作,尽管她们号称经常和各大银行打交道。但是也会经常搞错,甚至不知道。好的经纪人不知道就会说不知道,然后帮你查证;不负责任的就会信口开河。我对我的broker还比较满意,主要是她比较谨慎,不会故意信口开河,而且对我们签的每一份文件都详细解释,包括mtg agreement。签过这类文件的人知道,mtg agreement的条款相当多,但是她都能基本逐条go through, 特别是涉及我们贷款情况的条款。昨天晚上读到我先生都困了。呵呵。。。当然她也不是十全十美, 有些东西她也不知道,也会发生一些错误。我这是第一次和broker打交道,我总结经验就是不能完全依靠经纪人,特别是你想找一个特别低的利率;而且最好自己在私下做些调查,打打电话,多问问。当然,如果对十分忙的人来说,最好找个较为可靠和谨慎的broker,这样应该不会做“水鱼”。

    希望以上经验对大家能有所帮助,也欢迎其他朋友谈谈自己的经验。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • thanks, please PM your broker contact info.
    • Please pm the contact. Thank you.
    • is your broker Alice, yes ?
      • NO.
      • Good luck! How much does the HSBC charge you? (Except discharge fee?)
        If you do not pay more than 225$( discharge fee), you are so lucky.( About belong to 20%). Congratulation!
        If you pay much more than 225$, you can share you experience with all Rolias.
        To answer a lot of friends' question, why do not chose HSBC even though they offer you a so call lower rate.
        I expect no more Chinese get morgage from HSBC, even though they offer you so call Manderin service.
        What a shame, HSBC!!!
        No HSBC, never!!!!!!!!
        • I am lucky, except for discharge fee. Hehe.... Because my mtg is due and then switch, so I don't think they can charge me more.
          • You r so lucky. Usually the HSBC can find some excuses during the transfer process. Then, the story starts---------. Even local people can't trust HSBC. Bye-bye, HSBC Never bothers us, never bothers Chinese in Toronto.
            • seems you have bad experience with HSBC. Can you share you story with rolian?
              • Yes, but I thought I told you guys above. HSBC is easy to join and hard to leave. When you tranfer MGT to another bank. They will find excuses easily to charge you.
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛About 80% Chinese were be trapped by them. (Estimation).
                For example, the tranfer day is accurate date. When the day is coming, they can fax to wrong place or ......, may be that day is holiday.... ~O~, good excuses!!!!!!!! So they will tell you they can't switch your MGT to the bank. Then, what will happen to your MTG account? you have to make another date to swith. But during the time between the new MTG and the date your term of HSBS, you have to pay them the interest for HSBS.
                What rate???? At least 7%. And they can play the game again and again.
                What a shame!!!! I feel sick for HSBC.
                Never , never get your MGT from them. The lower rate will cost you more and more.
                So, you have no choice. The best way to avoid the trap is getting MTG from them forever, if you like. May be you can do that way.

                BYe-bye, night mare.HSBC.
                They'll lose Chinese market in Toronto.
                Let's us get together to again them.

                (They charged me more than 2000$. (Except discharge fee). I also have knew a lot of Chinese met that problem. )更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • 你是正常的switch吗?真的不能理解,如果你一切都在合理的,没有违约的情况下,为什么他们还要收取那么多的费用?
                  • It's a trick!!!!!!!!!!! Ask you friends. This bad experience only happens in HSBC. Only HSBC. They get money directly from your account or charge in your new MGT account.
                    You have no idea about switch process.
                    Their excuses usually are they fax to wrong branch or your new bank fax to a wrong person............
                    They played game. ONLY HSBC. Don't trust them!!!!!!!
                    • I think everybody wants to switch their mtg easily. However, some of bankers always don't want to lose your business.
                      Then they try their best to keep you. I heard many such cases before, not only from HSBC, some of them from other bank. For example, I heard someone got a lower mtg rate from other bank and wanted to switch out from CIBC. A bank sent a switch request to CIBC a month before due date, but CIBC kept silience. The customer were going to travel around her due date. 2 days before due date, CIBC told the customer not to transfer out cause they would like to match A bank's rate. The customer has no time to make further action, then she had to sign the renewal agreement with CIBC.

                      So I think everyone here should be alert when you switching your mtg from one bank to another bank. Otherwise, you will get a lot of headaches.
                      • In purpose or not? 20% to 80%. It's not normal!!! Only HSBC got the "good" reputation for MTG. You just luck belong to 20%.
                        You don't have feeling about losing.
                        A lot of brokes have bad experience with HSBC. Why? I have no answer.
                        I'm not mentioning a special case. Yours or somebody of another bank. I just mentioned a narmal ration. 20% to 80%. Only for HSBC. Only for Chinese.
                        Did you get it?
                        • I am lucky one. Hehe.....
    • Can you tell me how much interest rate did you get now?
      • check your PM!
        • Thanks, could you please PM your broker's contact and your interest rate?
          • check your PM!
            • Could you please PM your broker's contact and your interest rate? Thanks.
              • 是不是这里的房屋贷款不同国内的20年的按揭贷款之类的?即使是20年的贷款,也是先借个3年或5年,到期后再重新借,是吗?
                • 这里的贷款与国内的确不同。法律规定贷款期最长为25年。但是你可以分批来做。1年,3年,5年是最常见的合同期。
                  • 那么如果是3年七成的话,是把剩下的7成贷款全部分摊到3年吗?3年到期后,再把剩下的再重新签定合同,分摊到另一个3年或是5年?
                    • 不是,贷款一般是第一次按照25年摊分期计算每月的供款额,第二次贷款的摊分期一般按照25年-第一次贷款合同的年限,计算第二次贷款的美元供款额。当然,你可以选择摊分期小于25年。
    • 活得真累啊,第一点就25块钱,第二点本金少扣一个月也就几百,这几百因为利差引起的损失,也就几块钱,统共30几块钱,你累不累啊?
      • 性格不同。我是一个要求完美和准确的人。如果我是broker,我告诉客人他switch mtg不用付任何费用,那么结果哪怕是25元,我也会觉得心理上对客户内疚的。
        另外,我是穷人,能够省就省,这里30,那里30,一年下来可能就几百啦。几百块我可以干很多其他的事情,例如买一个funance protection plan, 买一份term life, 或者投资MF. 我的生活可以更有保障。在我还没有发达之前,只能节流啦。的确,有时我也觉得很累,但是,认真搞懂一些事情没有什么不好,特别是当你有时间的时候。
        • 同意!开源还须节流嘛,只要自己开心就行:)