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I am confused here. Seems there is a confliction between qulified to sponsor your parents to move here and to get food in food bank.

there are several situations, parents need to go to food bank. One of them is the parents don't know the true meaning to people who has nomal job here to feel the people who depend on any kind of warefair of this system. They don't feel the" sham "as the people who has nomal job does. According to their experience, food bank is very good. the food is free and not bad quality than some food in China. If the parents fell it is ok. then it is ok. If their children sent them there just try to save a few pennies. I feel very sorry for their parents. But life is tough. Tough than you can imagin some time. I just hope their parents do not feel very sad when they go to food band. If they do need. take care their basic need. Nothing sham about it at all. If just to play small game to fool the system. then forget about it. By the way, may best wish to the parents who need to go to food bank. Happey New Year.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 今天我认识的一个人跟我说他去 foodbank 领救济去了,还说大约70-80%都是中国人。我惊愕。。。很多中国人抱怨说主流社会歧视华人,
    我想这也许是其中一个歧视的原因吧。要知道加拿大本土人对拿 Welfare 的本地人都很歧视的,更别说中国人了。我觉得现在的中国移民是不是太缺乏自尊啊?
    • foodbank是对无收入者。别人并不都像您这样有份好工作的。
      • Foodbank is for 无收入者 and people with little savings. I feel ashamed that some Chinese use their elderly parents to take care of their children, meanwhile send their parents to food bank.
        will never treat my parents like that.
    • 我们附近的Foodbank领东西的也大多数是中国人,而且很多是来探亲的老头,老太太
      • They themsevles are not eligible for foodbank, so they send their parents there. 太给中国人丢脸了 , I absolutely agree.
        • It is not a sham! If they do have this need. That is the reason goverment set food banks to surport people who do need food banks. If it is a cheating behavior, it is another story,
          It is a really a disrespectful behavior.
          • 你怎么知道“If they do have this need. ”?????如果没收入,或者自己都吃不饱饭,怎么能拿到探亲签证???我看大多是老头老太贪小便宜吧?????
            • I don't know. I have the same question by myself too.
              How can they sponsor their parents to move here if they are qualified to get food in food banks. Also, the food is basic need. If they can't take care of their food. What else they can take care of. I do not know.
    • food bank里有什么?不都是各种spagetti还有chilli 或者是tomato sauce,中国人能吃的下吗?再说这边吃饭已经很便宜了,即使全吃免费的又能省下多少钱?是不是一个人多打一份night shift的工就可以了?
      • 9494,这些东西倒给我钱我都不吃,要是出国就为了免费吃这个, 我估计没人出国了
        • A healthy and human society should have a social support like this. I believe nobody wants to be unemployed, but sometimes, economy is just going down, so people have to depend on the government's help.
      • Most food there are canned without much fresh stuff. Some of them even expire. In general, the food quality is not that good, but it depends. In some well-off areas, donations are better in quality.
      • The majority food there are peanut butter, canned fish and hams and so forth.
      • 是不是一个人多打一份night shift的工? Some people are not that strong physically , so that they may not be able to do two jobs at a time. Besides, we immigrate here not for The government should give us better choices.
        多打一份night shift的工.
        • Some mistakes in the above sentence which should be " we immigrate to this country not for 多打一份night shift的工. The government should provide us with better choices.
      • 我原来有个房东,每周日坚持去教堂,为的是一顿免费的meal,你说她是为了什么?
        • 倒不是别的,只是觉得FOOD BANK的食物好像不是一般地难吃,不理解普通中国人怎么能受得了。要是我身体不好,吃这种食物只能会糟糕。
    • 如果地点在十家饱, 中国人少那才怪呢.
      • why?
        • 按人口比例中国人就占大头嘛. Etobicoke中国人很少, 如果领救济的占70-80%那才怪.
    • 很多中国人抱怨说主流社会歧视华人, this is true, and the same case with other minorities of colour, because Canada is still a white dorminant country.
      • 去吃的人,不管中国人,加拿大人,一定是需要这里的帮助,是好事,说明这个机构作用大,要用常识看问题。如果人家可以忙着打工,恐怕到这个机构交通的时间就赚到多于食品价值的钱了。
        • 脸这个东西害死中国人,几个世纪怕丢脸,到今天还在怕,里子是唯一重要的东西,没有里子 那里有脸,所以FOOD BANK 很好,什么时候中国很多是救济机构,中国就真的进步了。
          • You are right, but 去吃的人 must be eligible for foodbank, which mean 去吃的人 must be in real need, and that is the point of foodbank. But some people just want to save their own money
            by using foodbank, which is a shame.
          • I believe China will have a stable social safety net as it is developing.
    • 现在的中国移民是不是太缺乏自尊啊? I do not think so. If you are in need, you should pursue the help of the government, and that is why we pay taxes to finance the government, and that is the government's job.
      • IF
    • But what is not good is that some Chinese go to the food bank not because they are desperately poor, but because they want to abuse the foodbank system.
      • Why did you say people abuse the system? How do you know it? Never make stupid judge on other people. One day, if you wait in line for foodbank, and other people say you are abusing it, what about your feeling?
        • I do not make stupid judgement. I won't go to foodbanks if I am not homeless or I have no any money in my bank. Why do those Chinese send their parents to foodbank? Give me an explanation. if they are desperately poor,
          how can they bring their parents to Canada?
          • What make you think people waiting in the line have plenty money in bank? have you checked their bank account by yourself? Why don't you leave those poor people alone, and mind yourself good life
            • Did I say they had plenty of money in bank? What I said is that if they have enough money to sponsor their parents to Canada, they can afford to support their parents. They should not try to save money
              to pay for their houses or whatever else by sending their parents to foodbanks.
              • shame on you.
        • Why and how do you know they are not abusing foodbanks? Can Canada allow those on bookbank to sponsor their parents to Canada? If you have no idea, go to CIC and find out.
          • I don't know, so I don't judge!!
            • I did not make judgement, and I just said that those, who could sponsor their parents to Canada , could afford to provide their parents with food, instead of sending
              them to foodbanks.
              • Pal, trust me, wating in the line for foodbank is not a happy thing at all! leave them alone no matter what purpose they are having!
                • I agree, that's why I feel heart-broken that those elderly people are used to wait in that line, and I feel their children are not responsible enough, because they bring parents to Canada
                  and let them suffer that .
        • If you don't know how to respect others, you may not be fit for any discussions. Watch some of your words.
          • I only disrespect those looking down the needy people.
            • I am sorry if I misled you by giving you an impression that I look down upon people in need. Actually I do not. What I mean is that people in true need should use foodbanks, but others should not.
              • Back to my question: How do you know they are abusing it?
                • I answered your question in the above. Ones who can sponsor their parents can afford to support their parents.
                  • Nothing to say! If you making 100k per year, can you say you can make it for your whole life? You will never be laid off?Come on, give me better reason
                    • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks. No more comments, because you may not understand what we are talking about.
                  • I am confused here. Seems there is a confliction between qulified to sponsor your parents to move here and to get food in food bank.
                    there are several situations, parents need to go to food bank. One of them is the parents don't know the true meaning to people who has nomal job here to feel the people who depend on any kind of warefair of this system. They don't feel the" sham "as the people who has nomal job does. According to their experience, food bank is very good. the food is free and not bad quality than some food in China. If the parents fell it is ok. then it is ok. If their children sent them there just try to save a few pennies. I feel very sorry for their parents. But life is tough. Tough than you can imagin some time. I just hope their parents do not feel very sad when they go to food band. If they do need. take care their basic need. Nothing sham about it at all. If just to play small game to fool the system. then forget about it. By the way, may best wish to the parents who need to go to food bank. Happey New Year.
    • they are so poor, why do not let them to get some cheap food, shame on you, rich man!!!
      • What do you mean by "poor"? Are they homeless? Do they have nothing in bank accounts? Where are their children who sponsor them to Canada? You should be ashamed of those people
        who used their parents to take care of their children and send their parents to foodbank ,because they bring their parents to Canada, but do not like to provide their parents with food.
      • You also should be ashamed of those who are willing to do anything to lose their diginity in order to save money.
        • I respect your dignity to be shame on the poors.
          • Not my dignity to shame on poors , but dignity to shame on those who are not desperately poor, but pretend to be in order to save money.
            • Agree with you. But I have no contact with people who have to go to food bank. Just wondering how can they be qualified to sponsor their parents to move here and also qualified to go to food bank.
              Just remind their kids try to let their parents live with diginity and respectation. If their parents don't realize this in this new envirment. At least , they know.
              • I think parents are always trying to help children out, which is the Chinese virtue.
    • 马丁看了大喜:这不正是我们自由党需要的吗,这样的人越多自由党的地位就越牢。 看来需要加大从中国移民的数量
      • Yes, most Chinese tend to shoulder all problems by themselves, and may forget that we pay the government salaries through our taxes.
      • Speaking of 中国移民的数量, the number is 26% of people of colour in Canada, and more than 3% of Canadian population.
    • 可以作点事, 大到捐几百亿做华人资助基金,小到指出去FOOD BANK道路. 不会想象正常华人挣几十万而去占救济便宜, 必有为难之处, 没有顾忌到主流的鄙夷,你我的面子, 只有多担待了. 又领救济,又危害社会,象某些BRO,SIS,才值得鄙视!
      • I partially agree with you on this point. Just that I feel truly ashamed of some Chinese using their grey-haired parents to do that. If they want to sacrifice their dignity, go ahead, why do
        they have to use their parents?
    • 过上几年,加拿大自由党会推出国家出钱的公共食堂计划。人人都能到FOOD BANK去 吃了, 多公平。
      • Impossible. The Liberal is cutting social services as the Conservative.
    • 先不要说什么,看看你为哪些需要帮助的人做了些什么,不管人种。至少他们还能在foodbank弄到免费吃的,也不用受你这样的人的气。如果你不愿意帮助别人,就先闭上你那张臭嘴。你不说话也不会死的。
      • 昨晚临睡前发的帖子没想到成了热点:-)看了一下回贴觉得大家都还是在就事论事。唯独你是满嘴喷粪!我一年交的几万元税就用来养你这样的猪头,
        • Shame on you!! hate this kind of people showing off themself for just couple dollars donation. If you think you are decent people, shut up and do a good thing for poor intead of cursing poor people using your money
          • Besides "Shame on you", what else can you say? Any concrete and solide words?
            • That is the only words for your guys who look down the needy people
              • If you do not understand what we are talking about, you may not be fit for this discussiong. This is the end of the discussion with you, thanks.
                Find out what is the true meaning of poor. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
              • 别这么激动。LZ看不起的是骗,不是穷。你如果要驳,应该是问他有没有根据说他们在骗。
        • 你怎么知道你教的税养了他?你捐款是好事,你FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT也没错,可你要是觉得领救济的人就不可以"NB"你就错了,他和你我一样的人,何况他在这NB只是骂你而已;你这看来想另一个版本的"穷人都是懒惰者";歧视?我看你就是歧视穷人
          • You got to check the whole discussion here. The point is not rich and poor. It is about honesty and cheating.
        • 呵呵,活该你生活在加拿大,活该你缴税。你可以不缴税呀:-)
        • 你还年轻,你还嫩啊。不要以为你交了几万元的税你就牛逼了,你就可以有资格笑话别人了。不要笑得太早,你将来也有去Foodbank领食品的时候,一定会有的,不要担心,也不要着急。。
        • You are really stupid, nobody will appreciate what you did nomatter how much you donated
        • 同意。穷没什么,又穷又没道德搞欺骗就活该他穷了。
      • 极是。
    • 很厌恶你的说法。
      • 说说厌恶的原因吧?
        • LZ不去Food Bank,并不证明他高人一等,去Food Bank的人也不一定卑微,人都是平等的。 Anyways, 有人愿意捐,有人愿意领,谁领不是领啊?Not a big deal啦。。。
          • 很多中国人抱怨说主流社会歧视华人,我想这也许是其中一个歧视的原因吧。我觉得现在的中国移民是不是太缺乏自尊啊? -------------这话1听起来象白人主流2不是的话,就自轻自贱了。
            • 建议你去问问你的本地人同事,看看他们是如何看待拿welfare的人的,然后再来理论吧。不顾自尊的人如何能让别人尊敬呢?越多的华人拿welfare只能导致其他种族对华人的轻视而非同情。这是显而易见的道理。
              • It is true that people on welfare are looked down upon by local Canadians, and are sigmatized as lazy and lacking motivation to work. But this attitude is not right.
          • I agree with you on this point that "去Food Bank的人也不一定卑微,人都是平等的". The point is that people in real need use food bank.
    • I read newspaper article saying the % of Chinese using food bank is disproportionately lower than most other ethnic background. Maybe that's because there are not enough Chinese food in the food bank.
      Next time I will by cans from Chinese grocery to donate.
      • Food banks need cash most, because they can use one dollar to buy more than one one-dollar-value goods.
        • I know. But the agency doesn't know what Chinese people in need like. That's why I will buy myself.
          • Right. :) Got your point.
    • Where is FOOD BANK in Richmound Hill and Markham? Can you tell me?
      • This is the website for all food banks in Toronto, please have a look.
      • richmond那住的都是大款儿吧,能在那买得起房子的人还会去领救济?
        • There are no food banks in Richmond and Marhkam, but some in North York which is close there.
        • Not necessarily. Most house owners depend on bank loans, if they are laid off or unemployed for a long time, and cannot find another job, they may need food banks temporarily.
        • One of my friends immigrated from Wales to Toronto more than ten years ago with his parents. They depended on food banks and welfare at the beginning, and now his parents
          have their own business, and they donate to food banks.
    • 如果子女们能想想父母的心情,就不会让老人们去了,加国能给老人批准探亲,就说明担保人有供养能力啊!!
      • 农村来的老人们,没见过天下有免费的午餐。。。。所以就。。。。。。也挺可怜的。
        • This is the part that makes me heart-broken. Where are their children who sponsor them to Canada? Why cannot they take good care of their parents?
          • I guess their children are happy to see they are taking food from food bank????---save more money???
    • 一直以来,印象中,去FOODBANK 的中国人很少.LZ说的这么多中国人去FOODBANK,是真的吗?是真的需要该食品吗?不知道无家可归者中有没有中国人?
      • Actually Chinese are model minority in Canada, who are law-abiding and dilligent. The rate of Chinese on any type of welfare is much lower than that of other minorities such as African and HIspanic.
        I have actually never seen any Chinese homeless people in person. Once I met one, who looked like an Asian. After a short conversation, he told me that he was Aboriginal.
      • 没有确实的证据,就谁谁一说70,80%的是中国人,就开始替主流社会找原因歧视中国人,太早了吧。我所见的是中国人领救济远少于人口比例:
        去年做过一个小项目,是圣诞期间给贫困家庭登记发放礼物的。每个家庭可以领到25元购物券,小孩的玩具,还有一只火鸡。我的一份不完全的数据里800个家庭中大概只有30户中国人(根据lastname). 另外申请救济时有低收入要求,是(家庭总收入-花费)/人口,不大可能子女8,9万,老头老太去领救济。

        另外提供一条致富信息:多生娃。生够六个,政府给的Child Support和Child Tax Benefit一个月就2400了。
        • True. Chinese in Canada make 3% national population, and is the largest minority right now, after which is South Asian and Black.
          • 这个项目是在多伦多。多伦多的华人比例好像是11%还是多少?
            • Right now, 1 in 4 people in Toronto is Chinese. British Columbia has the highest Chinese population, followed by Ontario and Alberta.
      • 我认识的两个人,每周都去拿,但并不喜欢吃,也不缺吃,缺穿。他们一起去Foodbank的,就是一些没事干的小媳妇们和来探亲的老头老太太。他们觉得免费的,不拿白不拿。拿回来扔了也行。
        • 你们说的到底在那里呀?有薯片或者SAUCE CHIP吗?
          • you
    • 您多虑了,我觉得没有什么不好或者不合适。况且,你如何判断70-80%是中国人,这是武断。
    • 我倒觉得自己捐给food bank的食物让中国人领走比别人领走强。不少白人无家可归者还是社会的不安定因素呢。
    • 是你自己心有歧视吧。谁没有倒霉的时候呢。
      • 我觉得真正要关心的是同胞们为什么要去food bank,如果真的有困难大家要有力的出力。不要再去付论一些什么丢脸不丢脸了,
        我觉得真正要关心的是同胞们为什么要去food bank,如果真的有困难大家要有力的出力。不要再去付论一些什么丢脸不丢脸了,人都有困难的时候。也建义那些不是真正缺吃,缺穿的人就不要去了,如果仅仅是为了免费而去的话就太不应该了,把食物留给真正需要帮助的人。
        • "如果仅仅是为了免费而去的话就太不应该了,把食物留给真正需要帮助的人。" Great point.
    • Almost every morning news, you can hear that the daily food banks need donations. This morning, it says that this year's donation is not as much as last year's.
      • then what?
    • 你的这种说法不好。不过FOODBANk这种计划,本人预计会因为滥用而走下坡路, 或者改铉易张。每天都说FOODBANK的食品不够,做那方面工作的人就有话说了,督促大家多捐,提高工作成绩。其实滥领食物是食品不足的主要原因
      FOODBANK的食物本意是给那些真的接不开锅,明天就没米下锅的人发够一家三天使用的食物。 现在领取的人里,确实很多人不是这样的条件。
      • 滥领被人歧视是应该的。 FOODBANK, 这些地方,很多人都能蒙混过关,而且象FOODBANK的工作人员,穷人显得越多他们就越高兴-------这保证了他们的价值和工作
    • 我觉得我要去捐点豆肆鲮鱼,或老干妈之类的,让同胞更喜欢吃一 点