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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

looking for friends

i'm not really looking for a girlfriends, although i'm single. for the timebeing, i happen to be alone and have some time to kill. so i'm looking for somebody, who resides in toronto currently and have some spare time to have fun together. you could be men or women. i don't really care. i like playing puke, chating, singing, drinking, sports, or whatever fun we could make together. frankly speaking, i feel too lonely in Canada. here's some info on me. if interested, pls feel free to give me an email and we'll start from there. thank you, guys! by the way, if many people reply to me, i don't mind holding a party and introducing each of us to each other so that we can all get rid of the lonelyness in toronto. so, anyone wanting to make friends, pls email me.

male, 30 year old, MBA, from beijing, currently reside in toronto, 1.82 cm high, appearance is quite acceptable, personality-like making fun, the more people involved, the happier i am.
email: yhan6688@yahoo.com