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I doubt if Canadian Tire carries such kind of product---I don't remember there's any washer or dryer in their flyers. Anyway, I tried to search several sites for you, and so far I only found Sears has it.

Galaxy White 2.45cu.ft. is the smallest and cheapest I can find from
www.sears.com. I think Bay should carry it too.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 有请Toronto,Ottawa各大虾: 在哪可买到小洗衣机?(如小小神童). 看见西人把各种垫子都扔进洗衣机, 咳....
    • 还有: 大概价格?
    • 最好是上排水的那种,哪有?
    • chinatown.around $350
      • 是多伦多吧?拜托给个地址,想找个星期天去买个,但对多伦多实在不熟,
        • up
      • 多谢了, 用在Apartment可以吗? 我指接水管方面.
        • 如果有国内的朋友来,可以海运过来一个,但是存在一个电压问题
      • Do you know which Chinatown has the 小洗衣机? Toronto or Mississauga or.... Thank you.
        • up
      • u up
        • 记得在Sheperd 和Leslie交界的附近有个 Canadia Tire,那里有海尔的。
          • 大概几刀?
          • 你是说在多轮多还是ottawa? thanks
            • 好像是DLD,不过应该是Sheppard
              • 我上网查了,shepard/leslie没有Canadian Tire啊?能否确认一下?多谢!
                • canadian tire stores in toronto

                  2129 St. Clair Ave. W.

                  839 Yonge Street

                  5363 Dundas Street West

                  4400 Dufferin Street

                  3499 Weston Road

                  2681 Danforth Avenue

                  975 The Queensway

                  700 Lawrence Avenue West

                  2625B Weston Road

                  825 Eglinton Avenue East
                  • 请问是上面哪一家?
                    • 我不清楚。你看看手边的地图?
                • 一定是ottawa记错了。
                  • 白欢喜一场,俺下次回国,非找张瑞敏不可,这小子整天在国内吹牛。
                    • 美国是有的。记得好像有人说过2,3百多美刀。要不去sears/bay看看。
                • Sheppard/leslie肯定有一家Canadian Tire,靠Sheppard的路边,小路进去是IKEA.
                  • I doubt if Canadian Tire carries such kind of product---I don't remember there's any washer or dryer in their flyers. Anyway, I tried to search several sites for you, and so far I only found Sears has it.
                    Galaxy White 2.45cu.ft. is the smallest and cheapest I can find from
                    www.sears.com. I think Bay should carry it too.
                • 在多纶多,Sheppard & Leslie 往西200 百米,看到 McDonald 以后就从那个路口左转,向前50 米再右转。再向前开50 米,在撞上 Canadian Tire 大门之前找地方停车。
                  • 好消息,地址:1019 Shepard, 电话:416-226-4411。坏消息,俺Call过去,人家说没有任何 Washer Machine. 让俺去Sear找。:-(
          • which city ? Thanks
            • TORONTO
          • 到底在哪呀?各位Toronto 的哥们帮帮忙了,找到了我好去买,我在ottawa,谢谢了。
            • 我是没有在canadian tire网上找到这类产品,你不如打电话给他们问问?
    • IN Toronto, North of Spadina/Dundus. The store name is:"Ke1 Yu3 dian4 qi4", east side of spadina street, Haier's portable washing machine. (sorry I can not input chinese)
      • How much ?
        • 我曾进去看过,有3种型号,价格记不准了,好像小的$330,中的$370,大的$630,老板说中号的卖的最好,我去的时候正好没货,但好像洗衣容量只比小号的大半磅,我觉得小的太小了,洗不了什么