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Baby 食物介绍(4-12 months) 这是学幼儿教育时发的资料。没有翻译,因为有一些食物不知应怎样翻译成中文。希望对父母们有些帮助。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Introducing Solid Feeds to Your Baby
Note: Introduce each new food individually and for 4-5 days before introducing any other new food.
Babies do not require solid foods before 4-6 months of age. Until then, breast milk or formula provides the best form of nutrition for the child. Solids may be introduced in the following order:
4-6 moths -- CEREAL (start with rice, then later, barley, oatmeal, sobee.)
5-7 months -- JUICE (Apple juice diluted with equal parts water, up to 120ml(4oz) once or twice daily. No orange or citrus juice until 1 year)
5-7 months--VEGETABLES (Squash, peas, sweet potato, carrots, (no spinach, broccoli.).Orang and yellow vegetables first, then green.
6-7 months --FRUIT (Apple,pear, banana,peach,apricot,etc)
7-8 months--DAIRY (Yoghurt, cottage cheese, mild processed cheese.)
8-9 months--Meat & Fish (Chicken, veal, beef, lamb. (no pork or fish until at least 1 year).
10-12 months--Eggs (Yolk from 10-11 months, egg white 11-12 months)
IN bottle fed babies, iron fortified formula should be used until 12 months of age. After 1 year homogenized milk can be used.
1. All solids including cereal should be fed by teaspoon and not mixed in the formula.
2. Start with 1 to 2 teaspoons twice daily and increase according to your chld's needs.
3. introduce new foods one at a time, generally 1 per week.
4. Individual food products are preferred to mixed cereals and other mixed foods.
5. Solids should be given after nursing or formula feeds, until 6-months to promote milk intake.
6. You may use standard commercial products or make your own blenderized foods without any added salt or sugar. (Publlic Health may have more information on home-made foods)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / Baby 食物介绍(4-12 months) 这是学幼儿教育时发的资料。没有翻译,因为有一些食物不知应怎样翻译成中文。希望对父母们有些帮助。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Introducing Solid Feeds to Your Baby
    Note: Introduce each new food individually and for 4-5 days before introducing any other new food.
    Babies do not require solid foods before 4-6 months of age. Until then, breast milk or formula provides the best form of nutrition for the child. Solids may be introduced in the following order:
    4-6 moths -- CEREAL (start with rice, then later, barley, oatmeal, sobee.)
    5-7 months -- JUICE (Apple juice diluted with equal parts water, up to 120ml(4oz) once or twice daily. No orange or citrus juice until 1 year)
    5-7 months--VEGETABLES (Squash, peas, sweet potato, carrots, (no spinach, broccoli.).Orang and yellow vegetables first, then green.
    6-7 months --FRUIT (Apple,pear, banana,peach,apricot,etc)
    7-8 months--DAIRY (Yoghurt, cottage cheese, mild processed cheese.)
    8-9 months--Meat & Fish (Chicken, veal, beef, lamb. (no pork or fish until at least 1 year).
    10-12 months--Eggs (Yolk from 10-11 months, egg white 11-12 months)
    IN bottle fed babies, iron fortified formula should be used until 12 months of age. After 1 year homogenized milk can be used.
    1. All solids including cereal should be fed by teaspoon and not mixed in the formula.
    2. Start with 1 to 2 teaspoons twice daily and increase according to your chld's needs.
    3. introduce new foods one at a time, generally 1 per week.
    4. Individual food products are preferred to mixed cereals and other mixed foods.
    5. Solids should be given after nursing or formula feeds, until 6-months to promote milk intake.
    6. You may use standard commercial products or make your own blenderized foods without any added salt or sugar. (Publlic Health may have more information on home-made foods)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • THANKS
    • 谁感兴趣,我把原文FAX给你们! 原文是我女儿的儿科医生给的添加副食的单子,几乎一样。这个医生是个比较有名的儿科医生,但是太早了,是2003年的。此处的帖子有点点小误,怕耽误事!
      嗨,世界真太小了,这个帖子几乎就是我1月左右发的亲亲宝贝一个题为“INRTODUING SOLID FEEDS TO YOUR BABY”的一个翻版,只是改动了几处而已,甚至Tying的错误也巧合呀!我想找找历史区,但亲亲宝贝没有历史区。当时没人理,记得只有一个表示^-^。其实我也不想叫真,但确实想说说。
      还想起一件事,前些天发了个贴想COPY Accounting 的software,结果有好心
      人给我留了电话,说她有,让我晚7:00PM 后打电话给她,我晚上哄2个宝宝睡觉,
      • I‘m interested but I do not have fax. Could you PM me? Thanks!
      • 回复WINDY06 有关诚实的问题。希望windy06 能诚实的说明并拿出证据。引原文"。。。这个帖子几乎就是我1月左右发的。。。的一个翻版,只是改动了几处而已,甚至Tying的错误也巧合呀!。。。其实我也不想叫真,但确实想说说"
        1, 此信息是我昨天晚上照着我的学习资料一个字母一个字母打得。起因是看到一位家长询问有关贝倍食物的问题。这是我在CENTENNIAL COLLEGE 2003 年progass 校区学习幼儿教育时所发的资料。是一页纸。相信此期间在此处学这个专业的都会有这张纸。但我不知道WARDON 校区的是否也有。现在这张纸就在我桌子上。如果斑竹需要证明,星期六我可以拍照片或扫描这张纸。请网友们给个公道。
        2, 如果windy06说TYING 的错误也一样, 请您指正在何处。
        3。 至于题目,我纸上的题目就是“INTRODUCING SOLID FEEDS TO YOUR BABY"我记得在昨天我打的时候,好像是把TO 的T 打成了小写的t. 另外之上的最后一小段我没打,应为感觉不重要。现在打上。不知道此朋友是否还是认为是搬了他的。信息是一样的是有可能的,可是如果说我是照搬上的。请拿出证据。
        Each child is unique and may have his or her preferences which do not conform to the above guidelines. Please do no hesitate to discdiscuss any feeding problems with me.
        4. 另外是不是可以赐教帖子的错误在那里。因为本人在幼儿园工作,而且就在infant room. 所以也很希望得到正确的信息。
      • 我又检查了一下我发的有关信息。并没有大的错误。只是在2。中child打成了chld.在6。中应是。。。until6-7months to promote milk intake 没打7。我不相信会和windy06一样。
    • 可信,可用.顶!
    • One question: What kind of vegetable should be given to babies first: orange and yellow or green? 'cause
      the article found in another website recommend green vegie first just because orange and yellow vegies are sweet and if served them first, babies might refuse green ones.
      • 我觉得关于宝宝辅食的问题有些并没有定论,可能专家们也意见不一吧,我们就参考再根据自己的实际情况调整吧。
      • orange and yellow vegetables first, then green.
        INFANT ROOM, 我们通常给5-7个月的孩子喂jar food. 蔬菜的 有南瓜的,红薯的,还有胡萝卜的。从7个月有的家长从刚7月,有的过了7个月,绿色的多数是豌豆,或是和上面的混合的。可以去超市的货架上看一看,如果有条件还是自己做得好。但是要注意不要放糖和盐。
    • 很好,已收藏,请问Sobee是什么?
      • FAX昨天下午已经发过去了,收到的话,请证实!
        • 收到,非常感谢!!
    • 还有如果自己做蔬菜泥怎么做,煮还是蒸,里面还要放什么东西?多谢指导!!
    • 自己做水果泥要不要煮?多谢!!
      • 最好是蒸。然后blender 打碎。如果太干,加一点水。要注意给贝贝介绍食物的时候,最好一个星期只介绍一种新的食物。开始第一天只吃2,3 勺。然后每天逐步加量。以便观察孩子有没有过敏反应。
        • 多谢!!