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more pix, i didn't use tripod. also see some links inside. my camera is canon power shot 100, 小家伙。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 我也贴几张照片凑凑热闹,请大家指点指点,还有 Mr. elington
    • Okay. That's it. I definately need to find a time to visit Eaton Center to feel the holiday spirit.
    • more pix, i didn't use tripod. also see some links inside. my camera is canon power shot 100, 小家伙。
    • 照片很漂亮,很愿意和你交流技术共同提高。现在上班,只能少写几句:第一张左边的柱子太碍眼,若去掉....第二张因镜头仰拍,所以楼是斜的,可不仰拍又损失很多画面,我也为难。
      • thanks, 相互交流共同提高。
    • 我只是个新手,有懂行的指点一下立意和布局。
      • you should not always try to put your focus in the middle of your picture. For example, in this pic, if you can move girls to right a little bit, it should be better.
        this is according to my understanding. I am not a fan or an expert. I took pictures for my friends in university. After we develop the pics, we could not find my friends head.
        • 1:0.618
          • isn't that the golden ratio if I can still remember my math.
            • yes, the room before the face, or eyes should be 1.
      • 布局 will be more balanced. I got this idea from a friend who is a kind of artist.
        • thanks. how about other photos.
          • I am not an experienced one. When I watch movie or TV, I always pay attention to photo, trying to find out what kind of feeling that movie or TV want to give. You can learn from it.
            Of course the best way is on downdairs: I mean the advice that egg give to you.
    • 经常去一些摄影论坛,气氛大都很好,任何人都可以把自己拍的照片放上去,大家进行建设性的评论,还有的高手把别人的原照用photoshop剪裁润色处理后再放上去,让初学者也惊讶自己的照片原来能这么漂亮。让我们共同提高。
      • 我能用photoshop是大楼平行边沿,but just a little bit blurry.
      • see the pic after modification.
        • 你的BLUR用的太重, 还有背景色彩变成色块了。可能跟相机有关系。
      • 用photoshop处理照片挺没劲的,那还叫什么摄影艺术?
        • Because CS people are bad in designing and using photoshop.. That's why you say that..... I'm being one of them as well..... haha....
        • 有个名词叫"数字暗房", 用胶片的摄影师在黑屋子里折腾叫不叫摄影艺术?
        • 暗房技术是非常非常非常非常非常非常非常重要的
          • 俺知道,那属于化学反应吧?
    • 不错, 比EGG牛多了。
      • 俺觉得跟EGG一个毛病。个人意见,仅供参考:照相先要解决立意和构图,立意是整个照片的灵魂,否则,再怎么提高技巧,器材,数字暗房都没有用。
        • 是呀,但他的构图比EGG好很多。
          • 构图不比EGG强多少。但他的立意比EGG强,他想到了要表现些什么,不只是拍一些到此一游的照片,特别是第二张。当你举起相机,开始拍别的人物的时候,就是一个良好的开端。
            • 至少他的照片工整的多。你看他的几张秋天的照片了吗,挺漂亮的。
              • 没有,给个LINK,俺去学习学习。
                • #293944
        • 他的圣诞游行的观众的照片我好象见过。可能有人用过同样的立意。
        • 你好天天快乐的主,评价评价我的这些照片,批评指教,全部用我的数码canon power shot 100 照的 ftp://candymouse.dns2go.com/