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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 哪位大侠知道去 St. Catherine 怎么走?本人无车。 谢了!
    • up,本人要去interview,不知怎么走,急!
    • Take bus from downtown. round tripe ticket cost you $35+ ( I am not sure).
      I used stay st. catharines for years, tell me where you are going, I may can help you a bit. or email me your phone number I call you.
    • You can find some transportation services in this forum or IS4U. cheaper than taxi, but should be better than bus.
    • check out : http://www.greyhound.ca/ from: Toronto, on to: St. Catherines
    • 谢谢各位老大!各位真是好人哪!我决定乘BUS去。“喝点啤酒晕晕头”提供的网站很有用。