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Canada Pension Plan Survivor Benefits, if she pay CPP for over 3 years, then Mr. Wang can apply Survivor benefits

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Canada Pension Plan Survivor Benefits
1. What are Canada Pension Plan survivor benefits?

Canada Pension Plan survivor benefits are paid to a deceased contributor's estate, surviving spouse or common-law partner and dependent children. There are three types of benefits.

The death benefit is a one-time payment to, or on behalf of, the estate of a deceased Canada Pension Plan contributor;
The survivor's pension is a monthly pension paid to the surviving spouse or common-law partner of a deceased contributor;
The children's benefit is a monthly benefit for dependent children of a deceased contributor.
It is important to apply for Canada Pension Plan benefits. If you do not apply, you may lose benefits you are entitled to receive.

2. How long must I contribute for my survivors to receive benefits?

If your Canada Pension Plan "contributory period" is longer than nine years, you must have contributed in:

one third of the calendar years in your contributory period, or
10 calendar years, whichever is less.
There is a minimum contributory requirement of at least 3 years.

3. Who is eligible for survivor benefits?

The Canada Pension Plan death benefit is a one-time, lump-sum payment made to the deceased contributor's estate. If there is no estate, the person responsible for the funeral expenses, the surviving spouse or common-law partner or the next of kin may be eligible, in that order.

The Canada Pension Plan survivor's pension is paid to the person who, at the time of death, is the legal spouse or common-law partner of the deceased contributor (see definition of "spouse" and "common-law partner"). If you are a separated legal spouse and there is no cohabiting common-law partner, you may qualify for this benefit.

If your deceased same-sex common-law partner contributed to the Canada Pension Plan, you could be eligible for survivor's benefits.

The Canada Pension Plan children's benefit is paid to a dependent natural or adopted child of the deceased contributor, or a child in the care and control of the deceased contributor at the time of death. The child must be either under age 18, or between the ages of 18 and 25 and in full-time attendance at a school or university.

(See Children's Benefits for Students aged 18 to 25)

4. How much is the death benefit?

As with most Canada Pension Plan benefits, the amount of the death benefit depends on how much, and for how long, you paid into the Canada Pension Plan.

Canada Pension Plan first calculates the amount that your Canada Pension Plan retirement pension is, or would have been if you had been age 65 when death occurred. The death benefit is equal to six months' worth of this "calculated" retirement pension, up to a maximum of $2,500.

5. How much will a surviving spouse or common-law partner receive?

The amount a surviving spouse or common-law partner will receive depends on:更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 在哪里我可以得到帮助?
    • So Sorry
      • 老家还是给出些具体见议
    • 难过极了。。。请节哀。
    • 建议你去找一下中国人的各种组织,或网友"木然"先生,"木然"先生是个热心肠.
      • “中国移民紧急援助基金”
    • 好为你难过,请节哀!
    • 节哀保重。
    • 唉, 不幸的家庭各有各的不幸.
    • UP
    • 我现在也没有具体的办法,只有先帮你顶一下
    • 哎,所以保险很重要~
      • 自杀保险也管吗?
        • 两年以后管
    • 今天证实了他妻子原来是我们这里的员工,今年一月因病离职 ,大家看看有什么可以帮到他的,我们这里正在组织大家捐款:((((((
      • Rolia可以组织一下吗,实在是太惨了。
      • 问一下,她这种情况可以因病不离职吗?
        • 生病如果不离职拿不到EI,生活就更没有着落了.
          • 她不是自己自愿辞职而是被你们公司解雇的吧?
          • 不离职拿不到EI,但可以拿DISABILITY INSURENCE,应该比EI不少.
            • 不离职不是可以拿到工资吗?应该不会比EI少吧?记得以前在国内不会把患癌症的职工解雇的。加拿大的公司这么残忍吗?
              • 一年就那么几天带薪病事假,之后不上班公司就不发钱了.但所谓"发达"就是将这部分"商业化",公司给职工买D保险(有公司是个人要付一部分钱),保证职工可以"接着生病而有钱吃饭".
                • 他妻子的公司没有给她买这种保险吗?
                  • 公司给她买了医疗保险(每月从自己工资扣一部分),当重病不能上班,单位和你自己不能在交保险钱了,那么几个月后该保险就停止了.
      • 顶一下. LZ不妨把情况说得再详细一些.
        • 这事得事主授权才成。
      • 谢谢JJ
    • sailor 能否再组织一下捐款活动,或者搞一个什么活动,收入归lz,帮他渡渡难关
    • 太可怜了,我在国内没法帮忙,只能希望楼主节哀,生活还要继续,选择坚强
    • 你妻子干什么工作得的肺癌?
      • 搞个什么义卖会.........不错的主意.
    • 可以问一句吗?
      • 你说出了我想说的.
      • 你也太不厚道了。
        • 不是不厚道,而是为她太太悲哀.
        • 她没有不厚道,只是比较敢说
      • 我也这么想来着。没敢说。。。。。。想想也许他们药钱花了不少,要不感觉着这劳工太让人寒心了
      • 这个话怎么听着不对劲?有这么说话的吗?
      • 他太太光是化疗药费一个月就要2.5万,你说他还有什么钱?估计他太太就是不想拖累他才出此下策。
        • 化疗的费用OHIP应该是包的。 -ak49jay(ak49); 5.15 22:49 (#2972496@0)
          • 化疗期间,有患者说,如果你没保险,医生不会给你用好药.她每次化疗要8000加元的新药(一个月要做数次),丈夫单位有保险,可报80%,余下如家庭困难,可申请免除.如没有了保险,医生怎么可用新药.好药,
        • 正因为太太这么伟大,俺才觉得不应该让她那么凄惨,你相信一个移民5年的家庭没7000块吗?信用卡不会没吧?
      • 不到万不得已,谁不想好好赶紧把太太安葬了呢:((((((
        • 既然她在你们公司工作过,在加拿大就是有CPP的人了,现在可以从CPP领到最基本的丧葬费;当然是仅够基本的费用.再说个后话,
          当初有病要回家和回家后应该和你们的HR及政府机构等沟通,应该有解决方案.这些是和别人探讨得到的.应该说,加拿大福利没咱们想的好,也比现在这说得好,比如: 1)医疗保险;2)因病不能工作政府是另有些计划可帮助的;3)自己出了医药费,超过收入3%在报税时有返回;4)真是没钱赤贫政府另有贫困户的医疗减免(但会核查是否是没钱);
      • 不到万不得以谁会张嘴求人啊...理解吧
        • 我今天一天胸口疼的不行了,喘不上气来。想想她其实好象早安排好了。因为我两个星期前去看她的时候,她正找人送她妈妈回国。她曾经很漂亮,但是因为化疗,头发都掉光了:((((((
          • 化疗真不是人受的了的...哎,真够难过的...JJ也别太难过啦,身体重要,九年前偶的一个朋友就是三个月就走啦,才三十岁
            • 她生病离职了后因为保险还可以用3个月,但是只COVER80%,一个月2.5万的20%也是笔很大的费用。她老公说估计她也是想到下次做化疗的时候就没有保险了,不想拖累家里人......
              • 其实她不化疗的话,没几个月也得走啦,为何要那样呢....
              • 在加拿大得了重病不能请长期病假吗?记得以前在中国是可以的。
          • "今天证实了他妻子原来是我们这里的员工" "我两个星期前去看她的时候" #2970483 #2971819
      • 你还真以为加拿大是天堂呀?病人只要不住院,药费,化验费等费用都要自己掏,癌症病人药费化验费等开销很大的,一般家庭根本承受不了。
        • 那他为什么不住院呢?化疗不让住院?
          • 需不需要住院医生说了算。
            • 住院医生说化疗不应该住院? 记得以前在中国化疗是应该住院的。
              • 化疗也就24小时内辛苦一点,头晕无力,不能吃东西。化疗的费用OHIP应该是包的。
                • 有的化疗药是不包的,化疗副作用因人而易,即使停止化疗,反应可持续几个月.
        • 我没认为那里是天堂,但好处就不在这争论了.他家的情况是太太治疗的时间并不长,不多说了.
        • 化验费是免费的。药费才要自己掏,也有DRUG PLAN啊
      • 有些人听到不舒服,那就不要听,我觉得自己说的挺客气的.有的人并不是到不得已时才求人,(不是是特指LZ),尤其是在至亲的人走了后,多年的夫妻情份就那么不值钱.
        • more details please!
          • 当时大家同情捐款的时候俺都忍住没开口,过去这么长时间了,就不提了吧.这次是妻子,替她不值啊,天国中的她安息吧1
        • 你的所谓“内幕”不过是小道消息罢了。为什么就不能对别人善意一点?楼主的情况你看看相关新闻。夫人去世,本来就不多的财产也被冻结,的确是没有钱。到了这个地步,张嘴求人不就是让死者入土为安嘛。还要被你这种人揣摩。
    • 看来在加拿大死都死不起啊!!!!!!!!.........大家这个月再省省.为这个不辛的家庭捐捐钱吧.
      • 真不明白为什么说加拿大的福利好。加拿大的福利到底好在哪里呢?
    • 中國移民緊急援助基金 416-618-1260 chinesefund@gmail.com
    • social service好像不限居民还是公民吧?
    • 很难过,我问了我老公关于政府的什么部门可以帮助,他说Pension Canada,你试着用Google搜索一下吧。
      • 对,咱们的CPP有最基本的丧葬费.
        • Canada Pension Plan Survivor Benefits, if she pay CPP for over 3 years, then Mr. Wang can apply Survivor benefits
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Canada Pension Plan Survivor Benefits
          1. What are Canada Pension Plan survivor benefits?

          Canada Pension Plan survivor benefits are paid to a deceased contributor's estate, surviving spouse or common-law partner and dependent children. There are three types of benefits.

          The death benefit is a one-time payment to, or on behalf of, the estate of a deceased Canada Pension Plan contributor;
          The survivor's pension is a monthly pension paid to the surviving spouse or common-law partner of a deceased contributor;
          The children's benefit is a monthly benefit for dependent children of a deceased contributor.
          It is important to apply for Canada Pension Plan benefits. If you do not apply, you may lose benefits you are entitled to receive.

          2. How long must I contribute for my survivors to receive benefits?

          If your Canada Pension Plan "contributory period" is longer than nine years, you must have contributed in:

          one third of the calendar years in your contributory period, or
          10 calendar years, whichever is less.
          There is a minimum contributory requirement of at least 3 years.

          3. Who is eligible for survivor benefits?

          The Canada Pension Plan death benefit is a one-time, lump-sum payment made to the deceased contributor's estate. If there is no estate, the person responsible for the funeral expenses, the surviving spouse or common-law partner or the next of kin may be eligible, in that order.

          The Canada Pension Plan survivor's pension is paid to the person who, at the time of death, is the legal spouse or common-law partner of the deceased contributor (see definition of "spouse" and "common-law partner"). If you are a separated legal spouse and there is no cohabiting common-law partner, you may qualify for this benefit.

          If your deceased same-sex common-law partner contributed to the Canada Pension Plan, you could be eligible for survivor's benefits.

          The Canada Pension Plan children's benefit is paid to a dependent natural or adopted child of the deceased contributor, or a child in the care and control of the deceased contributor at the time of death. The child must be either under age 18, or between the ages of 18 and 25 and in full-time attendance at a school or university.

          (See Children's Benefits for Students aged 18 to 25)

          4. How much is the death benefit?

          As with most Canada Pension Plan benefits, the amount of the death benefit depends on how much, and for how long, you paid into the Canada Pension Plan.

          Canada Pension Plan first calculates the amount that your Canada Pension Plan retirement pension is, or would have been if you had been age 65 when death occurred. The death benefit is equal to six months' worth of this "calculated" retirement pension, up to a maximum of $2,500.

          5. How much will a surviving spouse or common-law partner receive?

          The amount a surviving spouse or common-law partner will receive depends on:更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net