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1) No one force those people to stay here. If they do not like it, leave;
2) If you choose to stay, and want to be a part of the community and enjoy the freedom, then be a good citizen;
3) If you have something against the current government policy, say it, vote against it, use news media to express it, let ur friends and community know it. You DONT KILL PEOPLE and your fellow citizens. That's the most serious crime and should be punished with all means!
4) There is no excuse whatsoever for anyone to kill innocent people. For those who support those 17 people, remember, YOU ARE THEIR TARGET as well!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 加拿大粉碎地铁恐怖袭击阴谋 拘捕17人.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛香港文汇报消息,加拿大皇家骑警方周五晚联同安全情报局等多个执法部门,展开大规模反恐行动,400多名警员荷枪实弹在大多伦多地区的10多个地点拘捕约17人,捣破一个土生土长的恐怖组织支部,警方更搜出制造重型武器及爆炸品的物料。消息指疑犯计划最快于明天袭击闹市地铁,以及多个著名旅游景点。









     一名住客称,其中一名被捕男子年约50多岁,留有黑发及胡子,外形像穆斯林。当地新闻报道指,多名疑犯均是20来岁青年,他们在多伦多北部一个营地受训,并计划袭击国安情报局位于加拿大国家塔(CN Tower)附近的办公室,繁忙的地铁及旅游景点亦成施袭目标。



     《多伦多星报》报道称,加拿大安全情报局自2004年起已监视多名疑犯,当地警方于去年加入调查。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 如果袭击得逞, 将是加拿大的911, 那肯定会导致百业萧条, 又有多少人会失去工作?
      • 即使袭击得逞,也不会导致百业萧条。
        • 听口气你知道他们的方案:)
      • 切. 俺是吓大的
    • 看看这些名字,你不能不产生歧视。
      Fahim Ahmad
      Zakaria Amara
      Asad Ansari,
      Shareef Abdelhaleen,
      Qayyum Abdul Jamal,
      Mohammed Dirie,
      Yasim Abdi Mohamed,
      Amin Mohamed Durrani,
      Steven Vikash Chand alias Abdul Shakur,
      Ahmad Mustafa Ghany,
      Saad Khalid, 19,
      • 这名单可靠么? 那些跟石油输出组织列国公民谈练爱的同胞们, 你们可得注意了, 可别弄个沾亲带故的
        • 你想的可真远。
          • 没有啦。这都不用想,现实中见得就不少了。补充:跟他们生了小MSL(或有此梦想)的也不乏其人哪!
        • toronto star 上给的,应该可靠,基本都是msl
          • hahahha
      • 其实我们应该感谢苯拉登这些恐怖分子们...
        • 华人歧视别人更多于被歧视. 加拿大的人人平等与包容观念比世界上绝大部分地方(包括中国)都强
          • 如果您到类似于安省伦敦这样的中小城市, 或者美国中部乡村生活过, 会知道没开化的白人是多么狭碍和糟糕, 大都市的白人,只是会掩饰. 您能深入他们的家庭,知到他们咋想吗? 你会寒心到骨子里.
            • 看来您是深有体会了?谈谈您深入他们家庭后得知的他们的想法来吧。
      • These 17 people can risk their lives for their countries, can you?
        • They are Canadian Citizen man, Geez.
          • You mean they want to attack public for no reason? Give it a thought! Geez...
            • 你说的是“risk their lives for their countries", 我告诉你这些人是Canadian Citizen, They trying to bomb their own country, 跟你说的恰恰是完全相反的,你说什么risk their lives for their countries完全是莫名其妙.
              • Sorry I meant their motherland. Canadian passport does not mean your are real Canadians. I have the passport but Canadian government thinks I am only a NATURALIZED Canadian.
                • And if you fight for the enemy you will still be charged with treason and send to prison for the rest of your life, Mr NATUALIZED citizen,
                  • So what? I prepare for it when I do it.
      • 加拿大原来就是这种人的大本营.
    • 千万不要小看这些恐怖袭击, 加拿大人是很敏感脆弱的, 如果真的发生, 其影响是很大的, 形势好时大家过得滋润, 形势不好时, 大家都失业, 日子就不好过了. 有些人上有老, 下有小, 供着大房子, 一旦没工作了, 嘿嘿...
    • WHY?加拿大是多么和平的国家啊?他们 should be hung!!!
      • 谁说加拿大是爱好和平的国家?如果加拿大人爱好和平,加拿大军队就应该马上撤出阿富汗。恐怖主义不会选择爱好和平的国家作为袭击目标的,他们选择的目标都是爱好战争的国家。
        • 说得对
    • Good job, RMCP
      • RCMP.
      • 当然好,但是阻挡不了恐怖的进一步袭击。
        • 你怎么知道,和他们有联系?
          • 笨理想一想,自己的国家,自己的民族被人侵犯,谁会坐视不管?
            • 有啊,很多加拿大黄人主张遏制中国,不然一旦中国富强了不就证明移民移错了?那心理多不平衡啊. 所以大家坚决要把中国人民的一切一切丑化.
              • 中国富强了不证明你就富强了. 笨!
                • 奇怪,感觉人家说的和你是一样的意思,你却说人家笨。
            • 第二章,190:“你们要沿着真主指引的路消灭打你们的那些人”。
            • 第十章,5:“见了他们就杀死他们,追捕他们,包围他们,为他们准备各种埋伏”。
            • “那些离开祖国、被逐出家园 ,追随真主而战斗的和死去的,我会让你们进入天堂。”(第三章 158、169、185、195)
            • “那些参加战斗的斗士,无论死去的还是战胜的,我们会给他们一笔丰厚的工资。不要和不忠实于主的人做朋友,除非他们选择了跟随真主。但是如果他们背叛,那就见到他们就杀死他们。”
            • “如果他们在你们面前不保持中立,那就不给他们和平,不和他们握手,而是要在哪里遇到他们就在哪里杀死他们。袖手旁观的信仰者和为上帝而战的信仰者不可等同视之。”
            • “当你们冲向世界,别让那些不忠实于主的人拿你们当试验品,他们是你们真正的敌人。”
            • “至于你们将死去或是被杀,是的,那就是说你们去同真主汇合。不要以为你们是圣战中的死者,相反,你们将活在真主的身边。因为现实生活不过是一个骗人的物。”
            • .
        • please change your name to Mohammud.
    • 聊点应急措施吧: 钱包里装$100现金,随身常备一瓶水, 买人寿保险.
      • 一次过安检,匆忙中忘了把夹在护照中的钱拿出来,被问为什麽放钱在护照里,
    • 这几位明天上庭。在广大市民拍手称快的同时,也有不和谐的声音,一间清真寺于周未被砸。
      • 嗯。。。
      • 要学习中国, 建设和谐社会.
    • If western countries invade China and strip everything, what would you do if you still live in these countries? So please shut up! Do not discriminate anyone.
      There is none born as war-lover. I admire them for giving their own lives for their countries.
      • Shame on them.
        They could do nothing in their own countrys. In order to find daydreamed 'gold mine' in canada, they stow away like coward. But they found that they could not find 'Gold', but s h i t......
      • Insane! Did Canada invade any country? Every one are free to speak in Canada. Just DO NOT use bomb to express yourself !
        • Did Canada Troops entering Afghanistan ask the premission from Afghan governemt? If not, that is invasion. Countries helping the evil countries like the US and UK are evil countries too.
          • The fomer regime:TALIBAN was an evil government.
            • Said by who? By Bush, right? If someday Bush says Chinese government is a evil government and should get bombed, how do you feel?
              • People around All over the world. If one regime publicly support terrorist, it will be named as an evil government, no exception and excuse.
          • January 25, 2002: Ottawa re-establishes diplomatic ties with Kabul February 2, 2002: First 25 Canadian troops land at Kandahar
            • Could New Afghan Government say NO? If it said NO, The US would bomb it again until it says yes. Who is the evilest government?
          • I believe Canadian troop are invited by their president and most likely - people.
            • Kao, Like CNN said....
          • 就是加拿大和中国打仗,我们也没有理由在加拿大进行恐怖活动乱杀无辜。这是个自由的国家。你可以发出不同的言论,你不喜欢也可以离开。
      • 拿枪回自己的祖国去打仗。不要在敌人后方制造炸弹杀无辜的百姓。
        • they have no troops, no advanced weapons. They can't hurt the enemy a hair if they go back and fight.
          • 当八国联军肆虐中国时,在中国的土地上你用大刀去和敌人的枪炮战斗。虽然无法杀退敌人,但你是英雄。而如果你绑一身炸药在旧金山大街上“就义”,你什么都不是。
            • you mean they should stay home and wait for getting killed?
            • 我把你杀了,你当英雄,我当什么都行你来定。同意吗?
          • I am just wondering what your last word would be if terrorist attack did happen, you or your loved ones were killed on subway or one of the targeted tourist sites.
      • 你应该是回教徒吧?如果你是,那我们没有任何争论的必要。如果你不是,我问问你,这些嫌疑犯们的母国大部分是巴基斯坦,美国或者加拿大什么时候入侵过巴基斯坦?
    • 一点不理解:这些本地出生的中东人怎么会恨加拿大?
      • 你看看wmd(Do It Yourself)的言论就更不明白。居然还支持恐怖主义!
        • I don't support them, but I don't blame then either. They don't have troops and their motherland got bombed and their realtives are killed. What can they do?
          • 就是加拿大和中国打仗,我们也没有理由在加拿大进行恐怖活动乱杀无辜。这是个自由的国家。你可以发出不同的言论,你不喜欢也可以离开。
            • If (I said if) your family or relatives are killed, You just express your angry by shouting out " stop killing ! " and do nothing?
              • 恐怖主义就是恐怖主义。难道你跑到街上杀几个无辜能解决问题吗?怎么不想想无辜的受害者和他们的家庭?
                • 谁是恐怖主义?911杀了3千多。在伊拉克和阿富汗已经杀了好几万了,够本了吧?谁不是爹娘生的?谁就更贱应该被杀?现在伊拉克和阿富汗的老白姓哪天挨枪子都不知道,想踩死个蚂蚁一样。
              • (I said if, too), 如果当初在世贸大楼里有你的亲友被炸死, 你会怎么想? (有多少中资机构在那大楼里有办公室). 你会因为他们的家园被美国人及帮兄占了, 而原谅他们的恐怖行为害了你的同胞吗?
                • Why did none think about why 911 happened? If you do, you know who I should blame if I have someone close killed in 911.
                  • 在这里说这么多IF,也改变不了一个事实,这就是:该17位是作为恐怖份子被警察抓获的,并将接受法律的审判-加拿大的法律,加拿大居民必须遵守的法律。
                    • You are so right. I am never able to change the law. Just don't think we should hate these 17 people, even with race discrimination. They must have a reason to do this. So think about it before you speak out.
                      • #3014981
                      • 当然 I am so right, 何来什么So think about it ? 受了美国人的气, 却要报复平民, 自911以来,全世界都知道这是他们的理由-引用你的话就是They must have a reason!可惜这个理由连辩护律师也不好意思在法庭说出来
                        • If the US continues to rob other countries, 911 is just a beginning.....
                          • 如果老美继续欺负他们,他们就得继续攻击平民设施(加拿大也包括在内),911只是个开始,这已经是事实了,全世界会看电视会读报的人都知道, 有什么可争论的?只可惜在法庭上, 这开脱不了17人的罪行
                            • 只可惜在 Canadian 法庭上, 这开脱不了17人的Canadian罪行
      • 他们的信仰是有能量的
    • 我差点被炸死!!!
      • 你几楼?
      • 没事,中国人是炸不完的
    • I don't think we should continue this arguement. The reason why we came to Canada is that we want better quality of life, no politics related.
      We should not support or blame anyone who involved in a war. There is no abslute right and wrong. All we need to do is to protect ourself and loved ones and always look the bright side. Keep the politics away. All politicians and governements are liars and evils. Never believe them.
      • 恐怖活动都到家门口了您还不BLAME? 说实话我今天坐TTC真有点害怕.
      • agree with you. But maybe we can do more: bring the right wing government down or force them to bring our soldiers home.
        • On the contrary, what we should do is to make Conservative stay in power as long as possible, fight the terrorist as hard as possible, erase them from the earth once and for all.
      • piece of loser
        • Yes I have been being a loser since I immigrated into Canada. 在这里我们确实没有资格说谁对谁错.
          如果在中国, 我会大骂西方国家的残暴贪婪因为我在自己的祖国. 可在这里我没脸谴责或支持任何一方.唯一能做的就是保护好自己就行了.但我并不后悔移民.在决定移民的那一天就放弃了自己的政治观点.
          • 任何把平民目标作为攻击对象的人和组织都应该遭到谴责!像你这种事不关己高高挂起的人,直到恶事临头才会清醒!
            • 那你可谴责不过来啊.美军杀平民,连孕妇都不放过,还伪造现场.以色列在美国支持下更是肆无忌惮.这个人的世界就是弱肉强食.
              你觉得你在这里过的挺好,你也不想想你是多少个一天几美元干16小时的人供出来的啊.你让人家认命?人家就比你命贱? 你写个破PROGRAM凭什么就挣50美元一小时,而别人比你水平高的多才一个星期挣这么多? 不觉得自己已经是很幸运的人了还要谴责别人... 真没道德.
              • 美军中的是个案,而那些恐怖分子却是把袭击平民作为目标。
                • Killing thouands of citizens is 个案? Invading other countries for no reason is 个案? Don't just watch CNN, it is a bullshit! just like CCTV..
    • 所以俺一直强烈支持以色列的军事行动,一般支持美军在伊拉克、阿富汗的军事行动
      • ME TOO。只是觉得以色列顾虑过多,不能放开手脚, 美国也是
      • 看看,美帝洗脑的水平一点也不差!
        • 你懂得什么叫洗脑?!你的目的不外乎混淆概念,达到掩盖专制国家控制百姓思想的真实面目. 在言论自由的环境,同意其中一种观点都是各人的自己判断后的结果,而洗脑是对接受者实施强行思想灌输.比如在国内你有机会听到各种言论嘛.
          • you have no idea about how the US governemnt munipulates media like CNN.
            • Are u living in North America, boy? CNN is against Bush Administration media, should be you friend. I think you mean FoxNews though Canadian have no chance to watch.
              • hahahahaha
    • ANGRY
      1) No one force those people to stay here. If they do not like it, leave;
      2) If you choose to stay, and want to be a part of the community and enjoy the freedom, then be a good citizen;
      3) If you have something against the current government policy, say it, vote against it, use news media to express it, let ur friends and community know it. You DONT KILL PEOPLE and your fellow citizens. That's the most serious crime and should be punished with all means!
      4) There is no excuse whatsoever for anyone to kill innocent people. For those who support those 17 people, remember, YOU ARE THEIR TARGET as well!
      • Wo Kao, who do you think you are? hehehehe.....
        • just an average person to express my average opinion and exercise my right of free speech in this free forum.....
      • 说得好,这才是文明社会的行为准则
        • 这个所谓的"文明社会"是建立在别人的血肉之躯之上.还美什么?
          • 很正常,破坏和谐文明社会秩序者必然被消灭,比如象你这个人渣大SB
            • Your dirty words can only tell everybody that you are a rude, uneducated person living in low society. You are the person we should eliminate from our society.
    • 盖达首脑扎卡维在空袭行动中丧生-巴格达于6月8日传来的消息。扎卡维是伊拉克头号通缉犯,涉及许多自杀炸弹攻击、绑架和人质砍头事件。
      • 扎卡维上了时代杂志封面>>
    • 忽然想起如果当年八路军派人跑到东京扔个炸弹是不是也算是恐怖分子,是不是也应该谴责一下
      • 八路军不打老百姓,不要胡说八道。
        • 那是日本鬼子