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Memorable Quotes from the Movie

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛[H: Hostess  S: Sam Baldwin  A: Annie Reed]

H: Hello, Sam, this is Dr. Marsha Fieldstone on Network America.
If there was one question I was allowed to ask...

S: Oh go ahead.

H: People who truly loved once are far more likely to love
again. Sam, do you think there is someone out there you could
love as much as your wife?

S: Well, Dr. Marsha Fieldstone, it's hard to imagine.

H: Hmm... What are you going to do?

S: Well, I'm going to get out of bed every morning. Breath in
and out all day long, and then after a while I won’t have to
remind myself to get out of bed in the morning and breath in
and out. And then after a while, I won’t have to think about
how I had it great and perfect for a while.

H: Sam. Tell me what was so special about our wife?

S: Well, how long is your program? Oh, well, it was a million
tiny little things. When you added them all up it just meant
that we were supposed to be together. And I knew it. I knew it
the very first time I touched her. It's like coming home. Only
to no home I'd ever known. I was just taking her hand to help
her out of a car. And I knew it. It was like...

(He pauses. Simultaneously, Sam and Annie utter the same word.)

S&A: Magic.

H: Well folks, it's time to wrap it up. I'm Dr. Marsha Field-
stone in Chicago. And to all my listeners a magical and merry
Christmas. And to you, Sleepless in Seattle, we hope
you'll call again soon and let us know how it's going.

S: Oh you can count on it.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 想看Sleepless in Seattle,谁知道哪里可以看?
    • 我有VCD代过来得,我在BARRIE.
      • barrie在哪里?
        • 与YELLOW KNIFE 及WHITE HORSE成等边三角形。
          • 具体点??
            • 大雪天的,你真想去北极呀?404一直向北。
              • hohoho, I think Highway 400 is the better way.
                • You are right. Maybe you are in MISSISAUGA.
                  • No, I am in Toronto. But I drove to the north many times....;)
                    • 我现在还是纸上谈兵。明年肯定得溜哒一圈。
              • 为了能够看到自己心爱的Sleepless in Seattle,这点子雪算的了什么?
                • 啊?啊!
                • 放心,一个来小时就到,而且高速上肯定没雪。
                  • 放心,我没车,N个小时也到不了.还是去library book 吧..sigh
          • 找到了,N16,太远
            • 歇了吧?
        • 这个片子很好的!有空来北边滑雪!!
    • Rogers Video一定有,应该是7天的碟。
      • 那网上有没?
    • 好象心动了吧! hehe, Toronto Libary 有.
      • 心动不如行动,可是library不开门啊.
        • 明天开门, 连今晚都等不了? :-)
          • 可以先在网上book, 可能要等几天.
            • 连这样的老片都要book?好吧book,谢谢..:-)
              • 关键看你那个branch有没有, 没有的话就需要从其它branch调, 就要等几天, 有时候可能一两个星期.
                • 一两个星期太平常拉,我一年多前订的带子最近还陆续有来呢。
    • TV station recently just showed at least 2 times.
      • Memorable Quotes from the Movie
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛[H: Hostess  S: Sam Baldwin  A: Annie Reed]

        H: Hello, Sam, this is Dr. Marsha Fieldstone on Network America.
        If there was one question I was allowed to ask...

        S: Oh go ahead.

        H: People who truly loved once are far more likely to love
        again. Sam, do you think there is someone out there you could
        love as much as your wife?

        S: Well, Dr. Marsha Fieldstone, it's hard to imagine.

        H: Hmm... What are you going to do?

        S: Well, I'm going to get out of bed every morning. Breath in
        and out all day long, and then after a while I won’t have to
        remind myself to get out of bed in the morning and breath in
        and out. And then after a while, I won’t have to think about
        how I had it great and perfect for a while.

        H: Sam. Tell me what was so special about our wife?

        S: Well, how long is your program? Oh, well, it was a million
        tiny little things. When you added them all up it just meant
        that we were supposed to be together. And I knew it. I knew it
        the very first time I touched her. It's like coming home. Only
        to no home I'd ever known. I was just taking her hand to help
        her out of a car. And I knew it. It was like...

        (He pauses. Simultaneously, Sam and Annie utter the same word.)

        S&A: Magic.

        H: Well folks, it's time to wrap it up. I'm Dr. Marsha Field-
        stone in Chicago. And to all my listeners a magical and merry
        Christmas. And to you, Sleepless in Seattle, we hope
        you'll call again soon and let us know how it's going.

        S: Oh you can count on it.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我有VCD,带过来的。我在Midland/Finch.
    • city tv 前一阵有放。CITY TV经常放一些好片
    • 我在图书馆借过,可以网上预定。It's my wife's favorite :-)
    • you can download from me