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It should be worse if you're a landed immigrant.

If you do that,

1, Such behavior is criminal and subject to any applicable punishment by law;

2, You get a criminal history, that affects your future career and life.

3, You get huge trouble when you applying for mortgage, loan, financing your car, buying your home, buying car insurance....

4, If you were asked as a witness in the court for any legal case, the lawyer of the other party can dismiss your witness because of cheating history.
In conclusion, your rest of life may be surrounded by endless trouble, and you don't know when the next trouble will come!

Forget those cheating stuff... be a happy and honest person, and you find life is so lovely!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 申请学校时,大学成绩作假(假公章,私刻的),如果被发现,最严重的后果是什么?注:成绩只有3门更改,而且是从70多改成80多分.呜呜,去办理成绩,老师说这么差的成绩,没戏!因此才有这个想法的,(平均81分)
    • 可能是永不叙用吧。为什么要改,我觉得博不过。如果不是重要课程,特别是三四年级课程,最好保守一点。我就留了哲学和正经学60多。鬼佬不管政治吧
      • 1。这只是想法,还没去实现。2。我一年纪平均78分,二年纪平均81分,三年纪平均85分,4年纪平均78分,这样的成绩申请学校有戏吗?
    • 你真的很无耻,你还敢问,给抓到,我们的脸都给你丢光。
      • 如果被发现,只有一个后果,开除,回国,加拿大这辈子不会给你再发签证(除非你换名字换护照加整容)
        • 我是移民
          • 为什么不能踏踏实实的做人呢?凡事都有前因后果,人也总要对自己负责.
            如果你现在改乐成绩一切顺利的达到愿望,等将来被人发现,揭老底的时候,你要付出更多的代价来弥补,何必呢? 不是劝你,就此放弃自己的理想,总有一种老实本分的做法去实现的,还是踏实一些吧.
          • 没区别
          • It should be worse if you're a landed immigrant.
            If you do that,

            1, Such behavior is criminal and subject to any applicable punishment by law;

            2, You get a criminal history, that affects your future career and life.

            3, You get huge trouble when you applying for mortgage, loan, financing your car, buying your home, buying car insurance....

            4, If you were asked as a witness in the court for any legal case, the lawyer of the other party can dismiss your witness because of cheating history.
            In conclusion, your rest of life may be surrounded by endless trouble, and you don't know when the next trouble will come!

            Forget those cheating stuff... be a happy and honest person, and you find life is so lovely!
    • Please don't do that, as a normal man.
      • 其实。本来我没有这想法的,只是听到很多人都是这样办的,想想很不公平,又被老师刺激了一下,才有这念头的。
    • 我知道的就有十几个了
      • 我特别好奇,他们是怎么被发现的。我认识的一个同学,有4门不及格,平均分最多60多一点,出去时拿出来的成绩平均竟然90多,到现在也没被发现,硕士今年就读完了
        • 并不是每一个作假的人都会被怀疑或发现,但是作假之前你一定要想清楚,你是否afford的起,一旦被发现作假,北美所有的好学校和好公司都会对你关上门.虽然这个世界越来越轻视诚信,但我觉得诚实和守信永远是生命不可放弃的美德.
          • 他们到底是怎么被发现的?象中国国内如此官僚的学校制度,怎么会和外方学校合作的好?
    • 加拿大会越来越不相信中国人, 结果是个别人收益多数人遭殃. 我听说有人竟然在设计诈骗保险, 真不知会是什么后果.
      • 什么后果?这就是犯罪。该什么后果什么后果。
    • 实际上,,改3门课和改30门课,从70分改为80多分和从60分改为90分都没有任何本质上的区别,五十步笑100步而已.