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According to the Food and Drug Act Regulations, prescription medicines cannot be shipped to you from outside Canada.

However, in order to prevent delays or interrupt a course of treatment or other situations in which refusal of a shipment at the border could create a health risk, inspectors may allow entry of an initial 3-month supply of a drug, if the drug is packaged in hospital or pharmacy dispensed packaging. At this time, the recipient will be informed that all future shipments will be detained and that either a Canadian source should be used or that their doctor should obtain a foreign supply through the Special Access Programme for drugs not available in Canada.
For further
information Write:

Therapeutic Products Programme
Health Canada
Holland Cross, Tower B
1600 Scott Street, 2nd Floor
Address Locator 3102D1
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1B6

or visit our website:


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 真诚请教DX们:国内的亲人可以通过邮局给我寄药吗?
    • 可以,上个星期才收到家里的药。
      • 你家给你寄了很多药吗?我需要的量比较多,不知有无问题?
        • 药多分几次寄吧。我的不是很多,10盒以下
          • 马应龙还是荣昌? :-)
      • 国内寄药贵不贵?
        • 不用快寄和挂号,寄东西不是很贵
      • 你家给你寄药是和其它物品混在一起寄的吗?
        • 是。回上面的朋友,就是按照包裹寄的
          • 请问,到底有多贵呀?
            • 抱歉,国内的邮资。。。我现在不是很清楚
              • thank you anyway.
      • 包裹单上有没有注明有药品
        • 写:gift
    • 理论上不可以。我让家里人寄过一次常用药,温哥华海关在我的包裹中附了一封信,大意是如果需要什么什么药,而加拿大又没有,可以通过一个什么什么机构帮你从国外定购,这次就算了,下次就给你退回去,blah,blah,blah....
      • 可以告诉我那个机构的名称及电话吗?
        • According to the Food and Drug Act Regulations, prescription medicines cannot be shipped to you from outside Canada.
          However, in order to prevent delays or interrupt a course of treatment or other situations in which refusal of a shipment at the border could create a health risk, inspectors may allow entry of an initial 3-month supply of a drug, if the drug is packaged in hospital or pharmacy dispensed packaging. At this time, the recipient will be informed that all future shipments will be detained and that either a Canadian source should be used or that their doctor should obtain a foreign supply through the Special Access Programme for drugs not available in Canada.
          For further
          information Write:

          Therapeutic Products Programme
          Health Canada
          Holland Cross, Tower B
          1600 Scott Street, 2nd Floor
          Address Locator 3102D1
          Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1B6

          or visit our website:
